Week two went a whole lot better than week one. While I suffered through some cravings, I learned that the world will not cave in if I don’t have chocolate every day, soda isn’t my biggest downfall anymore, and most importantly how to eat to live, not live to eat.
For the longest time, I have struggled with food addiction. It seemed as if it was all I thought about. I would be thinking about what I was having for dinner at 9:00 in the morning! I was constantly debating cheating on my diet by having Chick-Fil-A for lunch. I was eating cookies and candy like it was my job and didn’t know how to stop it. I didn’t think it was possible for me to go one day without chocolate, or more than a few days without a soda. This week, aside from three sugar-free Fudgsicles (i.e., not the chocolate I’m really craving/used to) and half a bottle of Cherry Coke Zero, I went chocolate and soda-free. I didn’t even realize this until Friday when I sat down and thought about it.
It’s amazing what you actually can do when you release the limitations you place yourself under.
It’s obvious I have a hard time trusting and believing in myself. It’s where all my anxiety stems from. Every time I submit a work project or go for a run, I’m constantly battling the anxiety demon, mocking me and telling myself I am not good enough. Some days, I feel eaten alive by all the anxiety I’m battling. But what this whole process is showing me is how capable I am. I am capable of taking my biggest sources of struggle and defeating them.
I am a capable woman and even if I do battle a food addiction, I have shown myself I can attack it from all sides and defeat it. While food plays just one part of my life, I believe I can take what I’m learning here and apply it to all aspects of my life.
I craved a lot of bad foods this week and for the most part, I acknowledged the craving and tried to figure out where it was coming from. Why was I craving junk? In most cases, it wasn’t a real craving but a Yo-Steph-This-Is-How-You-Used-to-Eat-Your-Mind-Misses-It type of craving. I’m just so used to cheating on my diet that not letting myself get broken down by my cravings? That’s a new experience. But with each one that came, it passed. Once I took my mind off it, once I settled myself down and reminded myself why I was doing this, the craving would cease.
Every day, it gets a little easier. Not easy. No. It is not easy at all. It is hard, tough work. But my mind and body are slowly getting used to living on little sugar.
I really want to start tracking again using My Fitness Pal, since I’ve used the past two weeks to just learn how to eat and fuel in a completely different way, but now it’s time to crack down and get super serious about how much I’m consuming.
Who’s ready for some results?
Starting Weight/Inches (taken on 3/18/12) | Current Weight/Inches (taken on 3/31/12) | Total Loss | |
Weight: | 154.4 lbs | 149.2 lbs | 5.2 lbs |
Left Arm: | 13 in. | 13 in. | 0 in. |
Right Arm: | 12 in. | 11.5 in. | .5 in. |
Chest: | 37 in. | 36.5 in. | .5 in. |
Waist: | 39 in. | 38 in. | 1 in. |
Hips: | 36 in. | 35 in. | 1 in. |
Left Thigh: | 22.5 in. | 22 in. | .5 in. |
Right Thigh: | 23 in. | 22 in. | 1 in. |
Another fabulous week! I’ve lost a total of 4.5 inches around my body in the past two weeks, which is amazing. I didn’t exercise as much as I wanted to and I want to implement more strength training to help tone up my arms, shoulders, and thighs but I’m still very happy with my results. I can’t wait to see what Week 3 brings me!
On a completely unrelated note! Lauren, you are the winner of my giveaway, a free copy of Illusion by Frank Peretti. Email me with your address and I’ll put the book in the mail this week. So excited for you!
You are doing such an awesome job! I love hearing about your progress! I can’t wait to see the difference 6 weeks from now. 🙂
Wow, you are really doing well. I think that you really hit the nail on the head when you said: “In most cases, it wasn’t a real craving but a Yo-Steph-This-Is-How-You-Used-to-Eat-Your-Mind-Misses-It type of craving.”
We are oftentimes in a habit that we can’t break, whether it’s getting up at a certain time, eating a certain thing, watching a certain TV show… it’s HARD to make changes, but sometimes when you do, you look back and wonder why you were doing this thing for so long because you didn’t REALLY need it, you only were USED to doing it/having it. Keep up the good work!
Happy to hear you’re still going strong! This seems to be working so well for you. Sometimes these limitations are exactly what you need to jump start healthy living. Good job!
From memory I remember more .5 increments from last week and now there are more 1.0 increments!! HOW EXCITING.
You are doing it!
Woohoo! Thanks Steph! 🙂 By the way, you’re doing a lot better with your sugar challenge than I’d be able to do. Keep at it!
You go girl!! Seriously, great job. :]
You are doing so amazingly well. I am really happy for you! I love how you say it is getting easier but it is not easy. I appreciate the honesty.
On another note, I’ve been using my fitness pal for a couple of weeks just to track and get an objective view of my eating, and it has been super eye opening. What an awesome app.
Way to go on another awesome of week of weight and inches loss! That’s just amazing =) I am really glad I gave up soda and fried food for Lent; I think I will be avoiding those in the future myself. The chocolate, well, I think I’ll take my cue from you and allow myself one cheat day a week. Nothing crazy out of control but just enough so that I get what I need. And then come June? I think I will cut all of the desserts and etc. out of my diet to give myself a solid four months before the wedding to tone and slim. Here’s hoping it works. Also, you’re my inspiration for this and I’ll probably come to you for questions and ideas 🙂
Way to go – I bet it’s wonderful to see the results of your sacrifices on the scale! 🙂 I am glad you are getting the hang of things!!
And hey, pickles are sugar free, so add them to your list of snacks. 😉
Great job on the inches lost – that is FABULOUS!!! (I say this as I’m eating chocolate easter eggs – ha!)