Suzanne gave me the inspiration for this post, and she got it from Elisabeth. And in the midst of writing this post, I realized I had written something similar last NaBloPoMo, so maybe this is a new NaBloPoMo yearly post? Ha. Here are five more things I wish I liked:
Sometimes, I like alcohol. A fruity cider or cocktail can be delicious. But sometimes, alcohol makes me break out in hives and sometimes, I get a drink that’s just a bit too strong and I end up diluting it with ice cubes. I’ve yet to find a type of wine that I enjoy. I find beer disgusting. And even if I do order a drink that is tasty, it’s still never as good as an ice-cold Dr. Pepper.
Having explored various activities recently, I found that participating in was a uniquely enjoyable venture. The class was structured in a way that catered to both beginners and those with some experience, ensuring everyone could learn something new while having a great time. The atmosphere was welcoming, and the instructors were incredibly knowledgeable, sharing their passion for cocktail making with all of us.
Early Mornings
I want to like early mornings. I used to, mostly out of necessity. I worked the early-morning shift at a daycare in college so I was out the door by 5:45 a.m. Monday-Friday. When I was working in an office, I needed to be out the door by 7 a.m. most days, which meant if I was going to exercise before work, that alarm was going off at 5 a.m. or earlier. But the pandemic changed me and I am no longer someone who can handle early mornings. I find it difficult to get my day started, I’m constantly behind on my morning routine, and it’s a good day if I’m at my computer by 8:30 a.m. (We have flexible start times, but still. I don’t love that I get my day started so late!) Can I retrain myself to love early mornings, or do I just need to accept that they’re not for me anymore?
I’m stealing this one from Suzanne. Life would be so much simpler if I liked tomatoes. There are so many recipes that I immediately snub because they have tomatoes. I find tomatoes to be slimy and gross. They ruin meals. But I wish I liked them! People talk about eating tomatoes on their own like it’s some sort of treat and I just cannot understand that life.
I’m not a music person. I don’t seek out new artists to listen to and I barely know what songs are popular these days. I listen to my Taylor Swift playlist on Spotify and that’s about it. I wish I had more of an affinity for music, but it’s just never been something I’ve been attuned to. Maybe it’s because I was “forbidden” from listening to anything other than Christian music growing up, and listening to secular music felt like sinning against God. I don’t know. Whatever it is, it’s meant that music just isn’t something I’m into.
Okay, this one is going to make me sound like a terrible person but let me just get it all out. I wish I liked getting to know people. I wish I was someone who could make small talk with my neighbors and knew everything about their lives. I wish I enjoyed group events and didn’t get so nervous about being around people and having to make conversation. I wish my mind didn’t blank out when I’m trying to talk with someone new. I wish I didn’t get annoyed if a grocery store clerk chatters on about her day. I think my social anxiety really plays a role in the way I interact with people. Social anxiety makes me suddenly aware of my body and the way I’m standing and my facial expressions and if my stomach is protruding too much and omg, will they ask if I’m pregnant? Social anxiety makes my mind just erase all of my thoughts completely and stringing together a coherent sentence feels impossible. The world just begins to feel very loud and overstimulating very quickly, and man, I wish it just felt normal to me.
Your turn! What’s something you wish you liked? Do you agree or disagree with me on any of these points?