First and foremost, for everyone wanting to be involved in #twookclub (hashtag suggested by Tabitha and it’s a keeper!), I’ve created a group on Goodreads as a place to discuss happenings, vote on the monthly book, and just talk in general. It’s a private group for now (and I need a picture. That question mark is bothering me!) so if I haven’t requested for you to join, follow this link to ask! Everyone is welcome! And the poll for the November book is up, you have until Sunday to vote.
I’ve decided to participate in Lauren’s Fill-In-the-Blank Friday for the first time! It looks like fun and I’m all about taking it easy on Friday. 🙂 Here we go!
1. When I was a kid I wanted to be an author when I grew up. (Yes! I’ve always known I wanted to write. When I was younger, I had notebooks upon notebooks of story ideas, character notes, and plot outlines.)
2. As an adult, my dream job would be to be able to make a living as a published author. (See what I did there?)
3. When I was younger, I wanted to be like the other girls who seemed to have the perfect lives with no fighting parents, no money issues, no insecurities. (Of course, I know this wasn’t true and I know they had their own issues, but on the outside, their lives seemed magical.)
4. The childhood Halloween costume I remember most was when I was a witch. (Mostly because my mom hated it and it was a hand-me-down that was too long for me and I kept tripping over at school.)
5. My favorite childhood toy was my Barbies, of course!
6. The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I …I’m not sure. I got in trouble for little things (like the time my brother and I woke up one morning and decided to paint my dad’s speakers with nail polish) but nothing major. I do remember once getting in trouble and my mom taking away my TV privileges, my computer privileges, AND MY BOOKS! That was the worst punishment ever.
7. I get daily inspiration from bloggers and my mom.
Happy Friday, friends! When you were a kid, what time did YOU get into the biggest amount of trouble?