Let’s talk about 2020 goals! Woohoo! I love setting yearly goals, even if I find that I don’t complete a majority of them and/or find my attention waning as the year goes by. They’re still fun to think about and dream up! This year, I’m setting 10 goals, although you’ll see that many of them have additional components to them so I’m cheating a bit.
1. Move to a new apartment. This is my most exciting goal for 2020, as I prepare to move out of my shoebox apartment and into a larger place where I will have room for a kitchen table (!!). I’m so excited to have more space!
2. Pay off my credit card – and keep it paid off. I’m not proud of this and I feel like, by now, I should have learned my lesson of how to properly use a credit card. Hopefully, I can get this paid off in Q1 but it may take a little longer than I’m expecting.
3. Complete 12 monthly health challenges. Kelsey of The Girl Next Door podcast fame did this in 2019, and I love the idea of tackling one small health goal every month. I’ve started making a list of some of the challenges I’d like to attempt in 2020, like not eating any fast food, eating two servings of vegetables every day, not eating anything processed, etc. I’ll reveal my January challenge next week!
4. Do one new thing every month. I attempted this goal a few years ago but didn’t really follow through with it. I’m determined to make it happen in 2020. This can be as small as attending a yoga class to as big as going on a solo vacation. I’ve been keeping a list of ideas and I’ll pick from that list at the beginning of every month!
5. Go on 24 first dates. This feels like a really big goal, even though it only amounts to two dates a month. But I went on three dates total last year (and zero the year before, as it was my year of no dating) so 24 sounds like a lot of dating. I feel like it’s time to give dating the effort it deserves and see what happens when I really invest in it.
6. Make at least three “green” changes to my living environment. I’d like this to be a goal I do every year, slowly eliminating habits I have that contribute to waste. This year, the changes I’d like to make are switching out single-use makeup remover wipes for reusable wipes, switching out the single-use cotton rounds I use for my toner for reusable pads, and moving from tampons to a Diva Cup.
7. Work out 150 times. I was unsuccessful with my 150 workouts goal last year, but I’m blaming it on my ankle. I’m trying it again this year and I hope that having a gym to go to will help me stay on track.
8. Finish my novel and get through one round of revisions. I want to spend the first quarter of the year finishing my novel (it needs at least 30,000 more words) and for the rest of the year, I want to work through the first round of revisions. Then, it might be ready for beta readers in 2021! That’s really exciting to think about.
9. Complete the 2020 Unread Shelf Project. This is a really easy, low-key reading challenge that I wanted to attempt last year but kept forgetting about. Each month has a prompt and you pick out an unread book from your shelves to read. If you don’t read the book in that month, you have to give it away. The pressure!
10. Get my third tattoo. I’ve had an idea for my third tattoo for over a year now and I think that putting this as a 2020 goal will ensure I get it done. The tattoo is to commemorate my grandparents (I still need to figure out some of the artistic details but it will be a small cross with a butterfly) and I want to have it tattooed right behind my right ear.
Did you set goals for 2020?