Every now and then, I have one of those weekends that are full of adventures and exciting memories I want to keep and share with the world. Since coming home from my last cruise (and in between Cruise 1 and 2), my weekends have been low-key and quiet. And I love those weekends. But weekends where I get out, enjoy the beautiful Florida sunshine, and explore my passions are really the best.
Friday night started off with me at Target at 7:30, perusing the puzzles. Who says puzzles are only for kids and old people? I bought a 550-piece puzzle and my mom and I got to work on Friday night. We managed to get the edges all pieced and some of the inside before we had to call it quits. Puzzle-making is hard work!
This is how Dutch likes to let me know it is time to get up on late mornings. He cuddles me around my head and licks my face until I’m forced to get up and take him out. It’s a good thing he’s adorable. (And my bedhead was insane on Saturday. Whoa there.)
The highlight of this weekend was meeting Allison! We’ve been reading each other’s blogs for a while now and she’s really been a big sister to me, offering me advice and tough love when I need it. It was wonderful to finally meet her face-to-face, as she was in Orlando for a diabetes conference. We spent the afternoon out at the pool. It took me a while to warm up (I’m so nervous & shy when I first meet people, even bloggers I know!), but I think I came out of my shell? Maybe. Well, for me, I did.
It was a seriously gorgeous day. Sunny and hot, which made our dips in the pool so refreshing. But there was also a nice breeze to make the weather not seem too unbearable for July in Florida.
THIS is why I love Florida so darn much. We may not have seasons and it may get miserably hot in the summer, but the gorgeous days far outweigh all the bad.
After a few hours in the sun, we ventured out to Downtown Disney for dinner. We walked around until we found a yummy restaurant where we were given an awesome seat outside with the above view. We got to watch the sunset as we ate and chatted. Sadly, I had to leave after we ate to make the long trek back home but it was SO nice to spend time with Allison. Blogger meet-ups are a lot of fun! I need to do them more often. 🙂
Sunday was my mom’s birthday! We celebrated in a very low-key way but it suited us. This is definitely our most flattering picture ever.
A delicious birthday brunch. And yes. I took a bite of my bacon before taking this picture. IT WAS SO GOOD! I love bacon. So much.
How was your weekend? Who was the last blogger you’ve met?