I’m documenting my life in a series of “Week in the Life” posts. I hope everyone enjoys this little peek into my day-to-day! Read all about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Sunday’s story begins at 2:00 a.m., which is when Dutch finally got off the couch and came into my room. “Stephany,” you may be asking, “Why didn’t you just bring him into your room when you went to bed?” Very good question, my friends. Because Dutch was feeling mean when I went to bed and when I tried to pick him up so I could carry him from the couch and to my bed, he tried to bite me. This is his nighttime M.O. He’s gotten me real good before, so I’ve learned my lesson and let him be when he’s feeling mean.
Anyway, he was back to being Sweet Dutch at this time, so I picked him up and put him on my bed and we slept until about 7 a.m.
Once up, we took a long walk and then snuggled on the couch while I read my book. Around 8:30, I got ready and left to meet my friend at Starbucks for our weekly writing date.
I was super stoked to see that peppermint mochas are back at Starbucks! YAY! They were also playing Christmas music and you know, I didn’t hate it. I’m ready for some Christmas cheer! I bought a blueberry muffin and a peppermint mocha Frappuccino, chatted with my friend for a little bit, and then got to work.
I escaped from my story nearly two hours later, having written over 2,300 words. It was a successful morning of writing and I have to say how much I am enjoying the writing process for my novel. I have lots of thoughts and feelings I’ll save for a separate blog post (you know, after I win NaNoWriMo this year!), but suffice it to say, it’s been such a fun time and I can’t wait for the day I can do this for a living.
We finished up our writing date around 11:15 and I took care of two errands (dropping a whole backseat full of donations at Goodwill and dropping my Postal Book Club book in the mail) before picking up a sub for lunch and making my way back home.
I got home around 12:45 and took Dutch on his second long walk for the day. I’m experimenting with taking the little dude on longer walks, 10-15 minutes in length, thinking maybe he’s not getting “everything out” with his shorter walks. It seems to be helping. And this concludes Ponderings About My Dog’s Pee Problems.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and not doing much! I love, love, love lazy Sundays. I really try hard to keep my Sundays free of plans as much as I can because I feel like it helps me to better ease back into the work week.
I turned football on, ate lunch, and then just puttered around the apartment, getting things done. I finished my book (easily the best book I’ve read this year and probably even in my top three of all-time), took a short nap, started a new book, read some blogs and caught up on the online forums I follow.
After watching the disappointing ending to the Giants/Patriots game, I took Dutch on a long walk and then caught up on How to Get Away with Murder while eating dinner (pizza leftovers!).
I decided I needed to take care of some adulting tasks (mainly bill paying and budgeting), which I did while watching Sunday Night Football. Around 10:30, I took a bath and then wrote this post while watching the end of the football game.
I didn’t get to bed until about midnight, which is super late for a “school night” but oh well. It happens!
Some thoughts: This concludes my “Week in the Life” series! I really enjoyed doing it this year, even though my week was not all that exciting. But I think that’s the beauty of this project. It gives people a peek into everyday living. It allows people to learn about someone’s routines and habits and needs. We get to see the mundane, little moments of someone’s life – these are the moments that so easily escape our memory, but when we’re living in them, they mean so much. I’m happy I did this project again, and I am definitely planning on doing it again next year.
Do you prefer busy Sundays or lazy ones?
I am glad that you liked The Martian so much! I really enjoyed the book, which totally surprised me as books like that are typically not my thing! I just loved Mark Whatney and thought he was hilarious!
I prefer quiet Sundays that are a bit productive and include tasks like laundry and meal prep. Saturday was crazy busy but Sunday was less chaotic. I ran and helped Phil rake and bag leaves (which was such a workout but also fun). I was home for the rest of the day and got a lot of stuff done around my condo that I’ve been meaning to do, and I video chatted with the lovely Nora which was great!!
I definitely prefer lazy Sundays over busy ones. Time to relax, recharge, rejuvinate at home – nothing compares to that! Yesterday was quite a busy day in an overall busy weekend…I completed a number of cleaning chores and then my boyfriend and I jumped right in to preparing a lovely dinner for his sister and her husband who came over in the evening. I am perpetually conflicted about hosting get-togethers, including small ones: I enjoy the company but do not prefer the prep and clean-up.
It was lovely reading your Week in the Life posts. Taking a peek into the everyday life of others is intriguing, and allows you to appreciate the beauty and joy in your own daily life :).
The Martian was a good book! I really enjoyed it, even though I was on edge for the last 50 pages of it.
My Sundays have been a mix of lazy + busy, if that makes sense? Mornings are a bit lazy, afternoons/evenings have been busier. Yesterday I worked out, went grocery shopping, made cookies (dark chocolate cookies n’ creme), prepped lunch for today, did some housework, chatted with lisa, went to a friend’s house for dinner and then watched Spy when we got home. I then read in bed for a bit until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer! The next few weeks are really busy so I kind of wish yesterday was more chill, but so it goes.
This was a fun glimpse into your week 🙂
I definitely prefer lazy Sundays over busy ones… I always try to get all of my errands out of the way before Sunday!
I loved this series and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who has uneventful days.
Lazy Sundays foreverrrrr.
I think I may do one of these soon…
I loved reading about your week (though I still have some days to catch up on). Maybe if I get back into blogging, I can do one of these and it will jump-start my habit again.
I’m still torn on whether I like busy Sundays or lazy ones. I’ve tried both in an effort to get rid of my Sunday Night Blues, but I’m not sure. If I do nothing, then it feels wasted. If I do too much, then it goes by too fast and I feel like I had no time to relax. I feel like I need a balance – I can’t be out and about all day long, but running a few errands or cleaning up the apartment is better than lounging all day long.
I loved reading all your week in the life and writing my own. I find it fun and interesting to peek into someone else’s day-to-day!
I loved The Martian too! No character development at all, but the plot was so great and it was just flat out delightful to read. I try to be super productive at home on Saturdays so I can rest on Sunday. It really does help me feel ready for the week.