Let’s continue our walk down memory lane with today’s post where I’m showing you all of the photos I have (either on Facebook, the blog, or my phone) during the different Marches of my life (March being the month, not the activity). So far, I’ve shown you July, February, and May.
March 2011
My graduation photoshoot! I graduated college in May 2011 and a school friend who was trying to start a photography business offered to take professional photos of me. I loved this photoshoot and it’s so sweet to have these photos to look back on.
March 2012
My heart! This is one of my all-time favorite photos of my mom and my older nephew. He was only three-and-a-half years old here and helping my mom make chocolate chip cookies. Isn’t his smile the cutest? It gets me every time!
March 2013
I have no photos!
March 2014
This collage makes me smile so big because look who makes an appearance! Lisa and I met for the first time in March 2014 when she was in town. We met at Starbucks and had the best time chatting away. This month, I also did Run or Dye, which was a 5K where people threw different-colored dye on you as you ran through the course. It was really fun, even though I remember that it took a while to get all of the dye out of my hair, ha. And here’s a cute photo of my Dutchy-Boy. I miss you, buddy.
March 2015
My mom and I traveled to Savannah in March 2015 so we could participate in a 5K. Mostly, I just wanted an excuse to go back to Savannah. I hated the 5K because I hate running. I kept thinking to myself, “Two more miles and you never have to run again!” “Half a mile and you never have to run again!” Muahaha. It wasn’t my last race (I’ve done walking 5Ks since then) but I did finally give myself permission to stop trying to become a runner!
March 2016
In March 2016, I went on a really fun four-day cruise with Bri, my mom, and my stepdad. Bri and I really had the best time together and I loved our excursion in Mexico where we got to snorkel and sail on a catamaran. I also love the video I got of Bri doing the macarena in front of the whole group, ha!
March 2017
How about some cute photos of Dutch? This month, he turned 15 years old and while he would steadily decline over the year (he died the next February), it was such an honor to be his person and his safe space when he was feeling crummy. <3
March 2018
A month after my soul-dog passed away and it was a hard one. I dog-sat for two adorable beagles, which soothed my soul. I also got a cute haircut and Dutch’s pawprint in the mail.
March 2019
March 2019 was a great one! My friend Lynn threw a pool party at her house, I was on my first full month of being a cat mom of two, and I met Taylor Jenkins Reid at a book signing in Tampa!
March 2020
There were so many photos I could choose to represent March 2020 and I went with this one. My mom and I went to a pet portrait event at this art studio (that sadly did not survive the pandemic and it breaks my heart!) right before the world shut down and I am so glad we were able to fit in one last social outing. Also, can we talk about my hair in this photo? BANGIN’.
March 2021
What a mix of photographs! I got a spin bike, had a book club picnic (we got close for this photo but otherwise stayed on our own blankets!), and met a two-day-old puppy who would become my little Lucy. Look at how SMOL!
March 2022
I got a new desk chair and the girls were all about it! Sometimes they let me use it. 😉 And I took this photo of my mom and me at The Library for brunch. We were celebrating because the lump she found on her chest a week ago turned out to be a cyst that wasn’t anything to worry about. Whew!
March 2023
My friend Amber and I did a fun knife skills class together at Sur La Table. I learned a lot but I definitely freaked out the instructor when I used the hand holding the chef’s knife to scratch an itch on my forehead. Whoopsie!
March 2024
Look at these cuties! My mom made her podcast debut this time last year and it was so much fun to have her on the podcast to talk about motherhood, her personality, and what a delight it has been to parent an angel like me. (Her words, definitely not mine.)
March 2025
And then there’s this month. A girls’ weekend in Orlando where I got to love on some really cute pets, visit two bookstores, and leave the trip with five more books than I started with.
What’s a photo you would have chosen to represent March 2020?