This year, I have a goal to write one “day in the life” post a quarter, and as Q2 draws swiftly to a close, I realized I needed to document one of my days! I chose Monday, a fairly average day where nothing exciting happened because it was a good look at what life these days looks like for me. Enjoy!
6:30AM: My alarm goes off. I snooze it and then Lila wants to snuggle with me. I’m more than happy to oblige!
6:45AM: I get up and get dressed for a workout. I do one walking loop around my apartment complex (around 15 minutes) and then come back inside for a 30ish-minute strength workout. (In my Notes app, I made a list of around 30 body weight and dumbbell strength moves, and for my strength workouts, I selected 10 of them to do. This way, every workout involves different moves so I don’t get bored!)
7:45AM: I take a shower and it feels AMAZING. I love starting my day with a shower, but I typically only do so when I work out in the morning. Otherwise, I let myself sleep in as long as possible. I also put on my “day pajamas”—this has become my uniform for working from home.
(Excuse my dirty mirror!)
8:10AM: I log into work and send an email to my manager about my to-do list for today. It’s going to be a busy day, but most of the tasks are more “admin-like” and won’t require much brainpower from me. Then, I make breakfast and eat while starting this post.
8:45AM: I start my workday with some admin tasks for one of my sites that launched a new design last week and then edit a blog to send to a client. After that, I listen in on a meeting that took place last week. Since I don’t need to take notes, I can listen while I brush my teeth, put dishes away, and tidy up around the apartment.
10:00AM: I take a break and read two chapters of my book. Then, Ellie starts to loudly meow at me for pets, so I oblige her.
10:20AM: I answer a call from my director who talks to me about a meeting I missed on Friday. (I kept getting kicked off the Zoom call because there were too many people logged in, womp!) The meeting was all about our return to the office. As of right now, the office is reopening on July 7th and will be open twice a week for people to come in and work if they want to. All common areas will be shut down. While I don’t have any desire to go into the office, I would like to go in and clean out my desk a bit! When I left the office in mid-March, I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be back for such a long time!
10:30AM: I have a Zoom meeting to discuss the contract for a new client. I am really excited to work on this account because it’s a woman-owned mental health clinic! Talk about my wheelhouse!
11:00AM: The meeting goes a little longer than normal, and once it’s over, I get to work finalizing meeting notes for a meeting that was held last week.
12:00PM: I take a break to leave a video on Marco Polo for a friend, and then heat up pizza for lunch. I eat lunch while reading Reddit and then lay on the couch to read my book. I contemplate taking a nap but decide I’d rather finish up work early than work late today.
1:15PM: Back to work! I read through my emails and then finish up the meeting summary. Once the summary is uploaded to our project management system, I work through some QA tasks for one of my websites.
3:00PM: I need a break from my computer, so I lay on the couch to finish my book. It’s a longer-than-usual break, but ah well, that’s the beauty of work-from-home life! I also make myself a snack of string cheese and Greek yogurt. While I work, the girls enjoy relaxing in the sun. 🙂
3:30PM: Back at it. I work on updating metadata for one of my sites and completing admin tasks for a site that launched last week. That ended up taking much longer than I expected because I needed to create very detailed notes about posting to this client’s website for the writer who will be taking over the account.
5:45PM: Finally done with work. I expected to finish up earlier than this (I don’t really have an “end” time now that I work from home. I typically work until I log a specific number of hours or complete the tasks I assigned myself for the day.), but my last task of the day took longer than I imagined! I log off and hop onto my bed to play Candy Crush and zone out with a podcast. Lila jumps up to nap next to me, which is so cozy and lovely. I also start reading The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living.
7:00PM: I finally get up because my tummy is growling! I heat up spaghetti for dinner. (No, today was not the healthiest. It happens!) I eat while watching a few episodes of Life in Pieces. I also make some break-and-bake cookies for dessert, which were delicious!
8:00PM: I turn off the TV and play with the girls for a while and then give them treats. Then I clean up the kitchen, tidy up around my apartment, and clean out the litter boxes. I brush my teeth before crawling into bed.
9:00PM: I Facetime my mom, but she doesn’t answer, so I scroll through my phone for a while until my mom calls me back. We have a really nice chat, and she’s in a good mood since she closes on her house on Thursday. (!!!) I was feeling a little lonely and anxious and talking to her definitely helped. <3
9:45PM: I read another chapter in my book. It’s not totally grabbing my attention just yet, but I have faith that it will soon.
10:15PM: Lights out! (Unfortunately, it’s a pretty wretched night of sleep and I toss and turn until about midnight when I finally fall asleep, ugh. I haven’t been taking melatonin regularly, and I think I have to get back to doing so.)
It will impress me forever that your cats don’t bug you to wake up!!!! I love waking up with Khali next to me.
Love your day pajamas! So cute!
I am glad work is still making it optional to come in. I hope it stays that way.
Have you ever talked to clients after handing over the reins of a website to see how they are doing with posting? I always wonder about that! I edit WordPress for my parttime job I quit and also do a Mailchimp newsletter, and can’t imagine teaching them to my boss – he wants to do everything on his phone and you can’t (as easily) with those!
Glad the talk with your mom helped and hope you sleep better soon!
Your day jammies look so cozy! I work in workout clothes every day so I am dressed if I have time to sneak in a walk around lunchtime. Work has been incredibly busy lately, though, so taking breaks has been super challenging. My steps/day are horrible. But it’s the reality of life. I would go for a walk when paul gets home from daycare but it’s been 90 and super humid so it hasnt’ been super appealing… I am sure it’s way more hot and humid in FL but this is really hot for us for June! Trying not to complain, though!
Exciting that your mom closes on her house soon! I know you mentioned it has a pool – that will be awesome!!!
This was great to read. I love to hear about other people’s routine while they work from home. I definitely love the ‘flexibility’ of taking breaks and making your own schedule.
I haven’t done a day in the life post in forever, I should do it again.