Loving… Daylight Saving Time. I know, I know! This is not a popular opinion, but I can’t help it: I love when we turn the clocks forward and suddenly, it’s 7:30pm and still light outside! I love having more daylight and if that means the sun doesn’t rise until 7:30, so be it. I don’t know how I feel about being on permanent DST (I just can’t see how it would work for people in northern states), but I wouldn’t be too bummed if Florida decided to do so.
Loathing… working from my dining room table. And I’m so glad I don’t have to do it any longer, as my new sit/stand desk arrived on Wednesday and on Saturday, the guy I hired off TaskRabbit came by to put it together. He did it in under an hour and he saved the day, since the manufacturing company forgot to include dowels in the packaging. Thankfully, my Tasker had some on hand to easily complete the job. Whew! I am really happy I hired someone to put it together and I’m even happier to start working from my desk this week. Working from my dining room table was not fun, as my chairs are not designed to sit in for hours and hours at a time. Plus, I couldn’t really spread out like I’m used to; with three monitors, it was pretty cramped for a while!
Watching… a lot of shows this month!
- Brooklyn 99 – Still trucking through my rewatch. I’m on season 7.
- Love is Blind – Season 2 was just as crazy as season 1, and I loved every minute of it. The reunion was WILD, too.
- Abbott Elementary – I watched a few episodes of season 1, but then stopped watching. It’s not as funny as I’d hoped (mostly it’s just a sad indictment of the school system), but I do love the cast so maybe I’ll go back to it.
- Survivor – Season 42 is looking to be a good one! I have a few favorites already.
- The Bachelor – Clayton’s season was remarkably boring, but I made it through thanks to The Popcast’s weekly episodes reviewing the show.
Listening to… Pod Save the World. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t follow global news as closely as I should but with the war in Ukraine, I wanted to receive updates about what is going on from people who are highly intelligent about world politics. Pod Save the World it is! They release two episodes per week discussing the war and I have learned so much. It keeps me informed without feeling like I’m drowning in doom-scrolling.
Grateful… that my mom’s worrisome bump on her chest just turned out to be a cyst. Oh, you guys. I have been through the gauntlet of emotions this past week. My mom noticed this troublesome bump on Monday. Thankfully, she had a doctor’s appointment already scheduled for Tuesday and her doctor was quite confident it was a cyst (it had a ring of redness around it and was quite tender, which is uncommon for tumors) but scheduled her for a breast ultrasound just to be abundantly cautious. She had the ultrasound on Saturday morning (I went with her) and the radiologist told her it was a cyst. What a friggin relief! I’ve been trying to think positive thoughts but that’s just not how my brain works. I’m a catastrophizer—it’s just who I am, and I thought all of the worst-case scenarios. What would it be like to be someone who just imagines nothing bad could ever happen to them? I’m over here thinking why wouldn’t the worst happen to me?
Anticipating… a punch biopsy next week. Sigh. Remember that mole I had biopsied in February and said it came back benign? Apparently, I had missed a few calls from my dermatologist’s office. (I seriously don’t know how I missed them!) The mole actually has markers that indicate it could turn into skin cancer, which means I need to get the whole mole removed as a precaution. I’ve had a punch biopsy before and they’re not very pleasant (I remember the spot hurting a lot after the numbing agent wore off), but at least we found it early, my dermatologist was cautious enough to biopsy it, and it will be all taken care of with a quick office appointment.
Researching… therapists. While I had a therapy appointment in January, it was more of an intake session. And this was back when I was told that one of my benefits through my work-sponsored health insurance was 36 free therapy sessions through a specialized app. During the appointment in January, which I thought was going to be free, I learned that each session was going to cost $73. Quite disappointing! (Long story short: There was a law in effect that gave certain health insurances money towards mental health services during the pandemic but it expired in January 2022. My company was unaware of the expiration, so they promised us free therapy but had to take it away from us. I’m still salty about it.) Since then, I haven’t gone back to the app for therapy since I was assessing my options. I’ve decided to try to find a therapist on my own, even though it will cost more than the $73 per session. The reason for this is that I’m looking for long-term therapy. The app is more of a short-term solution, with most people only using it for 4-8 sessions. I have an intake session scheduled with a new therapist next Monday, and I’m crossing fingers and toes she’s a good fit for me!
Planning… to buy the girls a very lavish cat tree for their upcoming birthdays. Ooh, I am so excited about this present for them! They both turn four this year (Ellie at the end of April; Lila at the beginning of May), and I’ve decided to upgrade their current cat tree. They’ve started using it more and more, and the little scratching posts have been torn to shreds, so it’s time for something new. I wanted something with at least one cave to hide in and one hammock to sleep in, as well as a few tall landing pads for Ellie (she loves sitting on them to survey her kingdom!) and lots of good scratching areas. I have my eye on this one or this one, and I’m excited to surprise them with it soon! (<– Only for them to ignore for, oh, 6-8 months before they decide to try it out. CATS.)
Thinking about… how to get back into the workout groove. March has been an abomination in the workout department. I think I’ve only logged two Peloton workouts total! Oof. There have been so many mornings when I wake up early, put on my workout clothes, and then just decide I do not have the energy to do a workout. So I sit on the couch, play on my phone, and curse myself for waking up early and not doing what I said I was going to do. I don’t know what is going on with me! I am contemplating doing a 30-day workout challenge in April where I have to do some form of exercise every day just to get myself back in the swing of things. Sometimes it’s easier for me to work out when I know I have to do it every day no matter what than it is to do it just three days a week.
Needing… a new purse. It’s about that time of year where I’m on the hunt for the perfect new purse. I’ve been using my current purse for about a year now (maybe a little longer) and it’s time for an upgrade. I’ve been using a smaller purse in the interim and it just does not work for my needs. I’ve hit up both TJ Maxx and Target multiple times, but haven’t found the perfect purse just yet. I’m getting a bit restless, but I’m still holding out hope that I’ll find “the one” soon.
Buying… so much nail polish. I’ve started painting my nails on a semi-weekly basis and I love it! I used to keep my nails bare, but one day, I just decided to paint them with an old nail polish I had in my closet and it was such a lovely little experience. I like to sit down with a show on Friday night and paint my nails. It’s become a sweet little ritual in my life. Now, I tend to add a new nail polish to my Target cart every week or so. I have a good assortment of colors now, and I can’t stop myself from buying more every time I’m in Target! Olive & June seems like a cult favorite but I have to say that I think I’m more partial to Essie. I’m also on the hunt for the perfect fast-drying topcoat that will keep my manicure looking good for a week. (I’ve tried Olive & June Dry Drops and they do not work!)
Feeling… more and more settled in my new role. There have been a few growing pains, as I expected. It’s been weird to go from feeling like I never have enough time to get everything done to feeling like I have all the time in the world. It does feel good not to be crazy stressed right now, although I’m sure I will get there in time, haha. Right now, I’m not handling the training of new hires yet, so when I’m ready for that, it will significantly increase my workload! But it’s been fun to be involved in the hiring process, to take the lead on some new projects, and help ensure the people on my team feel supported and encouraged.
What are you currently grateful for and planning?
As someone who lives farther north, I would be completely fine with staying on DT 🙂 If we stayed on ST, my summer sunrises would be WAY too early (around/before 4:00 am).
Yay for the new desk and for hiring someone who had the tools you would not have to complete it!
I am so so so glad your mom is okay <3 I hope your mole removal goes well and doesn't hurt as much as last time! I bet your iPhone muted their calls. LOL. Mine lets almost nothing through (which is 100% fine with me).
I hope the therapist meeting goes well. I'd be salty about all that too 🙁
I am really excited to see which cat tree you get! Ours is from Chewy and has held up well. I love using my Uproot cleaner on it LOL 😉
I am currently grateful we finally took the gates down in the office. And I am planning my sister's sprinkle party!
OMG, I *love* using my Uproot cleaner on the cat tree. And Lila’s hammock. So satisfying!
I didn’t even consider that my iPhone muted their calls but that happens CONSTANTLY with my mom’s calls. I even have her as a Favorite and have tried everything to make sure those calls always come through or alert me in some way, and nope, iPhone wants to be a little bitch about it. SIGH.
Yay for it just being a cyst! Boo for you having to have a biopsy! Medical stuff is always so stressful!
I like DST, too. I do not want it to go away because it will get dark at like 3pm in the winter and those are already such hard months for me. I am LOVING that the sun is still out for hours after I’m done with work – it doesn’t make me feel like I should immediately go to bed after I log out for the day.
I know how much the darkness of wintertime is a struggle for you, so I imagine being on permanent DST would be so nice. I just love that I get a few hours of sunshine even after I’m done with work. It’s so nice!
Colton’s season was HORRIBLE – but I was there for those last few episodes – give me all the drama.
Daylight Savings time… I love being able to sit outside till after 8pm reading. That is what my Heaven is going to be like 🙂
Those last few episodes of The Bachelor were AMAZING. So much drama! It was everything I wanted. I’m interested to see how a two-bachelorette season will work.
And I totally concur: Heaven will be sitting outside reading way into the evening. Yes, yes, yes!
Ughhhh all around for the medical procedures and associated worries. Hoping the mole removal goes smoothly and has beautiful clear margins. I am a nail polish fanatic too, even though I paint my nails maybe once a month or so. The polish does NOT stay on my nails for more than a couple of days, and to get THAT kind of longevity, I have to do base coat, two coats of color, and a top coat, with abundant drying time between each coat and that’s… not really compatible with my life LOL. Oh well. It’s still fun to do once in a while! Do you have a favorite color? I am on the hunt for a nice coral-y pink right now but haven’t found anything I love enough to spend $8 on. I kind of wish nail polish came in teensy bottles for $2 or $3. Because I tend to get sick of colors quickly.
Suzanne, what a genius idea! I would love for smaller nail polish bottles because then I could try out more colors. Spending $8 on a nail polish, I want to be totally sure I’m going to love the color. I think my favorite color right now is this pastel pink polish from Olive & June (“Grateful & Kind”). I also have a beautiful gray polish (“Aw”) from O&J that I also love.
Yay for the new desk. I love that you got a sit/stand desk – it’s so worth it. I also love that you’re feeling better in your new role, I think it’s normal to feel weird during the transition, but you’ll be a pro at your new role in no time!
I am also glad to hear that your mom’s bump turned out to be just a cyst and that your dermatologist decided to biopsy your mole – better safe than sorry!
I am so grateful for doctors who play it safe: both my mom’s doc who had her get her cyst checked out to make sure it wasn’t anything serious and my dermatologist who biopsied a mole that looked just a little weird – good thing she did!
As much as I did not like turning the clocks ahead, I’ve come to the conclusion that I do NOT want permanent DST. I don’t think it would work in the winter. I’d still rather have more daylight in the morning, but oh well. Soon we’ll have plenty.
One of my cats turns two on Friday! You reminded me that I need to get her a present : ). Both the cat tress you’re thinking of look amazing! I got a pretty nice one for my cats few months ago 9although it doesn’t have a cave- love that feature) and one cat loves it and the other won’t go near it. Yes, cats are odd!
Glad everything is okay with your mom. I know, stuff like that is scary. And lastly… I think we need a picture of your nails!
It would be interesting to experiment with permanent DST but it would be such a huge shift and I don’t know how it would work for all of the states. I guess we’ll see what happens!
Happy belated birthday to your kitty! She’s an April Fools baby! That’s adorable.
I need to take some pictures with my nails – you’re right!
If you find some good nail polish drying top coats, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. My polish never lasts a whole week and I would love to find something that helps.
I am so happy to hear the good news about your mom! Yay! Sorry you have to get your mole removed, I hope it isn’t too painful.
I will report back, Nicole! I just picked up the Essie Gel Couture Top Coat – apparently, you don’t have to ONLY use gel polish for this top coat. I picked up a gel polish, though, so that’s what’s on my nails right now and it’s holding strong three days later. I would love to be able to stretch out my polish for two weeks! I need to try this new top coat with a regular nail polish, though, and see how it holds up.
So glad your mom is okay. What a relief for all of you. And sorry about the punch biopsy, but honestly, removing it now saves removing it + more surrounding tissue later, so… maybe that helps? Also, do they use the numbing cream + an injection? Sometimes that can help with the pain after it’s all done. Not that that helps now, since you probably had it already (sorry…late comment, again).
Your puppy pictures and plan to indulge the cats – combined with the beautiful dogs I saw on my walk today – make me want a furry companion even more. Sigh. Stupid allergies – otherwise, I would adopt a cat in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I can’t tell if I’m less allergic to a cat in the time allotted to spend with them when you go in to pick one to adopt. And I do NOT want to get one and then have to take it back. No way, no how. So I’ll just have to live vicariously through you.
Oh! And thanks for the rec on TaskRabbit. I would love to get a dresser from IKEA or something like that but… getting it in the apartment and together might be above my pay grade/cognitive status right now. It’s good to know you had such a good experience!
Take care…
I just had the punch biopsy done this afternoon! I think they only did an injection, not any numbing cream too. I took preventative Advil when I got home and just popped another dose a few hours ago since I was starting to feel a little achy. But so far, it’s not so bad. It just aches from time to time.
Yes – get someone off TaskRabbit to put together your dresser! I wish I would have reached out to them to hang up some curtain rods in my apartment. I tried doing it myself and it did NOT turn out like I wanted. But now I know – just get someone off TaskRabbit to do it!