When Amy did a post on her book confessions last week, I knew immediately that I had to do this on my own. This may be the most fun I’ve ever had with a post.
1. My earliest reading memory is of me reading “Are You My Mother?” to one of my uncles.
2. I can’t remember a time when I was without a library card.
3. I currently have my library card number memorized, which makes for easy online requesting.
4. One of our libraries in town has a drive-thru, which means I could request books online and then go through the drive-thru to drop off books and pick up my requests – all without having to leave my car!
5. Like most 90’s girls, I was obsessed with The Baby-Sitters Club, the Sweet Valley series (I read everything from Kids to High), The Boxcar Children, and Nancy Drew.
6. In third grade, I once wrote a spelling test using all the different handwriting of The Baby-Sitter’s Club members. My teacher wasn’t very happy, but I thought it was clever.
7. When I was in late elementary and middle school, I would always check out 12 books from the Children’s section (the max you were allowed) and read them all within a week.
8. Growing up, Saturday mornings were for the library. One of my most favorite places.
9. In middle school, I created an inventory for all my books after seeing a reading teacher do so with her classroom books. I organized them all alphabetically and then created a Word document with each book title and author listed in the correct order.
10. My favorite Christian kid’s fiction series were the Christy Miller series and the Mandie series.
11. I took my time buying into the e-book fever. It wasn’t something I didn’t like because I treasured the feel and smell of books, but it was just something I didn’t think much about until they grew in popularity. In April 2011, I bought my first Kindle and haven’t looked back since! I absolutely love reading on my e-reader and honestly, do not miss regular books anymore. It makes reading so much more convenient and easier!
12. Being a regular blogger for TLC Book Tours is one of my favorite opportunities this blog has brought me. I love reviewing books and have yet to read a book I absolutely hate.
13. I used to have a different book for everyday reading, bathroom reading, and in-the-car reading.
14. I still read in all three places mentioned above. Thankfully, reading in the car has never made me dizzy or nauseous. (I would never survive long road trips without reading!)
15. I have never listened to a book on audiobook.
16. Whenever I finish a book, I almost always have another one lined up to read.
17. My favorite genre is romance, followed by chick lit. While the books can be predictable and all of them seem to follow a formula, I still love the escapism I can get from them.
18. My least favorite genre is anything fantasy or sci-fi. Not my thing!
19. I read the Harry Potter books during the summer of 2011 and while I enjoyed them immensely, I don’t see myself reading the books ever again.
20. I rarely read books more than once. There are very few exceptions to this, but generally, one time is enough for me!
21. I used to secretly read my mom’s smutty novels when I was younger. Shh!
22. When I was younger, and reading 12 books a week, after my Saturday trip to the library, I would sit in the recliner and read the first chapter of every book. Then I would organize the books in alphabetical order and read them that way.
23. In July, I donated nearly all of my books to the library (part of my minimalizing efforts). I now own about 3-4 actual books that I’ll probably end up donating as well. My Kindle and the library are enough for me!
24. I hid my love of reading growing up, so I never participated in any reading challenges or summer reading contests. I wish I had embraced my love for reading more as a kid, but it is what it is.
25. As avid a reader I am, I still don’t consider myself very well-read because I’m not a huge fan of the classics or popular literature.
26. I love smutty novels and a part of me is scared to read 50 Shades of Gray because I think I might enjoy it and everyone would think less of me. (BIGGEST CONFESSION TO DATE!)
27. I prefer libraries to bookstores.
28. I honestly do not understand people who don’t love to read. I never have, and I don’t think I ever will.
29. My favorite authors include Sarah Dessen, Suzanne Brockmann, and Sophie Kinsella.
30. My biggest life dream is to be a successful, published novelist. It’s the one dream that is still alive and kicking in me and I have no doubt, as long as I put in the time and effort, I will accomplish this.
Any book confessions you’d like to make?
You should read 50 Shades! I had never read a “smutty” novel before, and as much eye-rolling as I did throughout the pages, I actually enjoyed the story and getting to know the characters. Plus, it’s fun to escape into a book, no matter how ridiculous it may be. 🙂
Haha I totally love this post and loved it when Amy did it too! I may steal it from you BOTH next week 🙂
It makes me laugh how much you love smutty novels because it’s so unlike the rest of you LOL. It’s like one of those funny quirks about you. I remember reading a few when I was younger too, and I’ve always loved chick lit, but when I started working in a bookstore I realized that I actually enjoyed so many more genres than I even KNEW. It was really eye opening!
I don’t get sick reading in the car either; I’m not sure if it’s because of all the reading during family trips or what but I love car reading.
And I don’t consider myself very well read either… I prefer young adult and chick lit and there just aren’t a lot of classics in those genres.
I’ve been wanting to read the 50 Shades series, but since I read while I’m nursing my daughter I don’t think it’s appropriate, lol.
I’m totally going to do this post. LOVE it.
I’m glad you don’t hide your love of reading anymore!!
I read the first 50 shades book and couldn’t handle it. The main character, the writing, the story line… just couldn’t do it.
I don’t understand people who don’t read, either. I know a few and I just… don’t get it.
I’m also right there with you on #30. That’s one of my dreams as well. 🙂
I loved many of the same books that you did as a child! I was so excited when my nephew was old enough to read chapter books so I could buy him a Roald Dahl book and the first boxcar children book. he didn’t seem to get into the Boxcar Children book, though. Sad face. 🙁
I didn’t start listening to audio books until last fall when I had a couple of LONG drives (by myself). I will def be getting one for my car trip down to Des Moines for the marathon!
You have to try audio books…if you have any time in the car, it is a great way to pass the time! I use them sometimes when I am running, since I can’t run and read at the same time and I want to make time for both. This way I can! #22 is funny! I am a front to back finisher, one at a time. I have never done that! I think it’s funny that you read them in alphabetic order! I love it.