I wasn’t sure if I wanted to blog about my monthly goals this year, mainly because I feel like these posts can be a little tedious to read. And I sort of revamped my goal-setting process for this year so that my monthly goals reflect my yearly intentions.
Alas, per Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies framework (which is how you approach goals and form habits), I am an Obliger, which means I find more success with my goals when I have external accountability. Hence, writing my goals out on my blog.
Here’s what I’m hoping to accomplish in February:
1) Write 20,000 words of my novel
This serves my main priority goal, which is to finally finish my novel so it’s ready for agents to look at in early 2017! I want to be finished writing the novel by the end of June, so I have five months to do so – that equals out to 20,000 words per month. I’ve written 50,000 words in a month twice, so 20,000 words should be a piece of cake, right?
2) Go dairy-free for a week
This serves my goal of figuring out what is causing my chronic congestion. I am not sure if my chronic congestion is related to my diet since I was 100% healthy before moving to my new apartment in Tampa, but I want to exhaust all of my possibilities before resorting to an ENT specialist. I honestly didn’t think I ate a lot of dairy until I started examining my diet and realizing everything I would have to cut out. Eeks. It’s only for a week, though! And I can still have Dr. Pepper. 😉
3) Begin looking for a home church
This does not actually fulfill a yearly intention, but finding a church family is something that kept appearing in my worksheets during the Holiday Council. I need a home church badly. I would love to go back to my old church but, eh, that’s a 35-minute drive away and I’m not sure I’m willing to do that drive on a weekly basis. I’ve found a few churches in Tampa to try out – I just need to get over my fear of being the new kid and go.
4) Drink 16 oz of water daily and exercise three times a week
These goals serve as my weight loss goal for the year. I want to lose 20 lbs, but mostly, I want to get into the habit of regular exercise and drinking lots of water. Obviously, my water intake is painfully low right now as I am struggling with just two glasses a day! As the saying goes, a little, little by little, makes a lot. Taking small steps can lead to big change.
5) Visit Sunken Gardens
One of my yearly intentions is to take a monthly adventure, big or small. This month, I want to mark off one of the tasks on my Tampa Bay Project list and visit Sunken Gardens. I think I’ll propose a lady date with my mom for this one!