Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A day of gorging, watching football, and being with family. It’s my favorite holiday of the year. My birthday is three days following it and it’s a kick-off to the holiday season. I can’t help but get swept up in the magic of the season and I turn into a five-year-old kid on Christmas Eve, anticipating what the next day will be like.
But Thanksgiving. A day of giving thanks. I haven’t missed the many posts floating around the blogosphere of people giving thanks. This year hasn’t been my favorite, but some great things have happened:
- My mom survived getting hit by a car
- My grandma finished chemotherapy and is now cancer-free
- My nephew turned two and now says things like, “Nananny, I love you.”
- I designed a spectacular 18-page magazine
- I grew this blog and met some of my closest friends
- I started running and have run four races this year. (I will have completed six by the end of 2010.)
- I began a journey of self-discovery and have learned so much about the woman I am becoming
Some horrible things have happened:
- My. Mom. Got. Hit. By. A. Car. (I still shudder when I think how worse this could have been.)
- My grandma got cancer again
- I ended my relationship with my father
- I dealt with more anxiety and fear than I ever have in my life
- I had major meltdowns while trying to deal with school stress
A lot happened. A lot didn’t happen. But I am thankful for a lot this year. I am thankful for my family and the outpouring of support I have received. I am thankful for the relationship I have with my mom. Our close relationship is something I treasure since I know many people don’t have this type of relationship. I am thankful for being an aunt because my nephew brings me more joy and happiness than I ever thought possible. I am thankful for the pushes and shoves I have gotten from family, professors, and God to be better than I ever thought I could be. I am thankful for God. For supporting me. For loving me when I know I can be extremely unlovable. For giving me tests and challenges, knowing I can handle them. And for always believing in me and always being there for me, even when I push Him away.
This blog is going to be silent until Tuesday as I spend time with my family and friends and visit Orlando for a fun mini-vacation. I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving!
What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving? Tell me in the comments!