The Finding Joy in Gratitude (F.I.G.) Collective is Elisabeth’s brainchild. In February, she is challenging us to find at least one thing to be grateful for every day. Times are tough right now, which is why I think engaging in a gratitude practice is even more imperative for us. This administration wants to take a lot of things away from us but one thing they cannot take from us is our joy and our gratitude. Now, let’s get onto my first seven F.I.G.s of February:
1 – I had such a lovely afternoon with my dear friend Mikaela. We had our usual writing date and then afterward, we strolled around Barnes & Noble for a bit before having lunch. It was nice to spend extra time with her!
2 – I went to a Hatha yoga class that was exceptional. I love that it focused mostly on deep stretching and it all felt so good on my lower back and hips. One of the things I love most about yoga is how it focuses on being present in your body, which is something I don’t do too often. I like that I had to spend 45 minutes silently being in my body and giving it the kindness of stretching.
3 – I’m relieved that I was able to snag an appointment with my dermatologist for Wednesday afternoon. Another cyst popped up on my body (two days after I had an appointment, of course!) and it is so, so painful. At this point, I think I need to have a standing weekly appointment with my dermatologist to keep things in check.
4 – My friend Mikaela has been such a support in my journey to reduce my sugar intake. Today, she shared with me her delicious iced coffee recipe and even checked the sugar contents for me!
5 – I went to my mom’s after my dermatology appointment. She’s working from home this week, so I filled her in on what happened at my appointment (nothing much to report, considering the cyst decided to start draining on its own this morning) and then snuggled with the dogs while we chatted for a bit. Here’s a funny story: As I was getting ready to leave, Lucy was in the backyard and Chip was inside. I was giving Chip all of the kisses and love, and then we heard Lucy barking. We turn around to see she’s right at the patio door, so my mom lets her in and she runs over to me with her whole body wriggling! I picked her up and she showered my face with kisses. It was almost like she was saying, “You were going to leave without saying goodbye to me?” Such a sweetheart. I love those babies so much!
6 – Two great things happened today. First, I was able to use GoodRx for the first time to get a prescription nearly half-off. (It rang up as $65 but with my coupon, I got it for $34.) Second, I placed an online order for a half-size Pub sub and when I got to the counter to pick it up, they had made me a whole size for the price of a half! Cha-ching.
7 – I met Birchie today! We went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner where we chatted about all of our blog friends and life off the blog. It was so nice meeting her and we have a very fun day planned tomorrow (which is today, when I publish this post).