My October goals did not go as planned. It was a busier month than usual, especially as I played chauffeur for my mom for the entire month and seemed to have more plans than usual. So I kinda threw a lot of my goals to the wayside as I tried to keep my head above water with my busy schedule. That’s life, though! I’m rolling over a lot of my October goals into November, so we’ll see if I can knock them out this month!
October Goals
1) Do a 30-minute workout three times a week. LOL, no.
2) Update all of my blog posts from 2010. Complete! Yay!
3) Drink water every day. LOL, no.
4) Establish a better nighttime routine with lights out at 10:30 p.m. No, but I’ve decided to switch my exercise time from morning to evening. Before, I was trying to get up by 6 a.m. to get in a workout before starting my day, but it was so hard to make that happen when I was going to bed so late. (Hence, the goal of going to bed by 10:30 p.m.) So, I decided to experiment with evening workouts. I’m usually finishing up work around 5:30-6:00 and then I’ll do my workout. I don’t usually like waiting so late in the day to work out, as it gives me so many hours to talk myself out of doing it, but I hope this will a) help give me a mood boost at a time of day that is roughest for my anxiety (nighttime) and b) allow me to get a bit more sleep, even if I go to bed later, as I’m setting my alarm for 7:30 a.m.
5) Pay off my credit card. No, but very close! I think I can maybe make this happen in November. Fingers crossed!
6) Recycle some old electronics/cable cords + do a Goodwill drop. Ugh, no. I need to add a few more things to my Goodwill bag so I’ve been holding off on doing that dropoff. And while I could have dropped off my old electronics/cable cords at Best Buy, I was halfway to the store when I realized I left the iPad Mini I wanted to donate on my dresser, blergh. Next month!
7) Organize my iPhone photos from the first half of 2022. Complete!
8) Make a doctor’s appointment. No. I’ll probably wait until early next year for this doctor’s appointment, once I’m on a PPO plan and have a more reasonable copayment ($30 as opposed to $150. HMO plans are for the birds.)
9) Redecorate my bathroom. Complete! I love the change so much. 🙂
10) Continue making myself dinner three nights a week. I didn’t really keep track of this last month. I think so?
November Goals
1) Do a 30-minute workout three times a week. Rollover goal.
2) Update all of my blog posts from 2011. Another year to categorize!
3) Drink water every day. Rollover goal.
4) Complete NaBloPoMo 2022. Yay! This will be such a fun goal to complete.
5) Pay off my credit card. Rollover goal.
6) Recycle some old electronics/cable cords + do a Goodwill drop. Rollover goal.
7) Organize my iPhone photos through October 2022. Once I complete this goal, I will be all caught up on photo organization. My plan is to do the previous month’s photo organizing in the following month.
8) Start Christmas shopping. I already have some ideas for family/friends so I’d like to knock out some of my Christmas shopping early in November if possible.
9) Get my third tattoo. This has been on my yearly goals list for 3 years and it’s time to finally make it happen. November is the month I do it!
10) Update my One Line a Day journal and keep up with it. I am so very bad at filling in my One Line a Day journal. Thankfully, I have my “Everyday Moments” Notes app where I keep track of one good thing every day so it helps me out in a pinch if I get a few weeks behind and can’t remember what I was doing/thinking/feeling on that day. However, I really want to use this journal for more than just happy moments: I also want to document hard things, things that happen at work, and just things I want to remember from this time in my life (aka, the stuff I don’t always use for Everyday Moments). I need to get caught up (I’m about a month behind, eeks) and then stay caught up.