1) I planned to write a post about NaNoWriMo, but I feel like my final thoughts aren’t that exciting. At least, enough to warrant a full post. It boils down to the fact that I do really well with a challenge like NaNoWriMo + making myself accountable to other people. I haven’t gone back to my novel since finishing the challenge on November 27th, although I have started to outline the last few scenes of the book and I have a general idea of how it is going to end. It’s just so easy to make excuses for not writing without the pressure of NaNoWriMo! I have a big goal to finish my novel by the end of the year, but I’m not sure how feasible that is, as there are only two-and-a-half weeks left in 2019. Eeks!
2) I know everyone decorated for Christmas early since Thanksgiving fell so late this year, but I waited until last weekend to decorate. (Mostly because of my cruise and not wanting the girls to terrorize all my decorations when I wasn’t here, haha.) I also hadn’t bought a single Christmas present until last weekend. Thanks to the power of online shopping, though, I got about 90% of it done from the comfort of my home and should have all my presents delivered and ready to be wrapped by next weekend. Woop! I still need to buy something for the cats and Chip (of course the animals in my life get Christmas presents!) and I have a Secret Santa gift to buy for work, but other than that, I am D O N E and that feels oh-so-wonderful.
3) My ankle is doing better than expected, which is nice to report! I’ve been keeping it wrapped whenever I’m out and about (and at work), and then taking off the wrapping when I’m at home to give my skin a little breather. I can walk fairly normally on it but it definitely lets me know when I’m doing too much with little twinges of pain. I went to my ortho on Friday where they did X-rays that showed I most definitely broke it but that the bone is rounded, which I’m taking to mean that it never fully, 100% healed from the last time I broke it. (And it may never fully heal, unless I get surgery, which I want to avoid at all costs.) I’ll go back to my ortho at the beginning of January to see how my ankle is healing and I plan on asking my doc how I can stop breaking this damn ankle. Hoping he’ll suggest physical therapy and not surgery, but we’ll see! For now, I’m feeling good and just trying to rest my ankle as much as possible so it can heal ASAP.
4) Sunday was Eloise’s one-year “gotcha”-versary. I can’t believe I’ve had that sweet girl for a whole year now! I remember how scared I was to bring her home, even though I knew in my heart she was meant to be my kitty. But I had no idea how to take care of a cat, even with all my planning. She hid under my bed for a solid week and I was so worried about her! Alas, I had nothing to worry about as she is now my little shadow and doesn’t let me go very far without rubbing up against me or meowing at me. I love her so very much – she puts a smile on my face every day!
5) I have a great weekend planned! Today, I have therapy and then I’m going over to a friend’s house to meet the dog she and her husband just adopted. Tomorrow is a trip to this magical place called Robert’s Christmas Wonderland where I will try not to spend all of my money on Christmas goodies. And on Sunday, I’m meeting a friend’s new baby and watching football with the fam. All in all, it will hopefully be a WONDERFUL weekend and I hope this weekend treats you all well, too. <3
Are you done Christmas shopping? Tell me: do YOU buy gifts for the animals in your life? 🙂