Loving… Instagram stories. Guys, I’m addicted. At first, I didn’t understand the point of Stories, but then I decided to use it to take videos of Dutch because who doesn’t want to see videos of him?? And now I use it all the time. I’m trying to only use it a few times a week, in a “document my day” sort of way because I think it gives people a different look inside my world, which is always fun. I also love watching everyone else’s Stories and seeing what they’re up to. It’s a less filtered look into everyone’s world.
Loathing… my social anxiety. I signed up to participate in a team-building event called Sportsfest and I’ve been dreading the event ever since. There’s only a handful of people from my work participating (maybe 20?), but I signed up because a good friend is the organizer and I wanted to show my support for her. It takes place the weekend before I leave for Puerto Rico so the timing isn’t great, and I’m nervous about getting to the event and parking and how crowded it will be. Thankfully, two of my very good friends will be there and both have offered to pick me up, which eases some of my worries. And also, I don’t want to turn down events just because I have social anxiety. I did that a lot in my late teens/early twenties and it led to a lot of loneliness. It may be awful, but that’s okay. I don’t want my social anxiety to be an excuse for not trying new things. And, truthfully, I will probably really enjoy myself! A few hours at the beach, spending time with my awesome coworkers? I think I’ll end up having a ton of fun.
Reading… The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. I’m moving through the book slowly because it’s a book that you can’t simply speed-read. But it’s phenomenal so far and the writing is exquisite. I actually suggested this book for my work book club and a coworker rolled her eyes at me and made a comment about how she didn’t want to read any more books about slavery “because it’s over. Let’s move on.” Of course, I made sure to let her know that, as a white woman, she has the privilege to say that, but this is an area of history that we do not need to move on from. We need these stories, both fictional and real, to never forget what happened and how we treated black people in our country. It’s despicable and horrific, and The Underground Railroad is such an incredible exploration of this time period and how black people were looked upon as no better than animals. It’s a hard read, yes, but it’s an important one. (And one my coworker should really, really read to better understand why “moving on” is not the answer.)
Watching… The Amazing Race. This season is unique because instead of the teams being couples or families, they are total strangers. Can you imagine trying to race around the world and do high-stress challenges with someone you’ve never even met?? Some of the teams work together perfectly and others are really struggling, but that’s what makes it so fun. I already have a favorite team and I hope they can make it to the end!
Anticipating… my trip to Puerto Rico! My mom and I have started making plans for some of the things we want to do (we definitely want to do a walking tour of Old San Juan and explore the El Yunque Rainforest), but we also plan on spending a lot of time by the pool and at the beach, sipping fruity drinks and reading. And since we’re not foodies in the least, I haven’t planned out any restaurants to visit, so if you have any recommendations, let me know! I’m all ears. Every time I try to do research about where to eat in San Juan, I get overwhelmed and close my browser, ha.
Thinking about… how to be more budget conscious. I’ve always struggled with sticking to a budget for some reason, but I’m really trying to get better at it. It’s not that I’m not paying my bills… it’s more that I tend to spend more than I save. But I started implementing a cash budget system for discretionary spending – trips to Target, meals out, coffee, etc. – which has been working out great. Once my cash is depleted, that’s it! If it means turning down plans, so be it. I must get better at how I spend my money. (But, nope, not going to feel ashamed that this is harder for me than it seems to be for others. It’s just the way it is. I know I have more on my plate, bills-wise, than other people as I live alone and am paying on my school loans, and while I make a good-enough salary, it’s definitely on the lower end of what’s comfortable. I know there can be so much shame tied to how we spend our money, but can we just stop that? You can only do the best you can do, and strive every day to get better. You don’t have to save half your income, you don’t have to be completely debt-free, you don’t have to give up coffee or trips to Target. You just have to do the best you can!)
Needing… to get back to eating healthy! I’ve been eating junk for the past two weeks and not really exercising. It started with being displaced for three-and-a-half days for fumigation and then I got sick and then I had a really busy week… and when stuff like that happens, healthy eating always falls to the wayside. I’d really like to lose weight this year, but I’m not really putting in the effort to make it happen.
What are you currently loathing, reading, and anticipating?
I’m annoyed at your coworker’s response! I hope she took your thoughts seriously. Maybe reading that book will open her eyes.
I also love IG stories, but I have a hard time with my app’s connection. I can’t ever seem to watch them without it pausing every few seconds, which makes it hard to keep up. I do mean to use them again soon though!
OMG – your coworkers response is AWFUL!! I hope she takes your response back to her to heart. I got to see Colson Whitehead speak in october (my book club went). At the end they did a Q&A and someone asked “Haven’t there been enough books written about slavery?” (CUE ME WANTING TO POUND MY HEART INTO THE CHAIR IN FRONT OF ME). OMG people are freaking clueless and have such white privilege. Unbelievable. I was so embarrassed that someone had the gumption to ask that question! You should read Homegoing when you are ready for another slave narrative. It was also beautifully written and it focuses on how the sin of slavery impacts generation after generation, even after African Americans were freed from slavery.
I wrote a post about finances today on my blog! I hope I never come off as condescending or as if I have it all figured out. I think that budgeting and money are hard for nearly everyone. People just don’t talk about it. So while you might feel like the minority in struggling, you are so not alone. I work in a well-compensated industry but have seen multiple people with huge salaries get laid off and have heard that they did not have anything saved or enough saved to handle unemployment. So no matter how much or how little you make, it’s something many many people struggle with. You have to be so dang intentional with how you spend money and that can be so hard to do!
I’m currently loathing tracking down the remaining RSVPs for our wedding. The deadline is today. It pisses me off that people can’t freaking drop the postcard – that has already been stamped – into the gd mail. I mean how much work is it to mail something? I know that sounds mean but there’s so much that goes into planning a wedding, and knowing your numbers is so important – especially since we will have table assignments for seating! I’m reading “Luckiest Girl Alive” by Jessica Knoll for book club. Honestly I was hoping this would be the May read for our club so I could skip it (I’ll miss book club since I’ll be in Maui on our honeymoon!) but it got moved to April. The protagonist is so unlikable so I’m struggling to get through it. And I am anticipating all of the wedding festivities from my girls gone mild bach party to the ladies lunch/manis & pedis the day before the wedding to the wedding to the “after the I do bbq” at my brother’s the next day to our honeymoon! All that said, I’m also anticipating just BEING MARRIED! The wedding will be fabulous, but being married to a great man is the ultimate prize.
Whoa, cannot believe your coworker said that – like, I can’t believe she thought it OR that she would say it out loud to a group as though that’s an acceptable viewpoint. Yikes. I’m so glad you said something to her to tell her you disagreed & try to set her straight or at least encourage her to see it differently. That’s so brazen… & also incorrect. UGH, that infuriates me.
I’m struggling with budgeting, too, made all the more difficult by the fact that Mike has no trouble with saving/budgeting whatsoever, & so he is really shocked & kind of scared of my financial habits. I’m not, like, a spending maniac, but I do have about $2k worth of credit card debt that I seem to be perpetually working to pay off, & I just drained most of my savings to pay my taxes… It’s a tough spot to be in, trying like hell but not always trying enough, worried about upsetting or letting down my significant other, AND trying to plan a wedding amid it all…
Puerto Rico sounds awesome. I’d love to go there! Can’t wait to live vicariously through your pics.
I hope you end up enjoying the event. I always make plans because they sound good at the time, but then I don’t want to go when the day comes. I force myself and always end up being glad that I went… I totally feel your pain though.
Feeling the same with the healthy eating. I’ve been so off track lately. Ugh.
I used to be great at budgeting and saving but have been struggling lately. I’m trying to get back into saving by putting away at least a little bit each week!
IG stories… I can’t for the life of me understand how people have time to make these videos AND watch the videos of others and keep up with all the other social media platforms. I am so overwhelmed… and I don’t know if I should just shrug my shoulder and move on or if I am missing out???
Re: the budgeting: WHO can even save half their income? I think budgeting and income is a very sensitive topic, but we should talk more about it, because not two people’s situations are the same.
I love IG stories, it’s the first thing I do on social media when I get home from work (once I’m on my wi-fi). Something about it is more interesting to me than still photos, blogs, or anything else. I guess it’s like you said – it’s a fun, unfiltered look into someone’s life. As with most social media, though, I WANT to post more but then I hold back because I judge myself (“nobody needs to see a photo of [x],” “you don’t need a video of yourself talking to the camera,” etc.).
I feel you on the social anxiety thing, I anticipate things and stress myself out to the max… until I get there, and then I’m fine. It’s so bizarre having to argue with yourself that everything’s going to be fine, and your mind/body refuses to believe you.
I don’t really use instagram stories but I do use snapchat a lot and I think stories are really similar to snapchat. I too love the unfiltered look at people’s lives! I can’t believe your coworker made that comment, I’m glad you said something to her. Completely uncalled for and those are the kinds of things people say not realizing they are being SO privileged and racist and they need to be called out on it. If her ancestors had been slaves maybe she wouldn’t think we had “enough” books about it. yeesh!
I am pretty good at budgeting BUT I definitely could always save a little more. This month in particular has been a big spending month for me, and not stuff I necessarily NEED so after we get back from our trip I do want to try and chomp down on my mindless spending a bit more.