It went by in a flash, but it was easily one of the best weeks of my life. There’s always this enveloping feeling of happiness and rightness and peace when I’m on a cruise ship as if it’s where I’m meant to be all along. So much happened this week: lots of laughs and adventures and afternoon naps and time in the sunshine. I wanted to be outside and in the sun as much as possible since so much of my life is spent inside. Usually, when I recap my cruises, I only talk about my time spent in the ports of call and leave out everything that happens on the ship itself but this time around, I’m going to do a daily recap of everything I did.
Let’s jump right into the first day of my cruise: Monday!
Check-in was a breeze. It probably took us no longer than 30 minutes from the time our driver dropped us off in front of the port until we were on the ship. Sometimes, it can take an hour or more but we got there as early as possible to avoid delays (and we just wanted to be on the ship already!). When we were checked in, we were informed our rooms were ready for us so once we were on the ship, we headed straight to our room.
We had the perfect room that was right next to the elevator and in the middle of the ship. It was in the perfect location! Our room was very similar to the room layout we had on our first cruise, so it was spacious enough. We unpacked and then headed out to the lido deck to have lunch.
Lunch was good, but what was the best was buying my first mango swirl of the cruise! It was just as delicious as I remember.
A little after 4pm, the ship began to leave Tampa. I wrote down in my Notes app on my iPhone how I was feeling at that moment in time, because I wanted to capture the essence of my thoughts as they were happening: “It’s hard to describe my feelings right now. Excitement for what lies ahead. A little anxiety, which is normal for me. Nothing debilitating but there. And just complete happiness about being on a cruise again. I’m just so, so happy and at peace and in my element on a cruise ship.”
We were able to snag a great spot on Serenity and were able to watch Tampa grow tinier and tinier as we began our travels to Grand Cayman. We would be sailing for a day and a half before seeing land again, but I wasn’t sad to see it all go. My phone was on airplane mode, I was stretched out on a deck chair with my Kindle in hand, and I was ready for my vacation to start.
We stayed out on the Serenity deck until 6:30 and were able to watch as we passed under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Such a great landmark! We got ready for dinner pretty quickly, so we tried to go to the top deck to play a game of putt-putt golf but it was so windy and just not fun at all, so we quit after one hole. Actually, not even one hole. After about two putts, we realized it was impossible to play at all so we handed in our clubs and found a window seat inside, where we could people-watch and listen to music while waiting for our dining time.
At dinner, we were seated with 4 other couples and at first, I was really, really upset at who we were seated with. They didn’t seem very friendly and I was the youngest one there by at least 25 years so I felt out of place. I was very unhappy with Carnival’s selection of who to seat us with! Where were all the young people at?!
HOO BOY, was I wrong! This group was the best, friendliest, funniest group I have ever been seated with. I was always excited to come to dinner for what new antics would lay in store for us. At this dinner, we mostly talked about our cruising experience (one of the couples has been on 14 cruises!) and life at home. There were some really hilarious moments, such as when the wife of one couple opened her purse to set out hot sauce, cayenne pepper, and garlic pepper for her husband and her to season their food with. Their own pantry in her purse, it seems!
We also quickly learned that one of our tablemates, Z., is not a fan of his food touching each other on his plate. At all. Every night, we would watch in amusement as he received his dinner plate and then would spend time pushing each food on his plate to its own section so it wasn’t touching. When someone remarked that food usually ends up touching anyway, he shot back with, “They can touch at the end, but it doesn’t mean they have to hold hands on the way there!” Touché, Z., touché.
Everyone was also shocked when they found out we were mother and daughter. They were convinced we were sisters or friends and our nicknames became the “Sisters” anyway. Ha! (Although, I later learned everyone at the table thought I was still in high school. SO.)
Our first dinner turned out to be such a fun time and I quickly reversed my opinion that the dinners were going to be awful. After dinner, we headed over to the Normandie Lounge, where most of the shows aboard would be held. This was the “Welcome Aboard” show, which would give us a taste of everything that would be happening entertainment-wise while we were on the ship.
Oh, man. This show was so cheesy. The outfits were horrible, the dancing wasn’t very good, and it was just very hard to watch. I remember someone talking about how cheesy Carnival cruises are and I never agreed with her until I saw this show. Luckily, we only had to endure the dancing and singing for a short time before the cruise director (seriously, the goofiest man I have ever seen! I adored him!) came on to talk about what would be happening this week. There wasn’t any new information, but once he was done, the comedians came on to give short teaser performances to entice us to see their shows. I was crying from laughter and couldn’t wait to see their whole show!
After that show, we walked over to the Queen Mary Lounge where the Punchliner Comedy Club would be held every night. On this night, it was the adults-only comedy and the male comic. It was pretty good, though he mostly picked on people from the audience. It was all in good fun, though, and everyone was a good sport about it. The comedy was tamer than I imagined and it was just a really fun time.
It was a little after midnight by then and it had been a busy, busy day for us so we were ready to get to our room, into our PJs, and off to dreamland. A relaxing day at sea awaited us in the morning!
That sounds like a great day! I often have a bad first impression (or attitude) about people in the beginning but I end up really liking them in the end! Sometimes you need to get past that “break the ice” phase and dig into the people behind the front.
I am the same way! I think I’m just distrustful of people at first, ha, so it takes me a while to warm up to people. Those first few moments at dinner can always be very awkward with everyone sizing everyone else up. I’m just glad my group turned out to be awesome!
I’m glad you ended up liking your tablemates, but I have a question, O Wise Cruise Expert. 😉 Do you HAVE to eat with the same people the entire time? What if you ended up meeting really cool people during the day and want to eat with them? Does that mean you can’t?
In a nutshell, yes. I’ve only cruised with Carnival so perhaps it is different with other cruise lines but on Carnival, you pick a certain time to eat: 6PM, 8:15PM, or you can choose “anytime dining” where you can eat anytime between 5:45PM and 9:30PM in a separate dining room. Usually, they will seat you with strangers (they fill up one whole table, which usually seats 10 people, before moving on to the next table) so basically, every night you would be seated with a different group of people. (Unless you’re with a big group.) Of course, if you had chosen anytime dining, you can meet up with these cool people and eat with them but if you have an assigned dining time, you can’t eat in the “anytime dining” dining room.
The buffet is also open to eat dinner at (though I’m not a huge fan of the food…) so you can skip all of that to eat in your bathing suit on lido deck, if you want something more casual.
So that is my long-winded way of saying “no, you can’t eat with them.” Ha! I’m actually a fan of eating in the dining room because the service is usually excellent and the food is DELISH. And the desserts! THE DESSERTS! So worth it for the desserts. 😉
That dessert looks amazing. Sounds like the perfect way to start the cruise (apart from the windy golf and cheesy singing/dancing!). The one cruise I went on had the best comedians. For the longest time out of college I wanted to work on a cruise ship, until I realized how dark and tiny the room I would have to sleep in was going to be.
Warm Chocolate Melting Cake! The best thing EVER. 🙂
With how much I love cruising, I keep going back to thinking about working for a cruise line but then I think it would ruin the magic of it. I like it as a vacation… not so sure I would be so keen on it if it was more work than play! 😉
Can’t wait to read more!
You look amazing with bangs.
Thank you! It was quite exciting to make the plunge full-force into bangs and I’m finding I love them. 🙂
Pictures!!! I love the pictures! It sounds like you had such a wonderful time and you’ve definitely made me curious about taking a cruise!
Oh, you definitely, definitely should. For me, it’s super affordable since I live 15 minutes from the Tampa port but I just find them to be such a fun, relaxing way to vacation!
Sounds like a wonderful first day! That is funny about your table mate who didn’t like his food to touch! Love his comment about it not having to hold hands on the way down. Too funny!
Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!
Sounds like you were really, truly thrilled to be back on that cruise ship! 🙂
Carnival definitely has some cheesy shows on their older ships. They are slowly rolling out Fun Ship 2.0 which really beefs up their entertainment. Paradise is going in 2015.