1) I have had the hardest time waking up this week. In fact, I’ve only managed two morning workouts this week! I’m going to bed at my normal time (between 9pm and 9:30pm), but forcing myself to get out of bed has been almost impossible. (In fact, I’m supposed to be up by 6am, even on the mornings I don’t work out, and I’ve been snoozing until 6:30.) I don’t know what the deal is, but I guess I just needed some extra zzz’s this week! I’ve been sleeping awesomely, so I’m really not sure what it is about this week that has made waking up so hard. Maybe it’s just one of those weeks.
2) One of the clients I write for at my job is an apartment community. They take up the bulk of my page load (25 pages per month) and I write about a variety of topics that encompass apartment living. For example, in the pages I wrote for February, I wrote about baking cupcakes, organizing a jewelry collection, facts about the Olympics, making your own sugar scrub, and how to create your own recipe book. It’s basically like writing 25 mini-blogs! It’s completely different from the other stuff I have to write (window installation and outdoor patio products!) and I really enjoy writing the pages. Plus, I learn some cool stuff! The only problem is that I usually fall down Internet rabbit holes when I’m searching for topic ideas and/or tips for the pages. (Let’s not talk about the amount of time I spent reading the blog of a Mennonite family the other day…)
3) Every few months or so, I experience a few days of pretty intense wisdom tooth pain. It only involves my upper left tooth, my other three teeth don’t give me any trouble. It basically feels like a dull ache and is very bothersome. Usually, if I take two Advil the moment I feel the pain, it goes away within 20-30 minutes, but on Wednesday, I started feeling the pain in the morning and had no pain reliever at work. It was not a fun day. I’ve been putting off getting my wisdom teeth removed, just because I’m scared and I worry about the recovery period. (I’ve heard horror stories.) But I think I just need to do it. Get it over with. I probably should have done it years ago!
4) Yesterday, I had Starbucks for breakfast. For anyone else, grabbing Starbucks before work isn’t a big deal. You may even do it a few times a week! For me, Starbucks breakfast is a treat. I buy a mocha Frappucino and a sausage breakfast sandwich and it’s seriously unhealthy. (I think I calculated once that it was 26 Weight Watchers points? Which is a few points over most daily allotments, to put it in perspective.) But it’s so, so good. And I was craving it, so I got it yesterday and you know what? I don’t feel bad about it at all. Was it the best choice I could have made? No. But I had it, I enjoyed it, and I felt no guilt. I probably won’t have it again for another month or two (or longer). I think that’s the key to this healthy living thing: enjoying special treats every once in a while, in moderation. I think that’s why the 80/20 rule appeals to me so much: eating healthy 80% of the time and allowing for special treats and meals the other 20%.
5) Has this week felt seriously long to anyone else? I am so ready for the weekend. Tonight, I have writing group with my friend, and then on Saturday, I feel like a beach or pool day needs to happen. (High of 76!) My brother and nephew are coming over Saturday night for pizza and games. On Sunday, I’ll be up early to cheer my mom on in her first race of the year, then probably spend the rest of the day writing, cleaning, and meal prepping for the week. Busy weekend for me!
Happy weekend! Any fun plans on tap?