This weekend was pretty fantastic in my world. It’s getting super hot in Florida now (the heat index was 102 on Sunday afternoon. Yikes!), but that’s what pools and beaches and air conditioning are for, right? I don’t mind the heat, but it can get a little too much sometimes.
On Friday night, I headed over to a friend’s house for book club. We ordered pizza, had a good discussion about the book pick for the month, and then chit-chatted about a whole bunch of random stuff. Lots of laughs were had and inside jokes were formed. I love book club!
Saturday kicked off with a walk around a lake with Dutch, to virtually support Becky as she did the Washington, D.C. Walk of Hope to bring awareness and a voice to infertility. Becky is such an awesome lady and it’s been a rough year for her and her husband. I was happy to support them in my very little way!
After that, I headed over to Tampa to meet up with a friend. She lives in the SoHo area of Tampa, which is such a fun area. (It actually feels like a city! I’ve never been a huge fan of Tampa, but she might have convinced me to check this area out when I start looking for a new place to live.) She has the most adorable condo and we spent a few hours soaking up the rays by her pool, then she cooked me a delicious spaghetti lunch! How nice, right? I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me. (Uh. Aside from family… nobody?! My life is sad.) Then, we walked over to Starbucks (it took less than 5 minutes! DUDE. I can’t walk anywhere in my area that quickly!) and enjoyed a drink before I had to leave.
On Sunday, my mom and I went to church (so happy to be back!), then we took naps and went out to lunch at Tijuana Flats. Then, we visited a local farmer’s market where my. mind. was. blown. Like, I know farmer’s markets are muuuuch cheaper than the grocery store, but I was able to buy one whole watermelon, one whole pineapple, 4 lbs of potatoes, one bunch of green onions, one tomato, and one head of garlic for under $8! I compared the prices at Publix, and it would have cost me almost $18 for all of that. Is that crazy or what?! I will be buying all my produce from them from now on.
The rest of my weekend was quiet. I watched some TV, meal prepped for the week, did laundry and other chores, and caught up on some blogs. A low-key ending to a very great weekend!
For the past few months, Kerri’s been doing a post every Monday detailing her “to-do list” for the week. I really love reading her goals for the week, and I thought it couldn’t hurt to make some myself. I think I’ll keep it easy at five goals per week and see how it goes:
1. Make a dentist appointment and call my health insurance company to have them send me a replacement card (I somehow lost mine… so it’s pretty difficult to schedule doctor’s appointments without one, yes?)
2. Work out five times
3. Add two pages to my blog: “Hire Me” and “Contact Me”
4. Write at least 2,000 words in my current WIP and spend at least 1 hour working on my outline for my Camp NaNoWriMo book
5. Drink at least 32 ounces of water each day
How was your weekend? Do you shop at a farmer’s market? Any goals for the upcoming week?
What a great weekend you had! And thank you so much for walking with us in spirit. When I checked out the hashtag on Instagram I was moved to tears to see all the bloggers who were walking for Cece!
Oh, and farmer’s markets? THE best.
Sounds like an awesome weekend. And whoa, that produce was super inexpensive! I’d be going back to that farmer’s market as well! I do like to shop at the Farmer’s Market, but I haven’t yet this year. I might stay home this weekend instead of going to the lake, and if I do, I WILL go to the Farmer’s Market! My weekend was awesome but it was not all that relaxing which is why I am thinking about staying home this coming weekend. Oh and we are posting twins as our post titles were almost identical.
Goals for the week are to make a doctor appointment with a rheumatologist, iron, and write a post with pictures of my new apartment.
I can’t really walk anywhere in my town either. I mean, I can walk to my parent’s house and the bank and the deli, but that’s about it. That’s about all my town has to offer anyway. I am sometimes envious of people our age who get to experience city living only because I know it’s not something I would want when I start a family, so my early 20’s would have been the ideal time to try it out.
My weekend was kind of busy. I spent 6 hours on Saturday at the dealership with my brother getting his new car (I cosigned for him so I had to be there basically the whole time) and then went to my godmother’s birthday party. I ran my fourth half marathon yesterday and the heat really took a toll on me so the rest of the day was basically shot and I got nothing done besides laying around and complaining about how bad my body hurt, ha!
My goals for the week: Look into farmer’s markets to find the closest one to my apartment on the weekends. There are several but many of them take place during the week which doesn’t jive with my work schedule. Recover from my half and get back into my normal workout routine (it hasn’t been the best since returning from vacation). Go through my medical bills from my GI procedure in April and figure out how I’m going to pay them.
I had a lovely weekend full of giggles and laughs, hot temps, but cool drinks, time with friends, and even managed to get in an epic nap (almost 3 hours, which for me is HUGE!). I was sad to see it end because I admit, this whole working + parenting thing? Tough.
Your lunch from Tijuana Flats (we don’t have those here!) looks delicious. Anything Mexican is a win in my book. Which means we’ll have to find some when we hang out in September.
Sounds like a very nice weekend indeed! I wish there were more Farmers’ markets near my house but they are just sooooo far. Boo.
Oh that’s funny Farmer’s Markets are so much cheaper where you are! They are WAY more expensive where I am, but I still get my eggs there in the summer and some produce/fruit there every weekend because I like supporting the local farmers and I swear it tastes better!
Sounds like a great weekend. I wish I had a friend with a pool because it’s getting hot here, too!
Farmers Markets are great and I go every Sunday! $8 for your haul was definitely a very good price! (I don’t think I could get it that cheap here, and we’re in CA!) I have to ask though: why would you buy only ONE tomato??
Looks like a great weekend! I need to find me a friend with a pool, although here in Winnipeg it makes more sense to find a friend with a hot tub…haha.
It’s so nice that your friend cooked for you! I love having people over for food. Many a good conversation has been had with a pot of soup on the stove.
I don’t go out of my way to get to the farmer’s market. I actually go more for the food stalls than the produce – that’s just a bonus. Haha.
It looks and sounds like you had a great weekend!
We have a Farmer’s Market in town and it’s just… okay. However, we have a Freshfields Farm grocery store which is basically a Farmer’s Market style grocery store. I bought 6 full bags of produce on Sunday for $25. I only buy my produce there. And it’s fresh and delicious!
TIJUANA FLATS! Yum. My friend that lives in Tampa just moved to a new apartment. I’m wondering if she’s closer to your area now. I’ll have to find out. I’m planning on going down sometime soon. 🙂
I really wish Jacksonville was more “walking” friendly. There are certain parts of town that are, but not where I live. I mean, I could walk to Starbucks but I’d probably get hit by a car in the process, haha.
My goal is to be active (I don’t like to call it “exercising” haha) at least three times this week.
Farmer’s Markets are delightful, I so need to go to ours again soon, it’s been too long.
I’ve been doing a lot of napping and TV binge watching, I’m really good at that, ha.
I’m so jealous of your book club! I tried to start one last summer and it lasted a month bc no one took it seriously. 😛
I love buying local honey from the farmer’s market. Really helpful during allergy season!