1. Keep applying to jobs and follow up. Yes and a somewhat yes. I did apply for lots of jobs and there were a few I’ve followed up on, making sure my resume has been received and finding out about the interviewing process. Towards the end of the month, I decided I needed to take more action with my job searching and stop using the websites everyone is using. I’m looking at Craigslist and other media-centric job search engines.
2. Get back to eating healthy. Success! I am back on Weight Watchers and following the plan like I should. And now that I have eTools, I think it’s going to be even easier and more motivating to keep within my points range. I’m really hoping July is a month for crazy-good weight loss!
3. Exercise 5-6 times a week. Another big check mark for this one! And I can thank my new gym membership for getting me back on the exercise train — and loving it. I let my body rest on Saturdays but every other day of the week, I’m at the gym for at least an hour doing anything from a fitness class to regular ole cardio. Buying that membership was the best thing I ever did. (Plus, at $60 a month, there is no way I wouldn’t use it to its full advantage. That’s too much money to be throwing away!)
4. Make the most of my weekends. This goal was half-won. The first half of June, I killed it. One Saturday was spent at Busch Gardens, another spent at a water park with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew. It finally felt like I was doing more with my weekends and it felt good. But then I slipped back into my ways, living small and keeping to myself. My goal is to keep at this goal, making plans – simple as they may be – every weekend. I want to be more social and this is one small step to doing that.
5. Tidy up my blog. Uh, no. If anything, I made it worse. Sigh. Lots of work to do this month on my blog.
Goals for July: reorganize my room (it’s a mess right now, things shoved in different areas of the room with no real design feel), drink 1 liter of water a day, start writing again, make a budget and stick to it, and, of course, apply, apply, apply to jobs!