Last week, Kathleen tagged me in this fun little meme and since I love doing question-and-answer type posts, I thought I would play along today. Feel free to fill this out on your own blog or answer in the comments!
1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Usually, I’ll check my email on my phone and check my notifications. The first thing I do after getting out of bed is going to the bathroom and taking Dutch on a morning walk.
2. What do you eat for breakfast?
Lately, it’s been string cheese and a big bowl of fruit salad (my favorite mixture: watermelon, strawberries, and pineapple!). I’ll also have a hard-boiled egg 1-2 hours later.
3. What’s your go-to weeknight meal?
I love leftovers and I don’t love cooking, so I try to only make 1-2 actual meals a week. An easy weeknight meal that I’ve been having lately is baked chicken nuggets which are super easy to make and delicious.
4. Do you do any kind of journaling or memory keeping?
Aside from my blog, no. I’ve tried to start journaling, just to get things out of my head that I can’t (won’t?) talk about on my blog, but I’m not very good about remembering to do so.
5. How do you fix your coffee, or do you prefer tea (or neither)?
Usually with two creamers and a sprinkle of sugar. Or as a Frappuccino, which is my preferred way to take my coffee, albeit not a very healthy way.
6. What’s the last good book you read?
Oh, I really loved Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. I read it during my cruise and it was such a sweet, cute read. I definitely recommend it!
7. If you had a day all to yourself with no schedule, how would you spend it?
I would be the laziest. It would be embarrassing to even write it down because it would just involve a lot of napping, reading, and binge-watching TV shows.
8. What are three things on your life list?
Travel to Europe, get a tattoo, and skydive.
9. When you really need to relax or de-stress, where do you go and what do you do?
A nice, long bubble bath helps. Settling down with a good book. If it’s work or having so much on my plate that’s stressing me out, writing out a long to-do list helps me to see the big picture and start knocking off tasks. And if I’m stressed out about a situation, talking helps tremendously. My mom is the absolute best at helping me talk through my stress and realize what I’m freaking out about isn’t a big deal, probably because we are so eerily similar that she understands what I’m going through firsthand.
10. What’s on your nightstand?
I have a coconut that I bought on a cruise that’s filled with coins, an old-fashioned alarm clock, a lamp, a rolled-up shopping bag, and the current book I’m reading.
11. What’s the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
I set my alarm (I love to Sleep Cycle app!) and I make sure Dutch is in a comfortable spot. He likes to burrow under the covers with me, so I just make sure he’s a) giving me enough room to sleep (he likes to stretch out length-wise across the bed sometimes) and b) has enough air.
What’s the last good book you read? What are three things on your life list?
Fun! Last good book(s) I read: Vintage by Susan Gloss and A Place at the Table (can’t remember the author). And frappuchinos are totally healthy! 🙂
The Selection series was amazing for me. Otherwise it’s been a bit of a book rut, ugh.
Thanks for playing along! I’m excited about that chicken nugget recipe you shared. My daughter loves them but I feel guilty giving her the processed kind. I bet those would be husband-approved too. 🙂
I, too, am excited about the chicken nugget recipe. Will have to try making those for the kidlets this summer!
I finally (FINALLY) finished Wild by Cheryl Strayed. There were times that I thought it dragged, but overall I really liked it.
Life list: travel to Japan and South America, continue my education in some way (not sure how yet), have kids.
The last really awesome book I read was Pillars of the Earth. It was a doozy of a book at over 1,000 pages but I was really committed to the characters by the end and probably thought about them for at least a week after I finished that book!
Oh this is cute! I actually finished the third book in a series earlier today that I LOVE. One of those books I wish never ended 🙁 It’s called Cress by Marissa Meyer. My current top 3 on my life list: travel to Asia, get a tattoo, get my driver’s license
The last 5-star book I read was Burial Rites, but I also really loved the book Vintage which was a lighter read which Nora reviewed on her blog this winter. 3 things on my life list are be 100% debt free, climb macchu pichu and spend a month in France.