Here we are at the beginning of another year. It’s crazy how fast time passes, isn’t it? I don’t feel like it was all that long ago that I was welcoming 2016, but suddenly, 12 months have passed by and I’m thinking ahead to what I want out of this new year.
The truth is, I don’t exactly know what I want out of 2017. I know I want to travel. I know I want to save money. I know I want to get healthy. I know I want to finish my novel. But those are just goals. If I achieve them, great. If not, that’s okay, too. I guess what I’m mostly seeking from 2017 is fulfillment. I want to be fulfilled and satisfied with my life. I want to feel good about myself.
But, still, I made some resolutions for this year. We’ll see how many of them I achieve and if I even remember them by the time 2018 rolls around. So much can happen in a year and I’m excited to see what will unfold over the months in this one.
Here is what I’m hoping to accomplish in 2017:
Quit fast food and soda
Every year, I make some sort of weight loss goal that I never attain. This year, I want to make a healthy living goal. After thinking long and hard about my eating habits and how I want to feel, I know that these are two addictions I need to cut. I eat fast food maybe one to two times a week, more on a really bad week. I don’t feel like I’m hugely addicted to fast food, but it’s more that I rely on it when I didn’t meal plan well or am feeling upset and want to feel better. If I can cut it out completely, all the better! And it’s the same with soda. Over the past month, I’ve dropped down to one soda a day and I’m just going to continue dropping the number of sodas I drink until I don’t have the urge for it anymore. (The cold turkey method doesn’t work for me; I’ve tried it in the past.) Here’s to a healthier 2017!
Read four “classic” novels
I’ve already decided what the novels will be: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Count of Monte Cristo, Pride and Prejudice, and The Handmaid’s Tale. All of these novels may not be classic novels in the literary sense of the word, but they feel classic to me and that’s all that matters. (Heh.) I am terrified to read The Count of Monte Cristo because it’s nearly 1,300 pages (!), but someone counted it among one of their favorite novels on the What Should I Read Next? podcast, so I think I’m going to give it a shot. (My backup plan is to read 1984 by George Orwell if I can’t make it through the book.) I want to read more widely this year, books that I wouldn’t necessarily pick up on my own, so I’m excited about this reading goal!
Save $1,000 in an emergency fund
I am placing a priority on this goal this year. It’s ridiculous to not have an emergency fund, being nearly 30. My goal is to place $50 a paycheck into a separate savings account (and to have that money transfer automatically so I can pretend it was never there to begin with!) My money habits are not the best, and I acknowledge this, but every year, I’ve gotten a bit better at how I spend and save money and that’s all I can ask of myself.
Start seeing a therapist
This is another goal that I constantly have on my yearly resolutions and there are reasons why I keep putting off finding a therapist. My last therapist experience wasn’t positive, therapy isn’t cheap, my social anxiety means making phone calls to make an appointment terrifies me… I could go on. But I’m inspired by the people in my life who have taken the plunge and started therapy, and inspired by the change it has wrought in their lives, so I’m going to work hard to mark this goal as complete.
Write my novel
I was hoping 2016 was going to be the year that I finally wrote my novel, but it didn’t happen for me. I continued to get in my head about writing and my work-in-progress and ended up quitting and starting over a dozen times. I also had to put writing to the wayside when my freelance work picked up, but I’m hoping to make fiction writing more of a priority in 2017.
Get a tattoo
Honestly, I have no idea what I’m waiting for, divine intervention? I know the tattoo I want. I know where I want it. I know I will feel so happy when I get it. Time to stop being a baby and do the thing.
So here’s to 2017! I’ll check in on these goals every few months in the hopes I actually stick with them throughout the year and can mark more than a few of them complete.
Do you have any goals for 2017?