If we were having coffee today… it would probably be through Zoom or Facetime since I wouldn’t want to get you sick! That’s right—with just a few weeks left of the year, I got my first illness. A good run, wouldn’t you say? Thankfully, it’s not Covid (I’ve tested twice); just your run-of-the-mill virus. I started feeling grody on Sunday afternoon with a slight sore throat and then when I decided to go to bed at 9:30 p.m., I knew something was up. I woke up on Monday with a severe sore throat, a runny nose, and an overall blah feeling. I worked for about an hour in the morning and then took a long nap in the afternoon, ordered Panera soup for an early dinner, and watched copious amounts of TV all day. (I’m loving Squid Games: The Challenge.) I felt a little better yesterday—no more sore throat but dealing with a stuffy nose, chest congestion, and cough. Nothing too terrible! I’m just not used to being sick, so I’m a bit of a baby about it.
If we were having coffee today… I’d talk to you about my uncle. Though we were all hoping he’d make it through the holidays, we do not have much longer with him. He is currently undergoing care in hospice and has stopped responding to his daughters, which is heartbreaking for them. He’s only 60 and they are only in their late 20s… far too young for him to die and for them to deal with his death. We are making preparations for his memorial service and what comes next. To that end, I’m going to leave a link for the GoFundMe that my cousins have set up for him. Death is an expensive endeavor, made even more expensive for someone who does not have health insurance or life insurance. They are looking at spending thousands just for the simplest cremation and service, and are hoping to offset some of those costs with this page. (An update here that I really didn’t expect to make: My uncle passed away early this morning.)
If we were having coffee today… I’d probably need a distraction from thinking about my uncle, so I’d tell you about the sweetest package I received from Daria, who was my Secret SANta this year! Everything I pulled out from the box she sent me made me gasp with pleasure! There was the sweetest cat mug that has a fun, unique shape, a slew of Korean sheet masks that I will definitely put to good use, a pair of turquoise earrings that are so pretty, a Homesick candle for New Jersey (where Daria lives!), and a great book called “Things to Look Forward To” that I’ve already enjoyed paging through. What a delightful gift! Thank you, Daria!
If we were having coffee today… I’d talk about how I’m a little stressed out about my editorial calendar for the last half of December and into January. Typically, I write all of my “Best Of” posts at the end of the year and into a week or two of the new year. I go through a lot of reflection posts: blogging, podcasts, books, memories, goals, etc. It’s a process! And it’s one I love. But since I’ll be on vacation the last week of the year, I’m not sure I’ll be able to get all of those posts written and scheduled before I leave. Which means January might be a big month of 2023 reflection! Get excitedddd.
If we were having coffee today… I’d have to talk about my cats, of course! They just started their 2023 advent calendar—I was happy to find a treat-based advent calendar at Target. The toy calendars are fun, but they don’t really play with the toys from those calendars all that much so I like this option much better. Other than that, the girls have been great! Eloise has been a wonderful nurse to me this week (on Monday, I went to sit at my desk in the afternoon after taking a nap and she came right up to me and put her paws on my leg as if to say, “Mom, you need to rest!!”) Lila has steered clear of me, haha, so I guess nursing is not her career path. 😉
If we were having coffee today, what would you talk about?
I am so sorry that you are feeling sick, and also to hear about your uncle. 60 is very young and it is even harder when it is around the holidays… I send good wishes toward you and your cousins (and entire family).
I love your “problem” of having to schedule the posts and travel. That is a great problem to have! I do the same thing where I try to round stuff up early so I don’t have to do all the posts at the same time, but the holidays often get the better of me and I sometimes post in December and sometimes they just have to wait until January! This year too the last and first weeks are shorter, so unless you post ON the holiday day or the weekend, you have less days to get the posts scheduled. I feel your pain there!
Thank you, friend. <3 He was way too young.
That's true – we have less posting space since the holidays fall on a Monday so that always makes things a bit more difficult. I'm going to do as best I can to get everything scheduled, but I know it's not the end of the world to post a lot of my wrap-up posts in January.
I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your uncle. Loss this close to the holidays is especially hard and I’m sending prayers for peace and moments of joy in and amidst the pain and grief <3
Thank you so much, Elisabeth. Your words mean a lot.
I am so sorry about your uncle <3 loss is always hard, but stings so specifically during this time of year. I'm thinking of you and your family.
My coffee talk topic connects to your first topic (hope you feel better soon!): my daughter has a holiday concert – and a solo! – on Saturday night but kids in her class and walking group are dropping like flies with a virus. I know we can't wrap her or us in bubble wrap, so I'm hoping we make it through the recital, if not through the month without being hit!
Thank you, Lindsay! There is something brutal about losing someone two weeks before Christmas, that’s for sure.
I hope your daughter stays healthy! It feels like everyone is getting sick right now. Just that time of year!
I am so sorry about your uncle. Ugh, his poor children. Losing a parent is so heart-breaking, and especially at such a young age. Gosh my heart hurts for everyone. I am glad you got to see him one final time on Thanksgiving – it sounded like he was having an ok day that day so it’s nice to have one last “goodish” day when someone is at the end of their journey.
I’m also sorry to hear you are sick! We are pros at being sick in our house sadly, but it just sucks. I am healthy for now and just hoping something isn’t lurking out there waiting to take us down! I am glad I don’t travel for awhile so won’t be exposed to extra crud!
If we had coffee today, I’d tell you that I adore the book that Daria got you! We checked it out from the library for Paul but I ended up reading it on my own. The author is a wonderful picture book author! Her books are so delightful! I’m sure we’d talk about reading in general if we had coffee and I’d probably tell you about the faith-themed books I have been reading lately. Last night I finished Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans. I’m sure you know who she is since she was such a dominant figure in Christianity pop culture. In this book, she talks about how her aunt got the flu (or something like that) and then it moved to her spinal cord and she died extremely suddenly and how awful it was when that happened… and then the forward is written by Glennon Doyle and she talks about how she can’t imagine a world without RHE’s voice… It’s chilling to read because as I’m sure you know, she died suddenly when an infection moved to her brain in 2019. I think her youngest was turning 1 around then… so it’s just very weird to read about someone who died in her 30s very suddenly… I’m sure we’d talk about that but also what I’ve taken away from the faith-themed books I’ve read so far (I have a shelf for them in libby!).
Thank you, Lisa. It is so hard to lose a loved one, and for those girls to lose their father at such a young age. So unfair.
I don’t think I’ve read Searching for Sunday but I have read some of her other books – I just can’t go back to her books now that she’s passed. Her death GUTTED me. I remember it so vividly because I was in Dublin at the time and relaxing at my hotel when I saw the news, and I was so, so sad.
Oh Stephany, I’m sorry that you’re sick and for the loss of your uncle. There’s a huge difference between knowing that someone will pass soon and the actual passing.
On a brighter note your mug is so cute! And all of your blogging stress is going to translate into me enjoying a lot of great posts so sorry not sorry for that;-). Furry nurses are the best.
You’re completely right with your second sentence there. The finality of death is so hard. It’s just so weird to know he’s no longer living in this world like he’s always been – life can be so very cruel.
I’m glad to know that my blogging stress will do some good, haha. I’m always happy to deliver with fun blog posts.
It is hard to have a sick relative this close to the holidays. Hugs to you and your family.
I have a secret for you, Stephany. I kind of hate when I publish Best Of lists in December because what if something develops at the end of December? What if I read a five-star book that never makes a list? What if I find a new product that revolutionizes my life at the end of December? So I like to do some of that stuff in January. So, eh. Don’t stress about the editorial calendar. Get it done when you have time to get it done!
I agree with you! I get so angry with Goodreads when they try to send me my “year in reading” in mid-December. I can finish a BUNCH of books in those last few weeks – lay off!
I’m so very sorry about the passing of your uncle. 60 is far too young to die. I hate cancer. I hope his passing was peaceful, and I’m sending warm thoughts your way, and to your cousins who are also far too young to have to deal with all of this. <3
Thank you, J. The funeral director they worked with said the same thing. They are so, so young to be handling all of this on their own. <3
I am so sorry about your uncle. That is such a young age; hugs to you and your family.
I am also sorry you’re feeling better, although what a good run for 2023! Feel better, my friend.
What a nice package from Daria!
Thank you, Nicole. He was so young! Only a few years older than my mom, which is just scary.
The package from Daria was so sweet!
Stephany, I’m so sorry about your uncle. It’s hard to lose a parent at any age, but his daughters are still young! You definitely still need your parents in your 20s. Hugs to everyone.
We started our cat advent calendar as well (the one from Trader Joes) and of course they love it. I agree that toys wouldn’t get played with that much- treats are better.
I love your present from Daria!!! The Secret SANto exchange is so much fun- I loved sending off my gift and receiving my gift from SAN herself- but I’m also loving seeing what everyone else is getting.
I hope you’re feeling better by now- there are some nasty cold viruses going around. And I hope you’re able to enjoy the season, at least somewhat, in spite of your loss.
Thanks, Jenny. He was way too young to die and I can’t imagine dealing with all of this at 28 years old.
Next year, I *must* go to Trader Joe’s and get their calendar. The Target one has been a huge miss for Eloise. Lila loves the treats so she’s living her best life but Eloise snubs her nose at them, haha.
I’m so sorry about your uncle, Stephany. It’s hard at any time to lose a loved one, but a loss near the holidays adds its own kind of weight. I hope you and your family are doing as well as possible.
What a thoughtful Secret SANta gift.
And I am all about planning/reflection posts in January. It’s such a good month for looking ahead.
My heart just aches for my cousins and what they have to go through – and knowing how the holiday season will forever be tinged with grief for them. <3
I am so sorry about the passing of your uncle. My aunt passed away earlier this year and she was only 61, so I definitely relate to your feelings about him being way to you (and your cousins too young to lose their dad). Ugh. F**king Cancer. I cannot say this often enough 🙁
I am also sorry to hear you’ve been sick (I hope you’re on the mend by now).
You’re always so good with your end of the year posts, but I wouldn’t sweat it if you have to push them into January.
I am sorry about your aunt, San – 61 is so, so young. Cancer is such a beast.
I am so sorry about your uncle. And to be sick too, ugh. I hope that passes quickly. And definitely count me in the “write about it in January” group: it’s nice to have fun things after the holidays!
It was not a great week for me, that’s for sure! Thank you. <3
Very late with my contribution but hugging you- very sorry about your uncle. Cancer took the husband of my dear friend H last year, at 49 years old, and we are still grieving.
Thank you for a little shoutout- I am happy to see you liked the mug- my Secret Santa got me the exact same mug! I knew I liked it 😉
Hugs xx
I am still amazed that YOU got the same mug you got me! What are the odds?!
Cancer is such a beast… I am so sorry about your friend, 49 years old is SO young. That’s so unfair.
You have every right to be a baby when you’re sick! I am sorry you got sick and glad you are better!
I am so so sorry about your uncle. I don’t have words 🙁 That is much too young.
Thanks, Kim. <3 We're all still in a bit of a state of shock, even though we knew it was coming. We just wanted him to make it through Christmas. Ugh.
Oh, Stephany, I am so, so sorry about your uncle. Cancer sucks. It really, really does. My heart is breaking for you and for his daughters. Keeping all of you in my thoughts, as I know how losing family around the holidays feels. It is a different kind of pain.
(Is the GoFundMe still active? Please let me know.)
I hope you only have the one illness this year, and that you shift into the new year feeling renewed and ready to take on 2024. <3
Thank you, friend. <3 My poor cousins are living through my worst nightmare and it's so hard. They are too young to be dealing with all of this and he was much too young to die. It's hard.
The GoFundMe is still active. Thankfully, they surpassed their goal, which is amazing!
Catching up with you over coffee a month later. Thank you for sharing.
I am so sorry about your uncle. It really is sad when it happens especially around the holidays.
What a lovely gift Daria sent you. What is the book about? Is it more of a picture book?
I also wanted to write a few recaps but we are mid January so I am not sure I will do so. Right now I am not feeling it but I know I will be sad later. So maybe I just push through.