I’ve heard many runners say that one of the most important things you can do for your running is to get properly fitted for running shoes by a professional. And since I know I have weird arches and I’m doing something wrong when I run, I thought it would be a good idea for me to take the plunge and get fitted.
When my mom and I got to the store, we were immediately greeted by a man named Keith who was more than willing to help us. He first just talked to us about our running and the problems we’re having. I mentioned the numbness and arch pain, as well as the occasional shin splints.
We ran on the treadmill for about 20 seconds at a 4.5 speed. A video camera was positioned from the calf down, which perfectly captured our foot strike.
Our next step of the process was getting personalized arch support insoles. This was a pretty neat experience and shows just how far running technology has come! First, Keith took a picture of my feet at three different angles (just standing, standing in a semi-squat, and with my toes lifted up). Then he put the insoles on a foam block, had me stand with all my weight on it, and then do a little see-saw motion of putting weight on my heel and then my toes, heel, then toes, for a few times. We did the same on the other foot.
The last step of the process was trying out the shoe with the insoles in it. At this point, I was pretty much certain I was going to get the Asics. They felt good, they looked good, and they weren’t as expensive as I imagined. So we tried them out on the treadmill. They did correct my overpronation quite a bit. It wasn’t perfect but it was so much better than before.