I always snooze my alarm.
I sometimes turn off my alarm and then fall back to sleep for another 30 minutes (oops).
I never check social media or email when I wake up.
I always do my dishes throughout the day. (Especially with working from home—a nice way to spend a work break!)
I sometimes leave a full sink of dishes for the morning. (But I really try not to!)
I never use my dishwasher. (It doesn’t make sense as a single person.)
I always give a pet if I walk by one of my cats while moving around my apartment.
I sometimes give the girls a third serving of treats. (I am their servant.)
I never pick up Lila. (She hates being picked up, a fact that makes me very sad.)
I always want to use my phone when I’m sitting at a red light.
I sometimes can resist the urge to use my phone and can sit there quietly with my thoughts while I wait for the light to turn green.
I never drive without music or a podcast on.
I always use a bookmark when I’m reading a print book.
I sometimes read scathing reviews of popular books that I’m not loving. (“Why does everyone love this terrible book so much?!” It’s nice to find “my people” in those reviews, haha.)
I never read for long stretches of time.
I always eat lunch at my desk. (But I’m usually reading Reddit, not working.)
I sometimes take a power nap in the middle of the workday.
I never check work email during my off-hours.
I always make cookies for any holiday gathering.
I sometimes am too full from Thanksgiving dinner to eat dessert. (Sadddd.)
I never eat pumpkin pie. (Yuck.)
I always bring a list when I’m grocery shopping.
I sometimes listen to a podcast while I’m grocery shopping.
I never deviate from my grocery route. (I start on the left side, near the dairy aisle and then swiftly move up and down each aisle, usually ending at the ice cream section.) (If I don’t need ice cream, my route ends at the produce section.)
I always start my day with a few sips of Gatorade. (I always wake up thirsty, but water is gross to me in the morning.)
I sometimes make myself a hot breakfast. (Mmm, eggs!)
I never drink water in the morning. (See above.)
I always set my AC at 72 degrees at night.
I sometimes scroll Instagram or play games on my phone rather than reading right before bed.
I never go to bed without saying goodnight to the girls.
What’s something you always, sometimes, and never do?
Our cat does not like to be picked up, so I pick her up once or twice a day. I do this because twice in her lifetime I’ve had to evacuate my home because of fire alarms and each time I had to get the cat and stuff her in her carrier. The first time she really fought me and I was stressing out that I was going to have to leave her. I call it “animal husbandry” when I pick her up and I swear I think it’s for her own good. (She still does not like being picked up, but she doesn’t fight it now – just goes absolutely limp in my arms.)
I always start the day with tea that my husband makes for me.
I sometimes get a decaf americano at the coffee shop around lunchtime.
I never drink caffeinated drinks because the doctor said I can’t (and I hate this because I love Diet Coke and all those people who told me that I would stop craving after I didn’t drink it for six months are LIARS and WRONG and my mouth still salivates when I drive by McDonald’s because the DC there is amazing).
This was such a fun post to read! Okay, let me think. I always drink my coffee black. I sometimes bake cakes just because I want some cake. I never eat pie of any sort #TeamCake
I want to think of more enlightening things to say but alas, I cannot.
This is surprisingly hard! How did you come up with so many of them? Let’s see… I always drink earl grey tea in the morning. I sometimes have a second iced tea in the afternoon. I never drink coffee!
P.S. I set my AC at 68 at night! I sleep so much better when it’s cooler. Yes, the electric bill is painful.
I never use snooze but I also never set an alarm anymore! We don’t have to be up at such a specific time anymore thanks to covid so our kids are our alarm! That will change when I go back to the office in January, though. I will go back to setting an alarm but I will never snooze it. I hate snooze! It doesn’t feel satisfying for me!
When I do set my alarm, I always use my FitBit alarm – being woken by the buzz/vibration of the watch is much more pleasing than a bleeping alarm.
I never feel rested these days, even when I get a “good” night of sleep.
Sleep is on my mind as I had a HORRIBLE night w/ Will last night and got less than 5 hours of sleep. Le sigh.