We’re less than two weeks away from Christmas! I can’t believe how fast this month is flying by. Last week, I finally decorated my apartment, although I don’t really have room for a tree. (My sectional takes up the majority of my living room!) I have a tabletop one, but there’s something about a big, full tree surrounded by presents that makes my heart full. Ah, well. Maybe next year!
Every year, I like to write out my wishlist for Christmas. It’s slightly narcissistic, I know, but it’s so fun! Of course, Christmas isn’t about the gifts, and I am looking forward to the traditions this season brings, like making Christmas cookies, watching holiday movies, and celebrating Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve. Oh, and drinking as many peppermint mochas as my body will tolerate. 😉 But presents are fun! And I like imagining what will be waiting for me under the tree.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this Christmas season…
1) A Fitbit
I’ve wanted a Fitbit for a while now, but I’m hesitant to invest in one because I worry I’ll only use it for a few months and then get tired of it. But maybe not? Well, I put it on my Christmas list this year, so I guess we’ll see what I do with it if it’s under the tree for me this year.
2) Kindle Paperwhite
I’ve been using my iPad Mini as my Kindle reader for the past few years now, and it works well, but it’s basically impossible to read when I’m outside in the sunshine due to the glare on the screen. I’m ready to go back to a lightweight Kindle again. I miss it!
3) A microwave
Haha, what an adult-y wish! My new apartment didn’t come with a microwave and I haven’t bought one myself, even though I desperately need one. It’s one of the reasons I’m not meal prepping right now – I don’t have a way to heat up food! Santa…?
4) Bookish throw pillows
I love the Instagram feed of Bookworm Boutique and would like to own all of the things she sells, but I’ll settle for some cute bookish throw pillows for my couch. It’s very on-brand for me. 😉
5) A subscription to Book of the Month Club
Is there any better gift for a book lover? I think not. I’ve wanted to join BOTM Club, but I continue to hesitate because it’s not a cheap subscription service and I’m not huge on buying books (all library, all the time!). Every month, though, when I see the selections for the month, I get the itch to join because the selections are excellent.
6) The entire Harry Potter series, in hardback
I once owned the entire Harry Potter series, but in paperback, and I gave the series away to a coworker’s daughter who wanted to read the series. I don’t regret that decision, because I never regret giving away books, but after rereading the series this year, I find that I want to own the series, especially in beautiful hardback books. Yes, please!
7) A small bookshelf
Okay, okay. I know I’ve said I don’t really buy books, but I’ve recently amassed a tiny collection of books and it’s giving me the itch to add more to my collection. And I could really use a bookshelf in my bedroom to liven up the space. I doubt I’ll get this for Christmas, so I’ll probably end up buying this myself after the holidays.
8) Candles!
I remember when I was younger and thought getting candles as a present was soooo boring. Well, Younger Steph, the older version of you would actually be very excited to receive candles for Christmas. Adulthood is so weird.
What are you wishing for this year?
Great list! I should copy this post… Although my family agreed to no gifts this year except for my daughter, so it might be a little anticlimactic lol.
I have SO wanted to join the BOTM club forever, but am not for the same reasons you are (expensive and I don’t like to accumulate a ton of books). But I might just do it next year or at least try it. You can skip months any time I think. I know I would so be tempted to add an extra book on each month though and that will add up quick!
I have that exact bookcase in the picture. Actually three of them. They come in handy but I don’t use any for actual books sadly!
I have all the HP series in Hardback – all the originals I read as they came out when I was a kid! They have all been read so many times. Love them. You definitely need!
Yes, you can skip any month! It makes it easy to extend your subscription & not feel boxed in by selections you’re not interested in. I looooove it.
hmm i told you my biggest wish on chat. outside of that, photo lens! 🙂
That is a great wish list and I wouldn’t say no to anything on your wish list either – except the kindle, fit bit and microwave but only because I already have those three things 🙂 Candles are ALWAYS on my Christmas wish list. Such a great gift and I’m still burning some of the nicer ones I got last year!
I’ve got a toaster and a microwave on my list! Both of my current ones aren’t heating/toasting consistently and it’s rather frustrating. Gotta love when your lists get all adulty. 😉
I love seeing what is on others wish lists! As you know, I have a BOTM subscription and I love it! I haven’t had a chance to read the 3 books I’ve received from the service as I’ve been working on meeting my other reading goals. But after the new year I can’t wait to dig into them! It’s a fun way to get new releases and my plan is to sell back some of them to a used book store which will offset the cost.
My wish list is so practical this year and is mostly kitchen stuff like a big stock pot, splatter screen for when I’m frying things in a frying pan, a GF cookbook and a canning cookbook.
I love your list! I got a FitBit for my wrist when I got pregnant and it’s been a great way to keep me accountable with getting some physical activity every day since I can’t full on exercise. I also think it’s good accountability for anyone with a desk job.
I used to not be a big fan of candles either but I’ve recently had a change of heart this last year. Bath and Body Work sells gorgeous candles!
Nothing wrong with writing a wish list – I do it every year 🙂
As you know, I looooove my BoTM subscription. Can’t recommend it highly enough! 🙂