Hey, friends! I’m coming at you today with a fun post idea I got from Torrie at To Love and to Learn—a quick snapshot of my day with a bunch of fun prompts. I switched around a few things from her original prompts, but most of it is the same. 🙂
Time I woke up: 6:00 a.m. (I planned to work out, but it was raining and I woke up with period cramps so I decided to postpone my workout until later in the day.)
First thing I did upon waking: Turned off my alarm and snuggled Eloise who was laying in bed with me. The first thing I did after getting out of bed, though, was head straight to my desktop to start working. (It’s very rare for me to start working first thing, but I was already up and knew I would be taking a longer lunch to get a workout in.)
Today’s weather: It’s been a weird day! Rainy in the morning, sunny and hot in the late morning/early afternoon, and rainy again in the late afternoon.
An out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened today: Hmm… well, not that it happened to me personally, but I was shocked and stunned when I got a news alert that Simone Biles withdrew from the women’s gymnastics team competition at the Olympics due to injury. I was grieving all day! I really hope she’ll be able to compete in the all-around and event finals.
Last thing I read (not on the Internet): An issue of The Count of Monte Cristo
Last thing I read (on the Internet): This really interesting piece on Crooked Media’s blog about caregivers and how necessary they are to infrastructure.
Last website I visited: NBC.com to stream the Olympics!
Last show I watched: The Bachelorette
Last thing I said: “Jordan’s so cute. I just love her so much!” HAHAHA. I just watched Jordan Chiles kill it on the balance beam and I just said that aloud to… my cats?
Last thing I ate: Homemade nachos! (Tuesday is homemade-nachos-and-bachelorette night!)
What I was doing an hour ago: Watching The Bachelorette while the cats pranced around me, begging for more treats. (They didn’t get any. I caved in last night, but held strong tonight!)
What I will be doing an hour from now: Probably cleaning the kitchen while I continue to watch the Olympics.
Current whereabouts of other members of the household: Eloise is curled up on the couch while Lila is sleeping in her hammock. 🙂
One thing I crossed off my to-do list today: My big work task for today was to write 4 short-form pages (300 words) and 2 long-form blogs (600 words), and I got it all done! I’m really pleased with myself for that.
What time did you wake up today and what’s something you want to cross off your to-do list?
I love this – I saved it when I saw it on Torrie’s site – I want to do this every month 🙂
I still havent watched this last Monday’s Bachelorette & I’m so anxious to get to it!
Aw, I love that you did this! I love these “old school blogging”-type posts, so I wanted to create one of my own that didn’t take forever (like a traditional day in the life) but that still had the same feel. I loved reading about your day, and congrats on getting a killer work day in! That’s a ton of writing to get done in a day!
This is a fun idea! My alarm went off at 6:30, but I did not get up right away. I was stung by a wasp on Sunday and it’s been quite an ordeal and I haven’t been sleeping well, so…I lazed a bit. I have been putting off a particular email that I need to send and today is the day – I’m going to send it and cross it off my to do list!
This is a fun post idea. Might steal later.
Great job on getting your work assignments done. That must have felt really good!
I woke up at 6 am and I did my workout first. I love to get things out of the way 🙂
This is a fun post idea! I’ve been meaning to do a ‘day in the life’ post to capture what life is like at this stage of life. but this is a fun twist on that idea as my days are not TERRIBLY interesting in general. 😉
So I tried to avoid all news on Tuesday so I could watch the team finals and not know who won/what happened. Phil could not believe I didn’t see anything about what happened. He was like, ‘oh there was news’ but I figured it was about how the team finished. I did accidentally hear how the women’s team placed as they said it on the news before I could turn it off (thought they would save it for the sports section). Then I missed her walking off the floor and hearing them announce she was leaving the competition. I watched her vault and saw it did not go well and headed up to put Paul to bed thinking I wouldn’t miss anything else. And then I came down and Phil had gotten home from swimming and he said – well you just missed it!! So he explained what happened to me. Such a bummer as she trained so hard for this.
I was up around 6:15 today! Something on my to do is to go for a walk or do a beach body workout. I’m leaning towards a walk because I know I am running on Friday and Saturday! So a gentler day is probably a good idea.
All I can think about is homemade nachos now! Yum!
I was shocked Biles pulled out too but so proud of her (like you said in another post). Glad she put the spotlight on mental health.
Ha, if I would have responded on July 28th, I woke up at 3:45 am on purpose to do our long bike ride and try to beat the heat! Completing it was #1 on my to do list, and we did!
This is awesome! I love the snapshot of your day – and a bit less onerous than the “day in the life” posts. Homemade nachos sound soooo good. Trying to figure out how to work those into the rotation. Cheese, chips – you can’t go wrong!
You honestly don’t want to know when I wake up. It’s why I am so hesitant to post my DITL post. Seriously. I should just pull off the band-aid and do it. I know I’m weird – then everyone else can know, too. Ha. (I also wake up at pretty much the same time all week, which is also, um, weird. :>)