Today, I am thankful for my iPhone.
My iPhone and I have not been together for very long. Less than three months but I can’t even tell you how much I love it. My cell phone provider is Sprint and I love Sprint. My mom and I have used Sprint since I was a junior in high school (2005) and I don’t think I would ever switch providers. So I knew I was stuck with Android phones and was trying to accept this fact. But there was just something about the iPhone that called to me. I wanted that iPhone.
Imagine my surprise when rumors about the iPhone coming to Sprint began to surface in mid-August. I clung to those rumors. And in October, it happened. The iPhone was available from Sprint. I ordered my phone (also beginning my very own phone plan for the cell phone provider! It’s like I’m a real adult and everything!) and it arrived on a beautiful October day. (Okay, more like a crazy October night since I had to arrange for it to be delivered to a UPS facility and patiently wait until 7:00pm to retrieve it.)
Since then, we have become best friends. I’m a tad bit obsessed with my phone. I try really hard to not let it take over real relationships, but I won’t lie that it’s a great way to pass time and keep myself occupied. Plus, it offers me so much. I can look up anything I want and more often than not, I can think of an app I would like, search for it, and find it quickly.
I know this post may come across as silly, but I don’t really care. I love my iPhone and waited a long time for it!
And for my favorite iPhone apps? Well, I thought you would never ask!
- Words With Friends – My username is “stephanywrites”, if we’re not already playing. And we should be.
- Hanging With Friends – I will admit to loving HWF more than WWF. There’s something more exciting about it! (Same username as WWF – if we’re not already playing, we need to be.)
- Instagram – I love this for the social aspect. And they always make my photos look better than I can on my own.
- iMapMyRun – The perfect app for a runner. It works so well for me.
- SoundHound – I’ve been able to look up many songs with this app, find them on iTunes directly from the app, and download the song. (Big props to Melissa for recommending this one!)
- Things – An expensive app, but has been very helpful in managing my to-do’s and making me feel completely more organized. I downloaded this a few days ago so I’m just discovering how to use it all.
- Sally’s Salon – A fun, time-wasting game that I can easily get sucked into.
- Google Calendar – I’m realizing this is much easier for me to use than a paper planner. I can add dates either on my laptop or on my phone and it gives me reminders if I request them. I’ve been using this for appointments, bill due dates, and my blog calendar.
What is something silly, completely materialistic that you are thankful for? If you have an iPhone, what are your favorite apps?