Loving… trying new recipes. I’ve added two new recipes to my arsenal, both from the Budget Bytes blog. I need to get better about cooking more at home because it’s healthier for me and cheaper in the long run, but most of my recipes are tried-and-true favorites that I’m getting a little tired of. So, it was time to look for some new recipes and I came across Budget Bytes. I’ve heard of her before, but haven’t tried her recipes until this month and I am a fan. I made Greek Marinated Chicken and Creamy Pesto Pasta with Chicken and Broccoli, and they were both delicious and made four meals, which is the perfect amount for me (three days of leftovers is just about my limit).
Loathing… my anxiety disorder. Last week was just one of those bad weeks for me, where everything felt overwhelming and I just wanted to stay in bed all week and throw the covers over my head. I couldn’t do that, of course. I have a job to go to and a dog to take care of, but boy, did I want to. I hate when I get into those moods because everything feels so pointless and I feel like I’ll never be happy again. Logically, I know it will pass, but man, it is so hard when you’re in the thick of it to understand that. Thankfully, I feel the gray cloud dissipating and I felt more like myself this weekend.
Reading… Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah. This one has been a slow read for me, and I feel like I should have given up on it because I’m not really enjoying it all that much. But I kept hoping it would get better and Kristin Hannah is one of my favorite authors, so I hate abandoning her books, but I will be very glad when I finish it.
Watching… season five of Parks and Rec. I always need a light-hearted comedy in my TV rotation and Parks and Rec fits the bill. (Although, it did cut me deep in my soul during an episode where Leslie and Ben are looking at the White House and she says to him, “What do you think? Our home in 2020?” YES PLEASE.) I also just finished the first season of Mad Men over the weekend and I’m excited to dive into season two very soon.
Listening to… the Girl Next Door podcast. I heard about this podcast from Amber and I’ve been wanting to give it a listen. Truthfully, 2017 was the year I added too many heavy podcasts to my feed. This podcast is light-hearted and fun and silly. I started at the beginning, and since they started their podcast back in 2014, I have quite a bit of catching up to do. Give it a listen if you love that podcast subgenre of “girlfriends chatting.”
Anticipating… my haircut on Saturday. I’ve finally decided that I am going to chop my hair. I have been questioning myself about it because I really love my long hair and lessened humidity means my hair has been on its best behavior lately. But I’m also interested in donating my hair to a good cause and enjoying a sassy new ‘do. Here’s what I’m thinking about for the cut – mostly a long bob that’ll hit around my collarbone with bangs. (Although there’s a small part of me that’s dying for this cut.)
Grateful for… my primary care doctor. It took me forever to find a primary care doc, but she is a godsend. I had an appointment with her a few weeks ago to discuss a particularly embarrassing medical condition that I thought I had, and I was not looking forward to the appointment at all. But I’d been having symptoms for months now, and it was at the point where it was affecting my quality of life and I needed to get the advice of a doctor. And what do you know, it went fine. I did not die of embarrassment and my doctor made me feel completely comfortable discussing my symptoms without any awkwardness. I really love this doctor and I am so glad I found her.
Needing… motivation to work out. I haven’t been to the gym in over a week and I don’t really have a good reason for it. Well, aside from having serious anxiety last week and not having the motivation to do much more than drag myself to work every day. Late last year, I contemplated canceling my gym membership because I wasn’t using it as much as I hoped. My apartment complex has a small gym and there are always workouts I can access online. I talked myself out of canceling because I really enjoy being able to take spin classes. But I haven’t taken a spin class since I fractured my ankle because I’m worried it’s a little too high impact (the standing segments especially). I guess the motivation is harder since I’m limited in what I can do while I wait for my ankle to heal, and what I can do feels so minimal in the grand scheme of things. I’m barely breaking a sweat with my workouts. But movement in any form is good for me, and I have to keep remembering that.
What are you currently anticipating and reading?
Also! I wanted to remind you to take my reader survey, if you haven’t already. I’ve gotten some great responses so far and I’m excited to share them soon.
That hairstyle will look so cute on you! And kudos to you for wanting to donate it as well! I wish I had done that when I was a kid and chopped my long hair into a bob.
Right now I’m heavily anticipating Isla’s upcoming ice skating trip with her class. She’s never been before so I don’t think she fully understands what she’ll be doing, and we’re not big into hockey in our house. It will be interesting to see how it goes, to say the least!
I’m not reading anything at the moment but I did receive Lauren Graham’s book for Christmas, so I’m just waiting for the right “moment” to start it.
It will be my second time donating my hair and I love doing so. It’s such an easy thing to do that means the world to those who need it. Why not?!
I received Lauren Graham’s memoir for my birthday and I’m hoping to read it soon. I may end up listening to the audiobook, though, because I hear it’s one that is excellent on audio.
My work computer blocks the sites with your haircut inspiration. Darn! Can’t wait to see what you do with your hair. I’ve donated mine twice and it’s the best feeling!
I read Winter Garden and didn’t really love it either. i might have given it 3 stars? I’m kind of too lazy too go look on goodreads, though. Ha. I actually don’t love Kristin Hannah, though. Some of her books are a bit too chick litty for me… but I am glad someone told me to read The Nightingale because I loved that book! I wish all her books were that great as that’s one of my all-time favorite books!
I’m currently anticipating being DONE with pregnancy. I’m soooo over it, especially after the terrible week I had with the hospitalization for a blood clot. i will be induced at 39 weeks, though, so I only have to make it through 4 more weeks of pregnancy which seems doable! I’m reading “The Things We Wish Were True” which is a book I got for free from Kindle Firsts or something like that. It’s light and enjoyable and just the kind of book I need right now!
Also, I love “Girls Next Door”. That podcast is such a fun one. If you don’t listen to Chatty Sisters, I recommend that as well. I think you know Kelly and Caroline? Their podcast is so fun to listen to!
Yay for donating hair! It’s such a good feeling. It was nice to chop all my hair off and play around with a new style.
You have been such a trooper through this miserable pregnancy of yours, and I cannot wait for it to be over for you. <3 Almost there!
Reading: I just finished a cozy mystery last night so I think I’m on to a romance novel OR a stephen king novel. I haven’t decided… and yes, I realize they are two very different genres.
Anticipating: That’s a good question. Right now, nothing. Which is weird. February will be pretty busy- something every weekend this month which may be a lot but I’m hoping to balance it out as best I can with some quiet and down time.
Here’s to balancing your February with downtime and busyness! I know how tough it is to not get enough downtime. <3
Ugh, I ALWAYS need motivation to work out. And I hope this week is a lot better for your anxiety! <3
I love the Budget Bytes blog. I’ve tried multiple recipes already and some have become staples.
I am sorry you were dealing with anxiety. I know so many people who do and I can’t imagine it to be easy. I hope you feel better. And about the gym motivation: I just have to ” do it” and stick to my schedule. No excuses… but I know how it is when you had to take a break due to illness/injury and it’s hard to get back to your routine.
I am currently reading ” We were the Lucky Ones” (well, I just started it). Heard so many good things about it, but I am sure it’s heart-wrenching.
I’m almost 34 and I still don’t have a primary care physician and I really should get one, just so I can establish a baseline on my health. It’s silly, but it’s also really hard to find a doctor I like.