Oh, friends. This one is going to be a doozy. May was one of the spendiest months on record and it was not pretty to sit down with these numbers. As a reminder, in these spending reports, I do not include anything that comes out of my paycheck before it lands in my bank account. You won’t see anything related to health insurance, FSA payments, my retirement savings, etc. This is about what I spent from my net income. Here’s what April looked like:
Bills (37.6% | -9.9% from April) – My percentage this month was way lower than previous months because I overpaid on my car loan and didn’t have to make a payment in May. I should have still made a payment but I knew May was going to be a spend-y month so I gave myself the break.
Shopping (13.2% | +7.2% from April) – You guys, I am embarrassed how much money I spent shopping in May. Now, I did spend $300 on new shoes (a new pair of Birkenstocks and two new pairs of Asics), but still. This is mind-boggling.
Food (10.3% | -7.8% from April) – While I’m happy with where I landed with my food budget, I was traveling for the last few days of the month so I don’t know if those numbers would shake out quite as well if I was at home. I adjusted my food budget to accommodate my vacation time ($525 as opposed to $800 as normal), and went over a bit ($596), but I’m okay with that. My Ubereats budget was down $120 from April, and that makes me very, very happy.
Beauty (9.9% | +9.4% from April) – I expected my beauty category to increase a lot from April to May because I had an expensive hair appointment that included balayage, color + toner, and a haircut and style. It was too much money, honestly. I think it’s time to look at at-home hair coloring options. I also bought some make-up (mascara, lipstick, eyebrow pencil) and replaced some skincare products (cleanser, a serum, etc).
Travel (7.0% | -3.7% from April) – My mom and I always split costs 50/50 when we travel. A lot of my travel expenses cleared in early June, so this number is a bit lower than I expected. It included Lyft rides, excursions, food, and drinks.
Cats (4.2% | +1.5% from April) – The cats were a bit expensive this month! I had to buy food and treats and also spent a lot on fun cat toys from the cat event I went to. Eloise also had a vet appointment + two different sets of bloodwork done, but my out-of-pocket cost was only $75 total since I have been funneling money away into a separate savings account for a time such as this. That savings account is now depleted (wah), but at least it was there when I needed it.
Savings (3.9% | -.6% from April) – I put away the same amount in savings that I normally do; it just shook out differently percentage-wise.
Entertainment (3.6% | -1.1% from April) – Book club, dinners with friends, and Cooking Fever tokens.
Gifts (2.1% | +1.9% from April) – Two friends had birthdays at the end of April/early May and I bought presents for them.
Subscriptions (2.1% | no change from April) – This month, my subscriptions included Patreon, Netflix, Spotify, Paramount+, Canva, Prime, a Substack newsletter I support, my bimonthly air filter subscription, and a photo-editing app.
Car (2.0% | +1.2% from April) – Gladys got a bath, I got gas once, and I paid for parking downtown.
Toiletries/Supplies (1.9% | +1.2% from April) – Lots of little supplies needed in May: mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toilet paper, trash bags… fun stuff!
Medical (1.2% | +.6% from April) – This category mostly comprises some of the stuff I bought to help with my scalp psoriasis flare. Blegh.
Misc (.9% | -.1% from April) – I have to pay an annual fee (just under $54) at my gym and it comes out every May. So I just put it in a miscellaneous category since it’s not something I’ll need to worry about too often.
Overall Thoughts
- I have got to get my shopping under control. As of June, I am limiting myself to $100 a month for shopping. I have been averaging vastly higher than that, so this will be quite the mission even though it doesn’t feel like it should be. I’ve gotten into a mode of buying things just because I want to (and there is also some “being a poor kid” mentality where now that I can buy the things I want, I feel like I deserve it). I need to nip that in the bud!
- I need to start living as if my rent is higher than it currently is. I am pretty certain I am going to move when my lease is up at the beginning of November, which means my rent will be increasing in a few months. I don’t want that to be a shock to my budget, so I’d like to start funneling $400 every month into savings. That’s going to be difficult with the way I’m spending money, but crucially important to help with any anxieties I have surrounding higher rent.
- I need to build up my emergency savings + pet fund once again, as I had to dip into those savings accounts in May due to Eloise’s extensive bloodwork and the stupid $400 I paid to the locksmith when I came back from vacation.
When’s the last time your car got a bath? Tell me something fun you spent money on recently!