I started my weekend off with a couple of jabs. I got my Covid + flu vaccines! I am never excited to get these vaccines because I’m always scared about the side effects, but I know I must do what I can to protect myself and others, so I got ’em. I also started dosing myself with Tylenol after the vaccines, as that seems to help prevent any side effects. (I don’t know if it actually prevents them, but ever since I started doing that, I haven’t had side effects other than a sore arm.)
My ladder bookshelf arrived this week and I spent Friday evening putting it together. Thankfully, it was SUPER easy and took me under 30 minutes to get it all done. Woohoo! I love it so much and I think it is going to be such a perfect addition to my room.
After putting together my bookshelf, I made a pizza and then watched last Wednesday’s episode of The Amazing Race. An ice cream bar happened, too. 🙂
I was very happy to wake up on Saturday morning feeling like a million bucks. My Tylenol hack worked again! (Maybe.) I read a chapter of the book I’m reading and then started to get ready for a busy Saturday.
A Lucy sighting! My mom and stepdad are going through training with the dogs and they’re working on getting them acclimated to behaving in public. They brought Lucy to Starbucks to work on not barking every time someone walks by. Of course, she had to get a Puppucino for her hard work!
My mom and I took a trip to Target to buy some fun birthday gifts for my cousin’s daughter’s birthday. She’s turning 11 and omg, it was so much fun to shop for a girl! I feel like I’m constantly shopping for boys and it’s just not as fun as finding cute, fun accessories for a girl who is very much a girly-girl. (YES, this is incredibly heteronormative, I know.)
Saturday afternoon was spent at a nearby park to celebrate my cousin’s daughter’s birthday. Thankfully, she had reserved a large shelter because about 10 minutes before the party was about to start, it started pouring down rain and didn’t stop for a good, long while. In Florida, it’s common to have these super-short rainstorms. Just last week, we had one that was literally 3 minutes long! So I was hopeful this would be similar since the forecast wasn’t showing rain at all. Alas, the rain kept coming down and it meant the big bounce house that my cousin ordered became a huge water slide for the kids, which they loved! The party was a good one and my uncle was even able to stop by, which was wonderful. He’s starting to feel a tiny bit better every day, now that he’s a few weeks out from his radiation treatment. Hopefully, he’ll continue to feel good!
I got home around 3:45 and promptly parked myself on the couch. I read a little bit of my book and then took a siesta. I woke up after about an hour to Lila lying near me. She’s not the type of cat that will cuddle next to me when I take a nap on the couch, but she will lie near me and that’s good enough for me.
I was up early Sunday morning because Bri and I had a 9 a.m. recording session for the podcast! This month, we’re recording our final episodes of the year, which is exciting! Today, we recorded our new intro, the trailer for season 7, and the first episode of the season. Bri is also pet-sitting for a friend who has the most snuggly, sweetest greyhound you could ever meet, and I had a nice time snuggling on the couch with him after our recording session.
As always, I spent most of Sunday at my mom’s watching football. I also made a batch of cookies and holding a cookie in my hand was how I got the dogs to pose like this. I’m not always a nice sister. 😉
This picture is solely for Jenny and me. We needed this win. The team had a slow start and Tua made a lot of silly errors, but they got it together and came out with a W. Whew.
I couldn’t leave you guys hanging with how I styled my bookshelf. I’m really happy with the way this turned out. I still need to figure out how to fit in my collection of Anne of Green Gables novels, but this bookshelf is bringing me such great joy every time I look at it. Favorite nonfiction on the second shelf, favorite romance (and my Christina Lauren collection) on the third shelf, and favorite fiction on the fourth shelf.
How was your weekend?
That’s great that you got both vaccines at once, I tend to spread them out. I worry I’m going to really feel crummy otherwise. Who knows why, I never have more than a sore arm. I’m due for both though, so perhaps this will be the week I get it done. At least one of them.
I love the bookshelf, that is a great addition! And bribery is how I always got Mulder to look at me and smile for photos too. My husband said, “OH, I thought he just stood still and smiled for you!” As if. Without a treat, he would be sniffing, not looking at me.
I was glad I was able to get both vaccines! I’ve heard that some places don’t let you do that, but I just wanted to get it all over with at once.
Bribery for cute dog photos is worth it! Haha.
Looks like a great weekend! We drove ten hours yesterday to come and visit my parents – it was a gorgeous drive but I am TIRED!
A 10-hour drive! That sounds so exhausting to me. Long drives are rough.
That ladder shelf unit is so cute! Oh I’d have fun with that in any of the rooms in my house.
Needles are no fun – what always strikes me as odd is one year I can have a horrible reaction and the next time it’s nothing. I had that happen with COVID vaccines; death one time, and not a blip on the radar the next.
The ladder bookshelf was so much fun to style! If I had more room, I’d definitely find the space for another one, haha.
I’ve been really lucky to not experience any side effects with the Covid vaccines aside from the first one. But my reaction to that shot was, like you said, DEATH. Oof.
What a crazy busy weekend! I would be laid up in bed for the rest of the week if I did all that at once.
I was spurred on by your example and I made an appointment to get my COVID and flu shots tomorrow. I have been laid out by every COVID shot I’ve ever had, so fingers crossed I can do something tomorrow afternoon besides lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself!
It was a busy weekend! Since I work from home and don’t really do much during the week, I try to keep my weekends busy enough since that’s my people-ing time, haha. I miss having lazy weekends, though!
Good for you for getting both vaccines. I got my Covid booster this week, too and will get the flu vaccine soon. I think it’s important to protect ourselves now that flu season has arrived.
It sounds like you had a really great weekend with a birthday party and Football Sunday 🙂 I also love all the down time. And I absolutely adore your ladder bookshelf. I’d love to get one of those. They just look so cool.
The ladder bookshelf is making my LIFE right now! It just makes me so happy and it was fun to figure out how I wanted to style it. It’s different from a “regular” bookshelf because the shelves are different widths, and I think it adds something fun to my room.
I really like the ladder bookshelf. It must feel good to have the vax done and dusted – I’m saying that mainly as a reminder to myself;-) I’m not planning to get the COVID booster until a few weeks before the holidays but there’s no reason not to get my flu shot now. I just need to make it happen.
It is so good to have those vaccines behind me! I’m glad I got them and didn’t have any reaction to them, too. Whew.
We weren’t allowed to get both jabs at the same time. Had to wait 2 weeks in-between, one available at the doctor’s office, the other available at the pharmacy. I did as told, but would have been easier to do it at one time in one place. 😏
Oh, that’s interesting! I wonder why they wanted you to wait. When my mom got it done, the person giving her the shot said it’s better to get them done as close together as possible (if not at the same time). I’m not sure how true that is. Just interesting how we get told different things all the time, argh!
You are the cutest, Stephany! Congrats on getting the vaccines! I really need to get my rear into gear and get mine. I typically have a very strong reaction to the Covid vaccine, so I have been looking for an “extra” day during which I can crawl under my covers and wish for death.
LOVE your bookshelf! The perfect mix of simplicity, elegance, and functionality! I love how you styled it. So pretty and fun!
I hate that the Covid vaccine causes such strong reactions in some people. I feel very grateful that I’ve been lucky to not have any side effects. I totally understand waiting until you had a day to recover! I did the same.
Thank you so much! I really love how the bookshelf turned out.
I got my vaccines on Friday, too. They did one in each arm, though. I had zero side effects but I never have had side effects. I barely even get a sore arm! I do wonder if it’s related to my immune suppressant drugs but who knows.
I’ve been a bday party where a bounce house becomes a water slide. It is, um, messy! But very fun for the kids! I have a couple of nieces so it’s nice when we draw their name for the cousin Christmas gift exchange. Last year we (I) got to shop for some clothes for my niece and it was really fun. And yes, that’s gender normative but so be it. Boys clothes have gotten better since my nephews were born, though!
I’m glad someone’s team is doing well! The Vikings have been awful and now Justin Jefferson is injured so I feel like we have no hope. At this point it seems like we’d be better off to do terrible and get better draft picks. At least we have the Twins although I HATE baseball and find it incredibly boring. And they did terribly last night so hopefully tonight they turn it around and stay alive!!
Truthfully, they did one in each arm for me, too, but I moved the bandage on the other arm to take the picture. INSTAGRAM VS REALITY. Hahaha.
I’m sorry the Vikings are having such a rough season! It is so, so hard to watch a team that’s struggling – I know that feeling very well.
LOVE these kinds of posts… Simple things yet important!! The shelf is awesome, and the kitty… Just give her to me NOW <3 !!
Hehehe – she is such a snuggly little sweetheart. I adore her!
I love what you did with the bookshelf! It looks great. I know you have been waiting for this for a long time, so I am sure you are very happy now!
I am so happy with it! It makes me so happy every time I look at it. <3
Ha, yes I was also thinking about you during the game! We definitely needed that W. Now on to the Panthers! I hope Tua brings his A game.
This sounds like a fun weekend! I love the bookshelf (and of course I had to zoom in to see all your favorite books.). ALSO, you have the best cat tower ever! I know that’s not what this post is about, but I couldn’t help but notice it next to your TV. The cats must love it (although I have a cat tower, not as big as that one, and one of my cats loves it and the other won’t go near it.) Oh, I also love the cat blanket.
This is the cat tree: https://www.chewy.com/yaheetech-multi-level-645-in-cat-tree/dp/351958. My mom and I went in on it together for the girls’ birthdays last year. They ADORE it.
Fingers crossed for another W this weekend!
The bookshelf looks so nice! You have the best taste!
What a great weekend. I am so glad the Tylenol helped. And I am guilty of getting excited to buy gifts for Ella – I have 5 nephews and one niece LOL.