We all have them: things that are popular with other people that, for some reason, you just don’t like. Maybe it’s Taylor Swift or podcasts for you. Or maybe it’s one of the five things I have listed here. If you love any of these things, I’m happy for you! We can still be friends, right?!
I want to like tea. I really do! How nice would it be to make myself a nice cup of tea in the afternoon to help get me through a tough work task? But alas, it is just not something I like. I have tried. There are some teas that I do not mind (must be very, very, VERY fruity) but I would never choose tea over any other beverage. I’m sure there is a learning curve to liking tea that I could go through (one of my close friends didn’t like tea at all but has learned to like it over time), but I just don’t know if I care that much to try it out.
Or exercise in general, really. As I’m reading through older blog posts for my blog recategorization project, there are so many posts about running. I wanted to love running so much and I gave it so many tries. I ran so many races, you guys. And sometimes it was fun, but mostly it was painful and boring. At some point, I just stopped trying because what’s the point of doing something you hate? There are so many other ways to exercise! Also, while I have found ways of exercising that I don’t loathe in the way I loathe running, it’s still not something I enjoy. Sure, it feels good and I feel accomplished when I do it but if I had to choose 30 minutes of moving my body vs 30 minutes of laying on the couch, I’m always going to pick the couch.
The Beach
I live in Florida and I am within minutes of an array of gorgeous beaches. Beaches that people travel to visit. And yet I cannot remember the last time I have been to the beach. I do not like the beach. It feels like a lot of work for very little payoff. You have to gather up all your things and schlep them to the car. You have to drive to the beach and try to find parking. You have to pay for said parking. You have to schlep all your things to the beach and find a spot that’s far enough away from the rowdy groups but still gives you a nice view. You then have to BE AT THE BEACH. Where it is hot and sandy and gross. And swimming in the ocean? No. There is treacherous terrain, waves that want to bowl you over, STINGRAYS, and salty water that stings like a motherfucker when it gets in your eyes. I wish I wasn’t such a crab (ha) about the beach because when it’s really nice outside, it is a lovely place to be. You can’t beat the view and it’s one of the favorite hobbies of so many people who live here. But it’s not for me.
(Okay, as I was writing this post, I remembered that I did go to the beach this summer, but it was a dog beach with Chip and Lucy.)
This year, I had a goal to watch 12 movies. One movie a month – that’s all I had to do! Do you want to know how many movies I have watched in 2022? Two. Two movies. I watched Marry Me (the Owen Wilson/Jennifer Lopez rom-com) and Where the Crawdads Sing. That’s it. I really wish I was better at watching movies, but I’m not. If I’m going to sit on my couch for 2-3 hours, I’d much rather watch a few episodes of a TV show rather than one entire movie. I keep trying to be a movie person, but I always find other ways to occupy my time.
My dislike for water is well-documented on this blog. I love it when I’m thirsty, but I’m not someone who really gets thirsty (unless I’m spending time outside or it’s at nighttime; I get very thirsty at nighttime, probably my body screaming at me for dehydrating it), so it’s not something I reach for very often. While I want to be one of those healthy people who drinks a few cups of water every morning right as they wake up, blech. I can’t do it! Water is just so tasteless and joyless for me. (I’ve tried flavored water, and it’s not the same.) Out of all the things on this list, though, this is the one thing I’m going to keep trying to like because I have to. Water is essential to life and I have got to get better about drinking it regularly.
What’s something everyone else seems to like that you don’t like?