1. Yesterday, I paid off my last credit card. I wish I could say I am feeling such happiness and relief by having finally gotten this part of my life under control, but I can’t stem this simmering feeling of disappointment in myself. I can’t stop thinking that I knew better. I knew better than to get myself into such crazy credit card debt and ruin my credit and put myself into such a financial mess. I saw my parents deal with it and I told myself I was never going to go down that path. Well, I did. I went straight tumbling down that path. I’m proud of myself for finding my way out and getting everything paid off, but that niggling fear keeps me from fully embracing the fact that I have no more credit card debt.
2. I still haven’t finished sending out all the emails to those who have expressed interest in letting me guest post for their blog. I quickly found out how hard it can be to come up with a topic all on my own! I would begin the email and then when it came time to decide on a topic, I would find myself sitting at the exact same spot 10 minutes later with no ideas coming to me at all. I only have a few more emails left to write, but I’m only at 20 guest blogs promised so far. Lots of spots left if you want to join in and help me out. I will love you forever and ever, amen.
3. I’ve felt very sluggish this week. My workouts have been subpar and I haven’t felt well rested, even though I’m getting around 8 hours of sleep every night. I’ve just felt slightly off. My energy levels are down and I don’t have a lot of focus. I haven’t been as strict with my diet as I should be, mainly because I’m giving myself a lot of leeway while I come off my caffeine/soda addiction. But I think it’s time to get back to food journaling and start finding other ways to cut down on my sugar intake, most especially at night.
4. A few months ago, I received an email from Diana, who has participated in a few of the #twookclub chats. She is the editor of a online travel magazine, To & From, and wanted to know if I’d be interested in writing a book review column for it. Combining my two favorite things – writing and books? Heck, yeah! The January/February issue went live last week and I’m so proud of my little page. I’m so glad Diana approached me about this and it’s fun to be a part of this magazine!
5. This weekend is a quiet one. (My favorite kind of weekend!) I have book club tonight. We’re discussing The Age of Miracles, and I have a lot of Thoughts & Feelings on this book. I can’t wait to discuss! I have a run planned and another bootcamp workout to get done. And I have a loooooot of writing to do. I am really looking forward to kicking off my guest blogging posts, but it’s going to require lots of commitment! And Sunday is #twookclub! We’re discussing Little Women. I can’t wait to discuss the book with everyone! (Join us on Twitter at 9pm EST if you want to chat about the book!)
Happy Friday! Any fun weekend plans?