My weekend kicked off with a dentist appointment—man, I love that fresh-from-the-dentist clean feeling in my mouth! And I love how quick dental cleanings go. The last time I was at the dentist (for X-rays and a cavity filling), I was there for over an hour and a half! I got home, did a little more work to wrap up the week, and then took a nap. It wasn’t the most restful of naps, as Eloise kept coming into the room and loudly meowing at me but didn’t want to get on the bed, but it did the trick. Afterward, I took a long walk outside (it was gorgeous outside!) and came home to mail! My Paula’s Choice order arrived, a gift I ordered for a friend on Etsy, and my Book of the Month order (I got three books this month!) Happy mail day to meeee. My evening was relaxing: I ordered pizza for dinner, watched an episode of The Crown, and finished my book.
Saturday was a Mom date! We planned to do a little shopping, get pedicures, and then go swimming. Unfortunately, the swimming didn’t happen because right as we finished our shopping and pedicures, a thunderstorm rolled in. Womp! Oh, well. We still had a lovely day together. We got Steak n Shake for lunch (their peanut butter chocolate shake is to die for), and then went to TJ Maxx so I could look at their purses (happy to report I found a new purse!), and later HomeGoods to just look around. I also wanted to test out the office chairs at Office Depot, but the one by us somehow shut down over the last few months. What the what? What a bummer! We tried a different Office Depot location, but it didn’t have that many chairs to test out. So I guess I’m going to have to buy one online and cross my fingers it’s a good fit. Afterward, we got pedicures to round out our day. I got home around 6, ordered Tijuana Flats for dinner, did two loads of laundry, and watched multiple episodes of Schitt’s Creek. A great day, indeed!
Sunday was another lady date, this time with Briana! She picked me up at 11:30 as we had a noon appointment at Imagine Museum, yay! We both love museums and have made it our mission to see all of the ones within driving distance around us. Imagine Museum is a glass museum showcasing contemporary American and international art by seriously talented artists. There were so many incredible works! I was so impressed by everything I saw. What a delightful gallery!
After our stroll through the museum, we stopped by a plant store so Bri could pick up a new plant (she has recently become a plant mom), and within the store was Sans Market, a shop filled with items to encourage living a zero-waste life. There were lots of kitchen items, period products, soaps, natural deodorant, reusable cloths, candles, and just like… everything you could think of to live more eco-friendly! I could have spent hundreds of dollars there! Instead, I settled on a set of reusable facial rounds and a set of four bamboo toothbrushes. I’ll definitely be back, though, and can’t wait to try out all of their other products.
Our lady date concluded with lunch at Maple Street Biscuit Co. where I enjoyed an incredibly delicious chicken biscuit. Mmm! Nothing like a buttery biscuit with gravy, amirite? Bri dropped me home around 2 and I quickly joined Eloise on the bed for a nap. Perfection. And then I didn’t do all that much else with my night! I started a new book, watched more episodes of Schitt’s Creek, and talked with my mom on Facetime.
All in all, a lovely weekend full of socializing, shopping, naps, and museum strolling.
How was your weekend?
Oh my gosh all your eats this weekend sound AMAZING!
And what a fun social weekend! Did you get enough downtime?
That zero waste shop sounds absolutely fantastic for you. I’d love to check out a place like that. I need inspo!
My weekend was good! I got to take a nap one day too, and it was amazing! I also started rocks for Sip & Purr which I’m so so excited about!
Such a fun weekend! That glass museum looks amazing!! What a fun lady date! I have never had steak and shake. But a shake sounds really good as I have a sore throat right now. We had a great weekend at my parents although Paul got sick over the weekend with a cough, fever and congestion so we left earlier than planned on Sunday morning so we could get him tested for Covid. It was negative thank goodness!!
That sounds like an absolutely amazing (and delicious) weekend, friend!
That museum looks AMAZING! I have to look that up – it might actually get me to Florida. Ha!
Your weekend sounds like a wonderful mix of socialization, naps, and a bit of downtime. I’m also envious that it’s warm enough to even contemplate swimming!