Happy last day of March and the end of the first quarter of 2021. It feels like so much has changed over these last three months, not the least of which is that it really feels like we’re nearing the end of this COVID nightmare. Not that any of us should stop all of the precautions we’ve been taking over the last year. Keep wearing your masks and staying home as much as possible—we’re definitely not out of this yet. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, faint as it may be.
I set 10 goals for March and I completed 5/10 of them. I’m happy with that progress, although I was hoping for a bit more success.
1) Log 10 Peloton workouts. Complete! (I logged my 10th workout this morning—just in the nick of time.) I did 7 spin workouts and 3 strength workouts this month.
2) Start using MyFitnessPal to record what I’m eating. Not complete. I didn’t open the app once in March.
3) Dust off my Fitbit and log 3,000 steps every day. I completed this 28/31 days (well, provided I finish out the month strong) so I’m considering this a success.
4) Become Google Analytics certified. Not complete. I got through one unit and have three more to go.
5) Spend less than $100 on personal purchases. Complete! I spent $83 this month (I didn’t count my Stitch Fix order as part of this goal) and I’m really proud of myself for sticking to my spending limit. It meant I was able to pay off my credit card (my balance had gotten a little scary between my sectional purchase, my bi-yearly car insurance payment, and other odds and ends) and put $1,000 away in savings.
6) Schedule a car checkup. Not complete, but only because my car isn’t due for an oil change just yet. (I wanted to combine the car checkup with the oil change.) A goal for next month!
7) Play with the cats every day. Not complete. I did this a few times each week, but definitely not daily like I wanted to.
8) Go on a date. Not complete. I barely even opened my dating app this month! I think I might wait until I’m fully vaccinated to venture back into the dating world.
9) Wash and vacuum my car. Complete! I did this on Sunday and it has made a dramatic difference, lol. I even wiped down the interior and cleaned the inside of the windows. I need to do this on a quarterly basis because the happiness I feel every time I get into my clean car is so worth it.
10) Cancel my gym membership. Okay, so I haven’t done this yet but it’s on my list to do today! I will follow up on my Friday wrap-up post if I actually made this happen.
April Goals
1) Schedule a car checkup. Rollover goal.
2) Walk 4,000 steps every day. I’m upping the ante on my daily step goal with 4,000 steps. This will necessitate at least a 15-20 minute walk outside every day. (Which isn’t much to ask of myself!)
3) Become Google Analytics certified. Rollover goal.
4) Drink water with dinner every night. I’m struggling with my goal to make water drinking a regular habit, so I’m hoping this will help.
5) Start using MyFitnessPal to track what I’m eating. Rollover goal.
6) Get my COVID vaccine! Yesssss. By this time next month, I will have had both of my vaccines and on my way to being fully vaccinated.
7) Log 10 Peloton workouts. This seems like a good goal for me right now. It’s just challenging enough without feeling too far out of reach if I miss a workout during the week.
8) Create a daily schedule to use Monday-Thursday. I like the idea of giving myself a schedule that gives me a specific routine to go through during the day. Like, this is the time I will wake up. Here is when I will take my first work break. Here is when I will go outside for a walk. I will stop working at this time. I will start my evening routine at this time. Etc. So we’ll see if this works for me this month!
9) Rearrange my desk. Even with my room-darkening curtains and ring light, I’m still not well-lit during my video calls. It’s driving me crazy! I want to rearrange my desk so that I’m next to/slightly in front of the window rather than directly behind it. I think it should help. And it will allow the girls to have a sunny place to nap during the day, so it’s a win/win for all of us.
10) Do a Goodwill drop. I’ve had two bags of Goodwill donations sitting in the back of my car for… months. Maybe if I make this a goal, I’ll actually drop them off?
Do you have any goals for April?
I go back to work at the end of April so that is heavy on my mind right now. I have mixed feelings but am mostly looking forward to it. I know from my last leave that I just need to strategically use vacation time to make up for not seeing much of the baby (he will go to bed so soon after we get home). So preparing to return to work is my focus for April. And we are having Will baptized. It will just be the grandparents, godparents and us so a small gathering. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough to be outdoors! Paul got baptized on 4/15/18 and we got 16” of snow!!! Hoping for warmer weather for Will!!
I have becoming GA certified as one of my work goals for this year but man they change GA so much it seems like an uphill battle! How is it so far?
So great you are having you vaccines done this month. I still have a while to wait to get mine unfortunately. Also the Google analytics certificate sounds interesting – I always strufgle when logging in and trying to find anything. All the best with your goals in April. I have set a few myself too one being to pick up my Spanish learning practice.
You rocked the workouts and the steps, which is awesome. Sorry that MFP continues to be a challenge… is there some other app you could use instead? I don’t know if any of them are truly user friendly. And, I cannot fathom dating in a COVID / post-COVID world. On the other hand, finding out whether a potential date is also attuned to the risks could be one way of weeding out the thanks-but-no-thanks crowd. 😉
I’ve been thinking about rearranging my work area as well – although I don’t really have the option to move closer to a window. But I think in your case, facing the window will definitely help with video-call lighting issues.
You have some good goals. I’ve been tracking my food intake with Paypal for well over a year now. If you do it right after you eat (or at a fixed time each evening), it’ll become a habit in no time!