I’ve been seeing these posts on blogs lately and thought I would join in on the fun. It goes without saying that if I were having coffee with any of you, I would start with a big hug, a cup of caffe mocha, and you would see my awkwardness when I first meet someone on full display. It’s part of my charm, I suppose.
If we’re having a coffee date, I would begin our conversation by talking about how happy I am to have today off of work. I don’t take too many days off work for “me days” (I try to save up for vacations) but I felt like taking a day to myself. I would tell you that I don’t have anything too exciting planned for the day, but plan on sleeping in, knocking off a ton of to-do’s, and catching up on guest posts.
If we were having a coffee date, I would tell you my big, exciting news: my mom and I booked another cruise! Of course, you may think I am crazy for booking a cruise when Carnival is having so many issues but I’m not worried at all. I have no fear and am so excited that I’m going to be on a ship again in less than 6 weeks. My thoughts are if something happens, it happens. I’m not going to let the fear of what if stop me from doing something I love. I would tell you all I’m looking forward to: fruity drinks, afternoons spent lazily reading a book with the ocean in front of me, delicious dinners and even better desserts, time spent exploring tropical locations. I’m looking forward to time off work and completely escaping my life for five whole days.
If we were having a coffee date, I would admit I have been feeling very uninspired lately with my workouts. I would mention how I’m missing Best Body Bootcamp something fierce and how excited I am for it to start up in a little more than a week.
If we were having a coffee date, I would probably show you adorable pictures of my nephew playing t-ball and tell you how fun it is to watch him play. I would regale you with silly tales of his antics in the outfield and my eyes would shine bright with pride as I talk about him hitting the ball and running around the bases. I would tell you how much watching 4- to 6-year-olds learn to play baseball puts a smile on my face – especially after watching a 4-year-old moonwalk from third base to home plate.
If we were having a coffee date, we would definitely fall into the discussion of blogging. (How could we not?) We would chit-chat about bloggers we know and blogging in general. I would probably talk about a comment I received this week about how ridiculous it is to write letters to my future husband. Dear friend, you probably know how much these letters mean to me, how they are my heart and soul, and comments like these rip me apart. I try not to let negative comments affect me too much, but when you write vile, nasty things about something so important, so special, so pure and innocent… it breaks my heart.
If we were having a coffee date, I would tell you how ready I am to take the next step in my life. I would be honest and upfront that I know it’s my time to make a big change to my world. These past few years have been game-changers in how much I have learned about myself and my abilities. It’s time to rest in the knowledge that I am capable and stop letting the fear of the unknown chase away good opportunities.
Of course, a coffee date cannot be one-sided. If we were on a coffee date, what would you talk about?!
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you that people will attempt to break down others to make them feel better about themselves, and to never listen to the negativity of others’ misery. Let it all be white noise, because you’re doing great things for YOU. I would be happy for you taking time for yourself today, and would talk with you about what you want to do on your cruise.
If we were having coffee today, I would talk about how I haven’t been in the best place lately, because I haven’t had the time to get things done around the house, or had any “me” time. I would talk about how my dogs and my fiancΓ© are the beings that keep me from being sad on these days. I would talk about my fitness goals, and how I’ve pushed myself farther than I was capable and came out feeling better than I ever thought I would.
I firmly suggest taking a mental health day soon! Mine wasn’t anything special but I got a lot done and it was just nice to have a day to myself. (It helps that work is very slow right now so I didn’t feel too guilty about it!)
Who do I need to have a talking to about that comment they left you? It’s one thing to disagree with a point of view politely but it’s quite another to be hurtful, especially when there is NO NEED FOR IT. I am sorry that that happened to you, friend.
On another note: Moonwalking on the baseball field? Awesome.
Today I would tell you that I am not into the whole counting calories thing, even though I know I probably should. I would tell you I’m frustrated with my weight loss plateau (stuck at 5-6 pounds lost). I would tell you that I set a new weight loss goal that may be more realsitic and once I hit that one, I’ll move on from there. I would also tell you that I’m SO excited to see you in April. I can’t believe it’s going to happen =)
Weight loss plateaus. Ah, that’s been me this entire year! Of course, all the snacking I’ve been doing hasn’t helped but I do know that doing a new type of exercise helps to break that plateau!
I am so excited to see you in April, too! I can’t wait!!
If we were having a coffee date, I’d probably moan about how much my daughter moves these days and I can’t seem to keep up with her antics! I’ll also mention that I love her to death and that being a mom is the most amazing experience ever, and I wouldn’t change it.
And, if we were having a coffee date, I’d tell you that I’m jealous of your cruising because I desperately need/want a warm vacation! It’s currently snowing as I type this π
I wish I could whisk you away to Florida for a weekend! I mean, I’m buying beach gear already. Ha. I just can’t imagine being someplace where it’s MARCH and SNOWING. No. Just no. Hopefully the weather warms up for you soon!
If we were having coffee today, I’d be drinking water (ha.. okay jokes aside..) and I’d tell you that I’m excited for your big changes. Something about Spring makes us hopeful and want to take action! I’d tell you I have big changes on the horizon, too. Today was my last Physical Therapy appointment and this weekend I wrap up YTT! I’m so excited to wrap up these up and move on to new things!
If we were having coffee today, I’d tell you to not worry about what other people think or say, to do what makes you feel happy and complete.
Spring does have the tendency to make us want to make big changes and do big things, doesn’t it? I’m excited to see where life takes you next! Yay for finishing PT and YTT! π
Oh, I’d love to have coffee and talk about all these things with you.
I would also kindly ask which person I am allowed to kick in the butt for hurting you so badly this week… mean comments are so UNNECESSARY. Go read somewhere else, negative Nancy.
Hugs to you. And yay, a new cruise on the countdown!
Ah, thanks, San! Mean comments are very unnecessary and it shows the maturity level of the person. No matter. They aren’t worth it.
24 days of work left until my cruise. Not that I’m counting or anything… π
I’m afraid none of us would be available for coffee, because we’re all too busy kicking someone’s butt for being so cruel.
I LOVE your letters and please don’t ever stop them. I think it’s beautiful and the man who will one day read them will be a truly awesome guy.
And KUDOS to you and your cruise addiction. Between recently watching Life of Pi and the carnival fiasco, I’ve decided to stick to trains. π
Happy weekend! π
I’m looking forward to showing everyone that Carnival is still awesome! Haha. π But I totally understand why people would have their questions. I’m just too addicted to cruising that I’m willing to risk it.
Thanks for the support! I am planning a long email to this special person. I needed time to calm down from it first.
I love these posts. And I love coffee… So, this is all around excellent! I am ALL KINDS of excited and jealous about your cruise. HOW FUN! FIVE DAYS! π
If we were on a coffee date… We would probably be there for many, many hours, talking about absolutely everything. For real π
Duuuuuude. If we went on a coffee date… it would seriously be the longest coffee date ever. This comment reminds me it has been way too long since we’ve had a Skype date so, like, let’s remedy this soon, yeah? π
If we were having a coffee date I’d tell you how awesome this post idea is!
I want to have coffee with you! And I am crazy jealous you booked another cruise. I wish I lived somewhere where I didn’t have to FLY to get to a cruise. I’d go on so many more. The airfare is AWFUL.
My mom and I were looking into a vacation in Puerto Rico or Jamaica but the airfare to get there was crazy! (Puerto Rico wasn’t too bad but Jamaica’s was nuts.) I was like, “I can go on a week-long cruise for less than airfare to get to Jamaica!” Ha. I am very, very lucky to live within driving distance of so many ports!
Lauren Michelle
If we were on a coffee date, we’d probably just talk about everything we talk about in our emails. π
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
I love that we both did virtual coffee date posts on Friday! That is great that you took a day off for yourself. I did that the previous week and it was so good for me!
If we had a coffee date I’d tell you that I am totally over winter and that I feel like mother nature is making winter especially long and awful in Minnesota to make Charlotte look more appealing. I’d tell you that I feel really unprepared for my move since I haven’t packed anything (and won’t have to since a moving company packs me). I’d tell you that I am scared for my one way flight to Charlotte on April 7th as I think I am going to be a complete crying mess.
I really, really wish we could have a coffee date if only so I could give you a big hug. I know that plane ride is going to be really hard and I’m sorry you have to go through all this. I’m still crossing my fingers Charlotte turns out better than you expected. Thinking of you!
Travel Spot
Ah, I love little kids and sports; they are so cute! I didn’t start little league until I was about 10 or 11, so I was really mature by then. You know.
I would tell you, and you can probably relate, how glad I am to not live in a place where it’s snowing right now. I would ask you where you are going on your cruise and I would be excited for you and would want to hear all about your plans.
I would tell you that I am tired and that I really can’t believe it is Monday already, because I need a break from the weekend. I would tell you how excited I am for THIS weekend, which will include a baseball game, time with family and lots of outdoor time.
I’m trying not to complain about how cold it is in Florida (in the low 40’s this morning. BRR!) because what I’m feeling is basically tropical for those in the Midwest. HA. I can barely handle this weather so I would be a mess if I lived in an actual cold climate!