1 – Warmed up chocolate chip cookies
2 – Beginning my Christmas shopping with a shirt for my nephew and a new harness for Dutch
3 – Game night with my mom and brother
4 – gChatting with Katherine and coming up with an awesome idea for 2012: making 12 small changes – 1 a month – to transform my life into something that is healthier and happier for me.
5 – Finishing a really great book and starting another really great book
6 – Spoonfuls of cookie dough
7 – Finally having an easy run that felt fun. After weeks of tough runs, it was much needed.
8 – Getting let out of jury duty by 11:00am. (I was questioned, but not picked for the jury.)
9 – A nice, productive day at home
10 – A full day of Christmas shopping, including meeting up with my brother at Target to start shopping for our mom.
11 – My second day of getting 8 full hours of sleep
12 – Buying my nephew some well-loved books
13 – A busy, but super productive day at work
14 – Turning the TV off by 8:30pm to spend time reading and slowly getting ready for bed.
15 – Baking cookies
16 – Sleeping in until 11, a day of Christmas shopping
17 – Nephew time. It was short and sweet but good God, I love that kid so much, it’s ridiculous. 🙂
18 – A Christmas get-together with family
19 – The beginning of Holiday Week
20 – A cheesy, predictable Christmas movie
21 – Putting the presents back under the tree
22 – Finishing out my first week managing the media department by myself. And doing a pretty good job at it, if I do say so myself!
23 – A cheesy, predictable romance novel (Are we sensing a theme here?)
24 – Christmas Eve. A day full of anticipation of what is to come on Christmas.
25 – Christmas! Presents, family time, and food. Nothing better.
26 – Buying new froofy pillows to match my new bedspread.
27 – Starting on my 70th book to read this year.
28 – Episodes of Happy Endings. I just started watching this show. It’s so funny!
29 – A really fun day at work where half our morning was spent chit-chatting over chocolate cake in the conference room and part of the afternoon was spent enjoying a delicious Caribbean meal at a restaurant in town.
30 – Having a day off work to catch up on life.
31 – Spending New Year’s Eve with my brother and my mom. Perfect.