Loving… NaNoWriMo. I am having such a fun time writing my story. It’s a contemporary romance and my main character has a lot of my characteristics, so that’s fun to write about. I love NaNoWriMo for forcing me to do the work. And I’m over halfway to my goal, so there’s no stopping me now.
Reading… A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James. It’s a re-telling of Cinderella, and I’m reading it to fulfill the “retelling of a classic story” category for the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. I don’t think I’ll finish all the categories in this challenge (I won’t complete the microhistory and “novel published before 1850” categories), but I am going to deem this challenge a success anyway. Now I need to figure out a new reading challenge for 2016!
Anticipating… my trip to Universal Studios on Saturday, where I will visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter for the very first time! I’m going with Roomie and I know we are going to have the best time! I’ve never been to WWoHP (the last time I was at Universal, I hadn’t even read the books yet!), so I can’t wait to experience the magic. I want to reread the series next year, and I think this will give me the inspiration to do so.
Planning… to participate in The Holiday Council 2015. This will be my fourth or fifth year doing this program, and it’s one of my favorite end-of-year traditions. Reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the upcoming year is my jam, and I can’t wait for another three weeks of magic with Molly. 🙂
Wanting… an essential oils diffuser because I think it might help the congestion I’m still dealing with at night. I put it on my Christmas list and hinted to my mom and brother that I would really, really like that. We’ll see what’s under the tree on Christmas morning!
Thinking about… taking a break from social media for a little while. I understand why, but my feeds have gotten a wee bit too political lately. I’ve been getting lost in Facebook debates (not participating, just reading them) and there is just so much shaming that is happening, which makes me sad. A little time away never hurt anyone!
Wondering… how different Thanksgiving will feel this year without Grandma. I love Thanksgiving, so there’s a part of me that’s really looking forward to the holiday, but I’m also dreading how emotional the day will be.
Excited about… my next cruise – March 2016! My mom, stepdad, Roomie, and I are all going. It’ll be Roomie’s first cruise and I am so excited for her to experience it. It’ll be a quick cruise – just a 4-day one out of Tampa – but I am already counting down the days.
Celebrating… turning 28 in a matter of days! Ten days to be exact. I am feeling very good about 28. I feel weird to turn that age because I still feel like a kid, and I haven’t hit the milestones I thought I would have hit by now, but I feel like I am coming into my own. I’ve grown so much in this past year and have gone through certain deep valleys that I’ve emerged from knowing myself and what I want and need so much better. Here’s to a new age!
Grateful… for the love and support I’ve received from the blogging community in recent weeks. I always knew this community was an amazingly loving place – it’s been the one place where I feel like I can fully be myself and feel accepted – but I’ve been blown away. The cards, the emails, the care packages. It means so much to me, and I don’t know how to adequately convey my appreciation. Just… thank you. And I will pay it forward.
What are you currently reading, excited about, and grateful for?
Thanksgivings– any holiday really– after the death of a loved one are always bittersweet. We chose to honor my Dad at our first Thanksgiving without him last year by telling stories and remembering him by having a photo near the table. I found it important too to allow myself to have a big ugly cry about it before the actual meal which helped immensely! Sending love to you and yours.
Harry Potter World? Is it ok for me to be jealous, because I am.
And a cruise with your mom, step-dad and roomie? Again, cue jealousy. How awesome will that be??
I get the hardship around the holidays after the loss of a loved one. You do what you need to do to get through it: tears, cuddles with Dutch, Gilmore Girls marathons, holding your loved ones close. Whatever you need, you do it. <3
Glad that you're feeling the love and support the last few weeks. We love you!
I’ve been thinking about taking a social media break too. Sometimes the overwhelming amount of strong opinions and bickering that pops up after any major event gets to me and I just don’t want to deal with it. There has been a lot of arguing and negativity on my feed lately and it’s becoming tiresome.
Right now I’m reading Under the Dome by Stephen King. It has been sitting on my shelf for at least a year now, so it’s nice to finally be getting into it. I’m excited for the weekend to get here (I need a break, haha) and grateful for my warm, cozy apartment!
I think I’m doing The Holiday Council again, too! I’ve been undecided, but I love it so much so I think I’m just gonna sign up (then there’s no turning back).
I’m excited for the holidays, and I’m grateful for a three-day weekend THIS weekend so I can rest and relax before all the insanity starts.
Have the best time ever at Wizarding World of Harry Potter and share lots of pictures if you can! I’d love to go someday too. 🙂
The politics all over social media are driving me nuts too. I just feel like no one can change someone else’s mind about their political beliefs so why all the fighting? That’s why I refuse to comment on or share my political beliefs online. Ugh! Everyone needs to just agree to disagree and move on. A break from all of that would be nice!
I am glad you are feeling the love from the blogging community! I was on the receiving end of that love when I was in Charlotte. The care packages, card, thoughtful emails, etc really kept me going at times when I was really really struggling.
I’m reading “The Year of Living Biblically” which has been an entertaining and interesting read. It’s about a man who tries to follow the laws of the bible as strictly as he can. Phil is reading it too and we are planning to talk about it together afterwards as part of the book is about the author exploring his faith and deciding how he feels about his faith. I’m excited for Thanksgiving as I’ll get to see 4 of my nieces/nephews, 2 siblings and my parents, and we’ll eat delicious food! And I am grateful so much right now. The 10 days of Thanksgiving post series is a good reminder that I have so much to be thankful for. A great boyfriend, friends and family top the list!
Sounds like you’ve got some lovely things to look forward to coming up! My sister and her new husband were just in Florida a few weeks ago for their honeymoon – and they went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and found it be fantastic. I’ve always wanted to head down that way. Enjoy yourself on your upcoming trips!
It’s true that holidays are not the same without a loved one, but if one thing is for sure, I’ll bet your grandmother is watching over you and everyone she loves, and her spirit will always be there :).
Currently, I’m reading “A Field Guide to Getting Lost” by Rebecca Solnit (a new favourite writer of mine), as well as a couple of historical reference books periodically, and a fiction one titled “The Museum of Extraordinary Things”. I tend to read a number of books at a time lol. I am excited about this coming Saturday for a long-time-needed girls’ dinner date (including chocolate cake for dessert)! And I am grateful that I have managed to re-structure, if haphazardly, my working life after only a month since being laid-off.
Looking forward to upcoming posts!
I hear ya on taking a break from social media. It’s been out of control this last week with Paris, Isis, Syria debates, etc. I wish I had the strength to just delete my FB once and for all! 😛