If we were having coffee today, I might start by talking about Olive! I’m pleased to report that she’s doing wonderful! She will be starting her fifth round of chemo treatments this week and will have three more rounds after this one. She recently had a scan that was COMPLETELY CLEAR. Can you even believe it? It’s a miracle. Her odd-numbered chemo treatments seem to hit her a lot harder than her even-numbered ones (she usually has to be admitted to the hospital in the middle of them), so this one coming up might be a bit more difficult for her, but she’s a goddamn trooper and I’m so thrilled that she’s getting through this thing.
If we were having coffee today, I might lament that I feel like my reading pace has taken a dip lately. I’ve been trying not to worry about it too much because I’m still reading and enjoying myself when I do make the time to read. But I barely find any time to read during the week; work has been crazy and intense lately and when I log off for the day, I just want to turn off my brain, so I either play Candy Crush on my phone or watch Netflix (or both). I’ve also been using my work breaks to go for walks rather than sit on the couch and read, so that’s limiting my reading time, too. And it’s not like my reading pace really picks up on the weekends, either. Sometimes it does, but not always. Anyway, I don’t really have a point to this, it’s just something I’ve noticed. I’m always impressed by how people with much busier schedules than me carve out reading time; it’s truly something you have to fight for during some seasons in your life. This is just one of those seasons where I have to make more of an effort to find reading time. But I want to because I’m always happiest when reading.
If we were having coffee today, I might bring up my search for a new office chair. I bought my current office chair sometime in late March 2020, back when I figured I’d be working from home for at least a few months. It was something cheap from Wal-Mart that has done its job, but now I want to invest in something more ergonomically friendly and comfortable. I’ve spent hours scouring Amazon and Office Depot for the perfect office chair, and I still haven’t figured out what to get. Do you have an office chair you love? Right now, I have my eye on this gaming chair or this velvet chair that looks exceedingly comfortable.
If we were having coffee today, I’d talk about how difficult healthy eating has been for me. I just can’t seem to get my shit together with it. I’m eating way too many convenience foods and way too little fresh foods and lean meats. And don’t even get me started on how little water I drink on a daily basis. I’m trying to give myself grace because healthy eating has never been intuitive for me and it’s been a hard year, but I also want to feel better (and yes, lose some weight). I definitely need to get into a habit of logging my food on My Fitness Pal, because I know that will go a long way in helping me make better choices when it comes to what I eat. And maybe I just need to get back to the basics—even the tiniest change is forward progress, right?
If we were having coffee today, I might talk about the identity crisis I’m having with Instagram. This feels really silly, considering I don’t use Instagram for anything other than personal use, but alas. I don’t really know how I want to use Instagram anymore. All I really seem to post about is my cats and books, with the occasional life update thrown in. And I guess that’s okay—it’s my Instagram after all!—but I’m wondering if starting a Bookstagram would be a good outlet for me, a way for me to talk about books in a concentrated space, considering the people who follow me on my personal Instagram aren’t really there for that content. I’m also considering moving all cat content (mostly the videos I post on Stories) to their Instagram page. Then it would leave my personal Instagram for just random life updates. I’m still noodling on the idea, so I’m not making any crazy plans yet. Maybe I need an Instagram break so I can figure out how I want to use the space going forward.
If we were having coffee today, I’d definitely talk about my girls for a bit. Saturday is Eloise’s birthday and then, two weeks from that is Lila’s! They are both turning three this year—my little babies! They are the best companions. Ellie’s new thing is to meow loudly if she wakes up from a nap and doesn’t know where I am. I swear that it sounds like she’s saying, “Mama? Mama?” So I respond, “Mama’s over here! Follow the sound of my voice.” And then she runs over to me and meows at me like she’s having a full conversation with me about how she couldn’t find me. I melt every time. I love that girl! Lila has always been my skittish lady and it has taken years for her to be comfortable with me. She used to run away if I walked by her when she was eating or using a scratching post, and she’d also run away if I tried to pet her when she was curled on on the couch or on one of her beds. But she’s stopped doing that, which makes me so happy! She always wants to sit on my chest if I’m lying down with a blanket on me (but won’t sit on me if I don’t have a blanket, silly girl!) and loves making biscuits on me. She’s also started meowing a lot more, and she has the cutest squeaky voice. It’s my favorite. They’re my best friends and I love them so much!
Okay, that’s enough talking from me! Tell me what you would want to talk about during our coffee date!
Oscar turns 6 today! I am hoping she comes home soon. She’s been good for Joan but I miss her! I think she will come home in the next month or so. Joan is vaccinated so seeing more people so I think it’s the right time for her to come home. She is worried about how oscar will be with Will and Paul. She can kind of lash out at Joan at times.. but she is terrified of kids so she will run away or growl to let the kids know she needs her space. Will obviously won’t understand that but he’s not mobile and Paul is old enough to understand and respect her space.
I bought a chair for work last December from wayfair but it arrived after I went on leave so I can’t vouch for how it feels. It so ergonomic and it felt comfy when I sat in it. I had to use my credit from the company before my leave started so had to make a decision FAST! But hopefully I am happy with my purchase. I did bring my chair from work home but it will eventually need to go back!
I think there are seasons of life where you have less time to read. Are you listening to an audiobook on your walks? That might be a good way to maximize that time and kill 2 birds with one stone. I know my reading time will decline when I go back to work but I know I will always find time to read! I’ve read over 100 books the last 2 years and while I don’t expect to do that every year, I’ve proven to myself that I can always find time to read. I am trying to workout more, though, so I know my reading will take a bit of a hit but it’s for a good reason!!
My personal two cents regarding Instagram: if you can keep it to as little accounts as possible, the better…. coming from someone who handles three (actually four) accounts and it’s just overwhelming. I have a private account (which you follow), I have a running accounts (just for running/workout content) and a third account for my German community… but it’s so hard to keep up with all of it. I wish I could combine it all into one.
So, so glad to hear that Olive is doing so well. Great news!!!
Also, this is the office chair that I bought last year when I transitioned to WFH life and I love it (and especially because it doesn’t look terribly like an office chair): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VH1HLSM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
*as few accounts.. (I had started to write something else first…LOL)
Wow! That is such fantastic news about Olive! Five treatments! She is over halfway done. Yay! I hope this one goes okay 🙂
It’s so odd when you aren’t doing something you spent so much time on before, right? You know why you aren’t reading, and it makes sense, but it just feels so off (I bet!). I hope you find those pockets of time and that work calms down too. I am reading so much less this year and it also feels odd. But I also know why!
I bet getting back to the basics and making a small step each week will help with your eating. It’s too much to tackle at once! You would be miserable and rebel against it! Do you think focusing on one thing at a time would work for you?
What to do with your Instagram will come to you in time, and might even take making some changes you decide to undo! But definitely don’t think about what other people want – do what works for you! 😀 <3
Aww, I love hearing about your girls! So what are their birthday plans?! I love love love when they snuggle or come running to me – it makes me feel so loved. I am so glad you have that!
Hmm, on our coffee date I would probably spill some tea cause that is just how I am. And I'd talk about rock painting too much!
So glad to hear that Olive is doing so great! Continuing to send her positive, healing energy!
As far as Instagram goes… man, it’s so tricky. I have been dabbling into bookstagram and maybe don’t have the patience/time/wherewithal to really make a go of it. But the thing I DO love is a space where I can talk about pretty much books and only books. That’s been enjoyable. (I also started a blog that is pretty much just about books/writing, but haven’t done anything to build an audience… so it’s just me talking to myself! ha!)
Oh, that news about Olive just made my day. I hope at this point that she’s past the dreaded cycle 5 (so odd that her responses to the different cycles varies so widely… do you know if they’re different regimens?) and that she’s back to her usual spunky, amazing self. What a kid. Wow. Just, wow.
I have no advice on Instagram; for many reasons, I don’t post selfies (not least among those reasons is that I cannot take a good selfie…it’s like a major personal failing on my part, ha!), and I honestly don’t post much at all. Plus, no pets, so no cute pictures of furry (or non-furry) creatures. I have, quite possibly, the most boring feed ever. So yeah, nothing from me on that. 🙂
I did have a random idea on the healthy eating thing. Would you ever think about Hello Fresh or another meal delivery service? They have ones, too, where you get prepare meals and then just heat them up and eat them. The reason I ask is that you don’t have to think about it – other than picking your meals to have them delivered – and they do the work (shopping, etc.) for you. I don’t know – seems like removing the decision and choice barriers, or lowering them, might help? I know they’re $$ but if you’re eating them, and you’re not ordering as much, maybe it’ll be a wash? Just a thought – obviously, not a nutritionist, just a random thought.