Feeling… worried about my poor sick pup! Over the weekend, my mom made him homemade dog treats (coconut oil cubes & “Beggin’ Strips”) because we’ve noticed he’s been having an issue with dry skin again. Currently, he gets regular oatmeal baths every 4-6 weeks and we started feeding him a grain-free pet food that’s good for dogs with sensitive skin, which has really helped. But the last time he was given a bath (we take him to PetSmart because it’s just easier and the girl who takes care of him loves him to bits and pieces), she mentioned he had dry skin again and sure enough, he’s been itching a ton lately! So we wanted to switch him over to all-natural, grain-free pet treats, too. (We currently feed him “junky” treats, like Beggin’ Strips and Snausages. It’s bad, I know!) Long story long, my mom made homemade pet treats and Dutch’s sensitive stomach did not handle it well. Let’s just say we had to get out the steam vacuum to clean up our carpets. Yep. Very fun. So! We’re going to try giving him actual dog treats (all natural) which I think his stomach will handle a bit better. We may try giving him the coconut oil cubes again, but in a smaller dosage, and after he’s feeling better. I think those would really help his dry skin!
Reading… The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. I just started it yesterday and I’m less than 50 pages in, so I don’t have much of an opinion yet. It’s this month’s pick for book club and everyone on Goodreads has nothing but great things to say, so I just hope I love it as much as everyone else does!
Watching… Crisis! Is anyone else watching this show? I am hooked. The premise is that a bus full of high school students gets kidnapped and nearly every kid on the bus has an influential parent. (The President’s son, a senator’s daughter, etc.) And the kidnappers are forcing these parents to do something illegal to get their kids back. (There’s some sort of conspiracy plot, or something, related to these illegal incidents, I think, but that hasn’t been revealed yet.) The FBI is involved, but the kidnappers always seem to be one step ahead of them. It’s such a good show and I look forward to it every week!
Anticipating… starting my first sewing project! I am honestly the last person you would ever think to tackle a sewing project, but a good friend (my writing partner, in fact!) hosts a fun “Stitch & Bitch” sewing group every Thursday and invited me to come along and learn how to sew. I decided, why the hell not, it’s not like I have this super busy life and couldn’t handle another hobby/social group. So in a few weeks’ time, I’m going to attempt my first sewing project (I’m thinking of a pillow?) to see how I like it.
Planning… to start coloring my hair myself. The whole reason I went back to brunette in October was that being blonde was expensive. It was easily costing me upwards of $100 every 6-8 weeks to keep my roots fresh. Well. I went to my hair salon on Friday to get my color freshened up and it cost me $84! Eighty. Four. Freaking. Dollars. That’s ridiculous. So, it’s time I start coloring my hair myself. I’ve done it once and it turned out just fine, but I always worry I am going to royally screw the dye job up and wind up with awful-looking hair. (Any tips? Best brand to buy?)
Wishing… that these next few weeks would fly by! My cruise is 25 days away and this time four weeks from now, my mom and I will be relaxing poolside in the Bahamas, sipping fruity drinks and enjoying the island breeze on our skin. I. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
Wondering… if I should hit “check out” with the items currently sitting in my Loft.com shopping cart. I am in desperate need of new work clothes, but I keep putting off shopping because a) I have a little thing called debt I’m trying to take care of and b) I want to lose weight. Well, this mentality can serve me well in some cases, but it comes down to the fact that I have one nice pair of well-fitting dress pants (and I “get away” with wearing a pair of black Old Navy skinny jeans most days, but those are quickly getting worn out and faded) and a bunch of shirts that are losing shape. Right now, I have a pair of dress pants and a cute blouse sitting in my shopping cart and I think I’m going to bite the bullet and buy them because a) they are a necessity and b) they’re having a sale that is kinda too good to pass up!
Loving… sunshine, being more social, homemade egg sandwiches for breakfast, chocolate-covered espresso beans, getting back into an exercise routine, playing with sting rays at the marine aquarium, and having funny conversations with coworkers.
What are you reading, anticipating, and wishing for currently?