July Goals
Small Steps Toward My Yearly Goals
1) Watch one season of a TV show. Not complete. Oops. I watched exactly one episode of season two of Suits.
2) Work through one more section of my “I’m Dead, Now What?” workbook. Complete!
3) Research cake decorating classes to find an option that works for me. Not complete. I had it on my list to do every week and never got it done.
4) Complete a no-spend month. Complete! I’m so proud of myself!
5) Read another Agatha Christie mystery. Complete! I read Five Little Pigs and gave it 3 stars.
Daily-Ish Routines
1) Daily movement (62%). Decreased slightly from June by 6%. I have been getting in my four gym workouts per week but failing a bit when it comes to movement outside of those workouts.
2) Play with the cats for 10 minutes three times a week (0%). Who’s surprised here?
3) Take my meds (55%). My percentage improved almost 10% from June to July, so that’s something to celebrate! Should it be 100%? Yes, of course. But I’m going to celebrate the win.
4) Drink water every day (69%). I’m happy with this since it’s setting my baseline. Hopefully, it improves in August.
1) Train the cats to eat on a schedule. Mostly complete. I was lazy about this sometimes and would leave the food out longer than I had planned, but I made some progress here.
2) Utilize the “Downtime” feature on my phone from 9 p.m. – 9 a.m. Not complete. I forgot I made this goal, lol.
3) Put my bedroom door back on its hinges. Complete! Finally! I was worried that I would need another person to help me, which is why I kept putting this off. One evening, I just decided to try to do it myself and it was easy-peasy!
4) Declutter the top drawer of my dresser. Not complete. I didn’t get around to this goal in July.
5) Sell my spin bike. Not complete. I thought about this goal a few times but didn’t make it happen.
August Goals
Small Steps Toward My Yearly Goals
1) Watch two seasons of a TV show. Since I’m behind again on this goal, I need to watch two seasons of a TV show in August.
2) Research cake decorating classes to find an option that works for me. Rollover goal again.
3) Spend at least 30 minutes a week researching podcast engagement. I want to reach 100 listeners on the podcast this year and I haven’t really done the work to make that happen, so I’m giving myself this very doable weekly goal.
4) Work through another section of the “I’m Dead, Now What?” workbook. It helps to work through the sections of this workbook a little bit at a time because it is not fun to think about my own mortality.
5) Schedule my next tattoo appointment. I have an idea for my next tattoo and I want to finally get on my tattoo artist’s schedule to get it done.
Daily-Ish Routines
1) Do a daily stretching routine. I have this short 5-minute stretching routine that feels very good to do in the morning when I wake up.
2) Play with the cats for 10 minutes three times a week. Maybe August is the month I finally make this happen. No promises.
3) Take my meds. I’ve tried all the things to get me to take my meds regularly (timers, connecting it with a routine, putting my meds front and center). Nothing really works for me. Maybe I need some sort of negative consequence. Like: if I miss one day of meds, I cannot play my favorite phone game the next day. Ooh, that feels harsh enough to make me do it!
4) Drink water every day. I’m averaging around 5 days a week of drinking water (the other days I stay hydrated by other methods, like soda and coffee). I’d like to average six days in August!
5) Do two 30-minute standing sessions during my workday. When my sciatica was acting up, I stopped working on my goal to stand during the workday more often. Now that it’s (mostly) healed, I’m back!
1) Track how much food my cats are eating. I realized last week that I have been starving my cats. Oops! This wasn’t on purpose, of course. But I need to make sure I’m putting out a reasonable amount of food (and that they’re eating it).
2) Declutter my medicine cabinet. My bathroom cabinets need an overhaul, so I’m going to start by reorganizing my medicine cabinet.
3) Figure out my cups situation. I have too many cups and not enough cabinet space. I need to take them all out of my cabinets to figure out what I have, what needs to be donated, and how to better organize them in my cabinets.
4) Declutter the top drawer of my dresser. Rollover goal.
5) Sell my spin bike. Rollover goal.
Do you have any goals for August? What’s the last part of your home that you organized?