1 – Finishing the Spartan 500 Challenge (50 jump squats, 100 push-ups, 150 sit-ups, and 200 burpees. Most people were doing the Spartan 1,000 which is all of that… doubled.)
2 – Making it through a tough boot camp, my mom making me cookies when I felt down
3 – Movie date with my brother, another successful #twookclub chat!
4 – Choosing to listen to my heart and not my head and having peace with that decision.
5 – Friends being there for me for my neurotic text messages and lengthy emails when I needed them the most. They are rock stars. <3
6 – A visit to the vet for Dutch after some weird behavior from him (having accidents in the house, vomiting, etc.) and him being okay! He ended up having a UTI and a “touch of colitis” but nothing major, all quick, easy fixes. YAY!
7 – Starbucks for breakfast. So yum!
8 – Seeing an alligator during my run! So awesome.
9 – A long, glorious nap, my nephew singing the Barney “I Love You” song to me
10 – Seeing “What to Expect When You Might Be Expecting”. Much cuter/funnier than I anticipated!
11 – Another great, killer boot camp. I could really get used to these!
12 – Tootsie is back after a long vacation!
13 – Starting a new Sarah Dessen novel
14 – Cruise shopping, Panera for dinner
15 – A quiet night in after a stressful day at work. Much needed.
16 – Being productive around the house, shopping for new running shoes
17 – Lunch with my grandparents, a quiet afternoon spent napping, reading, and getting some writing done
18 – Starting a 3-day work week. Woo!
19 – Bonding with my boss more and more. I’m really settling into my role here, even as it keeps changing and growing.
20 – Treating myself to a Starbucks frappuccino before work. Yum, yum!
21 – Boarding the Carnival Paradise
22 – A calm, relaxing day at sea
23 – Zip-lining and shopping in Cozumel, lunch at Senor Frogs
24 – A lazy day at sea. Due to crappy weather, we spent the day napping, reading, and playing board games. And playing putt-putt golf in the rain! Hardcore!
25 – Making it back to Tampa safely, reuniting with Dutch
26 – Making more 2012 travel plans: Georgia in September, NYC in November.
27 – A quiet lunch alone
28 – My triumphant return to Weight Watchers & receiving a lot of love and support from my Leader
29 – The start of the USA Olympic Trials for gymnastics!
30 – A new haircut that feels a lot more “me”, a night spent with my nephew & brother