I promise I won’t start every monthly recap like this, but how is February already over? This month flew by! This month has had some extreme highs and extreme lows. There was good: such as a blossoming relationship, buying a car, and watching my mom complete two races. And then there was bad: the crash and burn of the said relationship and struggles in all areas of my life. A good friend told me to “honor my feelings” and that is what I am trying to do. Sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I am angry. Sometimes I am joyful. Sometimes I am hopeful. Honoring my feelings means being present in them. To cry if I want to cry. To laugh if I want to laugh. I don’t like being sad or angry or upset. But sometimes I need to be sad or angry or upset.
In any event, today is a new month, and with it, hopefully, a new attitude! I am sad to see this relationship end so soon, but I’m hopeful that the next guy who catches my eye will be even more wonderful. I have faith in this!
Onward to my recap on my February goals. (Spoiler alert: I didn’t do anywhere near as good as I did in January…)
February Recap
Meal plan every week and no eating out on weekdays. This was half a success. I was successful at meal planning every week but sticking to the plan? Not so great. My mom and I do not like to cook so sometimes it’s easier to just pick something up rather than spend time in the kitchen. I’m not even talking about complicated dishes here! At most, it takes us 20 minutes to make dinner. It’s definitely an area we need to work on.
Save more money than I spend. Big, fat fail. For one, I bought a car so, ya know, that’s rather expensive. And I just wasn’t very smart with my money. (More to come on this subject next week!)
Ride my bike once a week. Another failure. I only managed to get in one bike ride, due to scheduling difficulties and cold weather. It’s actually quite the process to load the bike up in the car and get out to a park to ride, but I found out it’s worth it! My one bike ride felt great! It was a windy day and my backside ached for a solid 3 days afterward (need to invest in padded shorts!) but I enjoyed it a lot. Hopefully, I can make this a regular Saturday morning routine for me.
Stop eating after 8pm. I didn’t track this goal, really, but I feel like I accomplished it. Mainly, I made this goal to stop snacking after dinner. If I’m hungry, I give myself a pass but usually, I’m not. It’s just routine for me and I eat more out of boredom than actual hunger. Success-ish?
Set up a payment plan to take care of my ER bill from 2010. I did not do this. Oops.
So 1.5 goals out of 5 achieved. Eek. In January, I made a habit of checking in with my goals every weekend. I even made myself a checklist where I could tally things up and make notes and decide on what I needed to do the following week. It was a mini-progress report for myself. I didn’t do this in February and it shows. It may sound silly, but it helped immensely and I want to get back at it in March.
March Intentions
Complete a Buy Nothing challenge this month. February was not a very good month for me, financially. I wasn’t very smart with my money and then there’s the whole buying a car thing. My bank account took a big hit, even with my tax return. I’ve wanted to complete one of these challenges for a while now and this month is the perfect time to do it. (And now that I’ve been researching cruises for the fall, this may stretch into a “Buy Nothing So I Can Afford a Cruise” challenge…)
Set up a payment plan for my ER bill. So, oops, didn’t quite get around to doing this in February. On the list for this month! Can you tell how much I am procrastinating about this?
Go back to church. Confession: I haven’t been regularly attending church for well over 6 months now. It’s mostly laziness than anything else keeping me away. I know I feel better about myself and I need the connection I find at church. It’s time to go back.
Make three meals a week at home. Baby steps, my friends. I am inspired by those of you who seldom eat out but I am not one of those people. As mentioned above, I despise cooking so I take the lazy girl’s way out and pick something up. This month, I’m making a goal of making 3 meals at home a week. It’s not much, but it’s a start.
Complete the Spartan 500 in under 1 hour. This will be the third Spartan event I’ve participated in. I’m still not brave enough to complete the Spartan 1000 (400 burpees, you guys. 400!) but I really want to kick some major ass at the 500. My previous times have been around 1:11 and 1:15 so I know I have it in me to do it in under an hour. It’s the sit-ups that kill me. Time to train! (And if you’re local…. join me! Here’s the link. It costs $10 and is a killer, killer workout.)
How was your February? Any goals accomplished?