anticipating recording podcast episodes with Bri over the next few weeks. (We haven’t recorded in two months!)
researching tours to do in Charleston for my mom’s birthday trip in July.
buying a new set of Mixtiles when they were having a great sale—16 canvas tiles for $100. (My mom and I went in together, so we each got 8 tiles for $50!)
thinking about my upcoming move and the fact that it’s only 5 months away! I am so excited to move, you guys. So. Excited.
reading The 1619 Project very slowly. I read one chapter every day or so. It’s dense and heavy, but I’m learning so much.
happy to report that my family member is responding well to cancer treatment. He was on a regimen of chemo and radiation and the radiation worked so well, he doesn’t have to do it anymore!
excited every time I see a blooming crepe myrtle tree in my neighborhood.
using the Pomodoro productivity method as I’m working to make sure I stay on task throughout the day (my focus has been terrible lately).
committed to getting into a better nighttime routine, especially as my psychiatrist was quick to point out that having a soothing nighttime routine could be helpful for my anxiety. (Imagine that!)
hoping that my mole removal on Friday goes well and the residual pain is minimal. I remember the area hurting a lot the last time I got a mole removed once the numbing agent wore off, so I’m prepared for a bit of pain.
loving my new bed. Every time I climb into bed, I am so, so happy because my new bed is so cozy and comfy. I waited so long for a new bed and it was well worth the wait!
needing to replace my running shoes. I honestly can’t remember when I bought the shoes I currently wear, but the soles are completely worn down and it’s really time for new shoes.
proud that I have managed to work out almost every day in May (I took Mother’s Day off because I had a killer headache when I woke up). There’s something about the idea of doing something every day that keeps the excuses away.
relieved that I finally sold my old bedframe. It’s been on Facebook Marketplace for a two weeks now and I’ve had to reduce the price a bunch, but didn’t want to reduce it any further. I should have it off my hands today!
loathing dealing with grown-up issues like having to find out why my water bill is 4x the amount it usually is (pretty sure I don’t have a leak, so it’s concerning)
watching Happy Endings. (I put it aside to watch Love is Blind and Master Chef, but now I’m back.) I started season 2 this week, and it just keeps getting better and better.
preparing to do an Enneagram training with my department at work. I am super excited to introduce everyone to the Enneagram and find out the numbers for all of our managers and our writers. I truly do feel like the Enneagram can be such a powerful tool, as it teaches you so much about your personality, motivations, and fears. And it’s very useful in a work setting, too! I’m looking forward to helping everyone discover their Enneagram number.
listening to the “Goodbye Michael” episodes of the Office Ladies podcast. I put off watching these episodes of the show because they were just going to make me sad, and they did, but I’m glad I powered through, especially so I could listen to Jenna and Angela talk to Steve Carrell about his time on the show.
Holy moly, that is a lot of cats! And a lot of pink! It looks fun though!
That is cool that you are doing enneagram tests with your coworkers. I think I mentioned that I don’t think I have ever taken one and I probably should but just have not put it on the list yet. It will be interesting to see what comes of your colleagues tests and how the different types will jive or what they will say about your group.
Nice work on selling the bed frame; I have been trying to sell some things on eBay as I don’t really want people coming to my house, but it is kind of a pain at times and I have had to lower the prices a couple of times to get things sold (or take a lower offer). In the end I would probably just give them to Goodwill but it is nice to get a few bucks back!
Ohhh, I have an idea of what your enneagram number is but I’d love to know what you end up getting once you take the test!
The buyer for the bed frame fell through, womp. I hate selling things, too. I’m going to try it one more time and then I might just have Goodwill come and pick it up. Blah!
Oh, that is annoying and is exactly why I have not used Craigslist and/or FB marketplace more. I just hate the lack of commitment. A few years ago I tried to give away a trailer that needed a little work but I put that in the ad and told people that they could have it for free but that it came as is and they had to pick it up. I put all of the details in the post and I still got people asking questions about things I had already answered, asking if I could bring it to them, etc. After that I kind of gave up on trying to work with people on that kind of thing! I just don’t have the patience.
That is super annoying, especially when you are giving it away for free! Like, the least you can do is come and pick it up yourself. Argh. I haven’t relisted the bedframe, but I need to. I’m going to give it one more try.
Whoa, two months! I am excited to hear what season 5’s focus will be!
I am so glad to hear that about your family member. That’s great news!
I hope Friday goes well too.
Yay for the new bed and how delicious (LOL) it feels to sleep in it. What a well deserved treat!
I am proud of you for working out so much and listening to your body when you needed rest!
That is really cool you are doing Enneagram training at work! We do DiSC, and it’s cool because you can go into the tool and compare yourself to another coworker and it tells you were you align and what you may need to work on (among many other things it does).
OMG all these pics from the cat cafe! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal!!!
Bri and I want to do a season where we take other personality tests and discuss them – the DiSC assessment is on the list! I’ve never done that and I want to!
That last picture of all the cats in a big pile just melts my heart every time I see it! They were so snuggly-wuggly!
You need new shoes ASAP! Just go get them. It will feel really good to have that chore off your list.
There’s a cat cafe in the next town over (although I don’t think it’s anywhere near as photogenic as yours!) and I am going to see if my husband will go with me later this week! Thanks for the date inspiration.
I need to get new shoes, I know! I just hate paying for new shoes, lol.
Yay! I hope you enjoy your cat cafe date. It’s so fun to be able to play with kittens for an hour.
I just made reservations for Wednesday at a cat cafe! Woot woot!
When things settle down at work, I’m going to propose that we do some enneagram discovery sessions. I think it would help us understand each other better!
Have you found a place to move to yet? I hope the process isn’t too awful and that you find something great!
And I somehow missed that someone in your family had/has cancer. I am glad the treatments were effective and they won’t have to do anything further, though!
Lastly – I’m so behind on podcasts that I just listened to the feedback episode! So by the time I finish your season, you’ll probably be dropping a new one! Whee!!!
So many good things in here! I’m excited for you and your move, and super excited about your nice comfy bed. There is just something wonderful about a good mattress. I like a really firm mattress and when I have to sleep in a bed that’s too soft I feel really OFF.
I’m excited for your new podcast season!
It’s amazing how differently I sleep on a good mattress! I thought my old one was FINE, but once I slept on a good mattress, I realized how lumpy it had gotten.
We’re hoping to release the trailer for season 5 next week! Yay!
I want to find a cat café to get my “pet fix”… 🙂
I am excited about your move and can’t wait to see how you set up the new place. And I am so proud of your workout streak! Yay! Even just 10 minutes count! But you do need to replace those running shoes ASAP.
You should visit a cat cafe! You would love it. It’s the perfect way to get a little pet snuggling time in without committing to anything. 🙂
Sounds like you have a LOT going on! For whatever reason, I’ve been having a lot of trouble focusing lately, too, and I’ve also been trying to do the Pomodoro technique to keep myself on task. I’m thinking of ordering an egg timer so I can actually leave my phone in another room during the work day…
Now *I* want to visit the cat cafe! I have to figure out where Engie went… it can’t be THAT far from me. And, it would be a good test of “Am I still deathly allergic to cats?” 🙂 (OK, I looked, and it’s about an hour from me… hm. I could also just go to the humane society but that might make me cry, so…)
Did you find a new place to live???? Have you been holding out on us? 🙂 I can’t wait to hear what you have planned!!! (And to see your new space… will it be bigger? closer to family? [I think you’re pretty close already?] In a new complex??)
I haven’t found a new place yet! My lease isn’t up until the beginning of November, haha. I am just starting to tour apartments to get an idea of what I want. I am hoping to move into a two-bedroom apartment so I can have an extra room to use as an office, but we shall see if that’s possible!