Back at the beginning of January, I made a slew of resolutions to carry me into 2012. I have wanted to do a check-in on how I’m progressing (because, frankly, I forgot what most of those goals were!) but time has gotten away from me. Never fear! A check-in post is here!
Health and Fitness
> Get to my happy weight (ideally 115 lbs). I have made no progress on this front. It’s disappointing, but all I can do is keep moving forward and trying. I’m determined to take this goal off my resolutions list!
> Run an entire 5K in under 36 minutes. My first 5K of 2012 is coming up soon in April! I don’t hold out much hope I’ll make this goal, but you never know. I’ve been running, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier.
> Exercise 4-5 times a week. Killing. This. Goal.
> End my addiction to soda. Almost! I hesitate to mark it as complete just yet but I am in a much better place today than I was three months ago. It’s exciting!
> Get up-to-date on all doctor visits. I have my first dentist appointment since 2008 scheduled for Monday (and hopefully a visit to an oral surgeon to schedule my wisdom teeth removal surgery! Oh fun.) and I’m planning on making an appointment with a family physician tomorrow. Moving along with this one, albeit slowly.
> Give blood at least three times (1/3). My office park hosts a Bloodmobile once a month so I went in January to try to give blood but my iron was too low. Yesterday, I tried again and while my left finger’s iron count was too low (at 12), my right finger was right on the money at 12.5! Still pretty low, but enough for me to donate. It was my first time doing so and while I’m not going to say it’s fun, I’m very happy I was able to donate.
> Run the Turkey Trot 10K in November. Run the Women’s Magazine Half-Marathon in November. This is a new goal. I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it just yet. (Remember this? And this? Third time’s a charm?)
> Pay off all credit card debt. Mostly there. I paid off my biggest credit card in January and the card is now off my credit history. HALLELUJAH! Now I only have two cards, a $800 limit total between the two. Neither is completely paid off, but my Target credit card will be in two more payments.
> Try as best I can to never keep a balance from month to month on my two credit cards. Failing miserably.
> Pay off my ER bill. Failing miserably.
> Set aside 5% of every paycheck into my savings account. Failing miserably. I get paid tomorrow. I am starting this goal from here on out. It’s ridiculous that I don’t have anything in my savings!
Blogging/Social Media
> Switch Stephany Writes to self-hosted WordPress, with a brand new design. Done and done! So proud and happy with my new set-up here.
> Take one break from all media once a month, whether it be for a day, a weekend, or a month (3/12). I took a weekend off in January, one day in February, and just took last weekend off from social media. It’s refreshing to get away and not constantly think of what you want to tweet next! Highly recommend this.
> Have a weekend away with special blogging friends. I’ve made slight progress on this but really want to get the ball rolling on a weekend away sometime this fall.
> Write and edit a novel. No progress made.
> Read one non-fiction book a month (2/12). So far, I’ve finished What Women Fear and Cinderella Ate My Daughter, and I’m currently reading Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? Doing very well on this goal! (I can’t yet give my recommendation for the last book but highly recommend the first two!)
> Read 75 books (20/75). Actually kicking butt at this goal! I’m ahead of schedule, thanks to January and February being months where I read like a crazy woman. March has been a slower month but I’m still ahead of the game.
> Fly on an airplane. Not yet completed, but if my blogger’s weekend works out, I may get my chance then!
> Fully immerse myself in the online dating world. I have been meaning to start a profile on Match or eHarmony but haven’t gotten around to it. But it’s something I need to do if only to show myself I can put myself out there.
> Find my faith again. I’ve been hesitant to write too much about my faith lately, but I think it’s time I do. A lot has happened since January. And I think I’m finally understanding who I am in Christ again. It’s thrilling.
> Join a book club, Bible study, or some type of social group. Success! I have joined a Bible study and we’re currently in our second series. My mom is in the same Bible study (it’s a woman’s Bible study, for all ages) and I feel so comfortable and accepted there, much more so than when I tried out a twenty-something singles group. I would still like to join a “live” book club but haven’t gone looking for one just yet.
All in all, doing very well on my goals for this year! I’ll admit I forgot about most of them, but I see I’ve done pretty well considering. What I want to focus on now is my money goals, writing, and getting more involved in the online dating world. But not too shabby for my first check-in!
Did you make resolutions or goals for this year?
Oh, I so need to do this, I think I have forgotten half my resolutions!
Seems like you are doing pretty well actually with yours, well done!!!
I think you’re doing really well so far! And now with your sugar-free diet, you should be able to jump start your healthy eating lifestyle. That’ll get you a lot further too.
So much good progress. And reading 75 books this year? That’s awesome. So is hitting the gym as much as you have been. BTW, I have helped friends write their match & eHarmony profiles before. So if you need someone to glance at it, I’m totally willing to help.
I think I made the same resolutions I’ve been making for two years – stretch, work out, eat better, ditch soda (except for maybe two or three times a month), write my book, and read more classic novels. I’m really, really hoping that once I graduate I’ll actually have time to do all this. But it sounds like you’re doing good considering all the goals you made for yourself. Keep chugging, you’ll get there!
I think you are doing a really good job on these goals. And the year isn’t even 1/4 over with yet! You’ve done especially well on the finance goals! I, too, have done well on mine. My medical bills are paid off, as is the credit card I have been meaning to pay off. It feels so good and liberating to be debt free again (well besides my massive student loans and mortgage). I am anal about planning what i will do with each pay check, too. But I like the sense of control it gives me!!