Feeling… so happy that we’re in the fall season. The weather has been gorgeous lately (highs in the low 80s! Lows in the upper 60s!), and I love all the holiday decor. Just walking through the Christmas aisle makes me happy! (Nope. I am not mad that Christmas decor is out in mid-October!)
Reading… Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. I’ve been listening to the Freakonomics podcast for over six months now, and I really enjoy it because of the off-the-wall topics they talk about. So I finally borrowed this book from my library and I’m making my way through it. It’s a slow read for me, but still pretty interesting! It’s definitely making me think.
Watching… a lot of TV! My DVR is completely out of control, but that’s the way I like it. Some of my new favorite shows are Gotham (so intense and scary!), How to Get Away with Murder (definitely not on par with Scandal, but it has potential), Marry Me (the pilot episode had me laughing the entire 30 minutes), and Gracepoint (gah! So intriguing. I really do not know “whodunit.”).
Anticipating… finding out if I am going to be an aunt to another nephew or a niece! My brother and sister-in-law actually find out today, and I’m going to be on pins and needles all day today. Eek!
Listening to… barely any music nowadays. Whenever I’m in the car or getting ready for work, it’s all podcasts, all day. (So, basically, when someone says, “Oh, my God. I can’t stop listening to Taylor Swift’s new song!” I’m all, “Whaaaa?”)
Planning… my Halloween costume. My work is throwing a party and costume contest on Halloween, so I figure I need to set aside my feelings about Halloween (summed up in one word: meh) and find a clever costume to dress up in. Any ideas? (The best I can think of is Waldo. Clearly, clever Halloween costumes are not my forte.).
Trying… overnight oatmeal. I’ve never been an oatmeal fan, but I thought I would try overnight oatmeal and see how I like it. (Plus, I’ve grown tired of eating breakfast that only fills me up for 1-2 hours.) I found this delicious pumpkin chocolate chip oatmeal recipe over the weekend, so I made it, and verdict? Loved it. It. Was. So. Good. We’ll see how many weeks I can eat oatmeal for breakfast before I get sick of it. But for now, yum, yum, yum.
Realizing… how much better I feel when I stick to an early bedtime. I’ve been trying to shut down my computer and shut off the TV by 8:30/9:00, so I can be in bed at a decent time (9:30 is always the goal!). I sleep better, I wake up more easily, and I feel sooooo good. Why is it that the things that make us feel good are sometimes the hardest things to actually do?
Wanting… to change up my blog layout. It’s been over two years with this current layout, and I’ve grown a little tired of it. I’m just trying to decide if I want to cough up the money for another pricey design or try Etsy for a more cost-effective option. Time will tell.
Loving… work-from-home days, Sundays that include football and brother time, Halloween candy, Two Dots, long walks, afternoon naps, and getting “booed.”
What are you currently reading, planning, and wanting?
I totally hear you on the podcasts thing. I love them so much! I sprinkle in the radio now and then so I feel like I’m a little up-to-date, but for the most part, it’s alllll podcasts, all the time.
Okay, I freaking LOVE How To Get Away With Murder. Every single week, that show just amazes me. I haven’t gotten on board with Scandal yet, but if you think that’s better, then that’s just amazing and I need to start watching.
I too seem to have less and less patience for radio – I’m all about podcasts, or if I’m having a rough morning I just yell “omg shut up!” and turn off the radio completely. Ha! (It’s good I don’t commute with anyone).
Lately I’ve been reading romance novels…still. Although I have through in a pregnancy book or two – there are a couple more on my list I want to read so we’ll see. Romances are just such a great escape for me!
I’m currently planning a getaway in a few weeks! Ben and I are going away to a cabin in the woods (it has a kitchen and beds and toilets and running water – not as creepy as that sounded) with another couple and I can’t wait to just get away and relax. I’m sure it will be an unplugged weekend because I can’t imagine having cell service there, and there’s something about being out in nature that’s just so refreshing!
I don’t like coming up with Halloween costumes, either. We have a party on 11/1, and I ended up buying accessories to be a cat as it was only $8 at target. I was a cat last time I went to this party with Phil but I just don’t have it in me to come up with something creative.
Right now I’m reading “The Flight of the Silvers” which a friend recommended to me. It’s a little bit sci-fi/post-Apocalypse which isn’t a genre I usually read but so far it is good and I trust her tastes so I think I will like it! I’m planning out an agenda for my friend’s visit this weekend. I’m wanting this beautiful fall weather to stick around as long as possible!!
I’m totally “meh” about Halloween too, at least for adults. I believe that it’s mainly a kids thing; I’m all for dressing Isla up for Halloween, but I’m horrible at picking my own costumes! The best one I’ve seen for an adult was the Paper Bag Princess.
I’m interested to see what your new layout will look like! I love trying out new layouts (hurray for free ones at WordPress.com), but I always fall back to the same theme. Usually I’ll just change up the colours and the header, and I’m happy with the refreshed look.
I’ve heard Gotham is really good by a few people now! My step-brother shunned me because I haven’t watched it, haha. Maybe I’ll have to now!
And that sunset photo? GORGEOUS! My neighbour is in Florida right now on business and I’m jealous.
Exciting that you find out today if it’s a nephew or niece! Can’t wait to hear (if you opt to share, of course).
I love the idea of getting Booed; we sent something similar to the girls last week and I hope they loved it.
Costume ideas… do you have a favorite book or movie character that people would recognize? I’m not terribly creative, either. I’m probably dressing in all black next week and wearing tiger ears simply because I have them.
Love how happy you are in this post =)
I am thoroughly enjoying How to Get Away with Murder, and like you said – not quite Scandal caliber yet, but I like it.
Also, I’m so so happy for Fall weather, it’s the bestest.
I honestly wish we had a fun Halloween party to go to as I do enjoy dressing up for Halloween! The last time Eric and I went to a Halloween Party was a good 4 years ago and we dressed up as Leonard and Penny from the Big Bang Theory. It was super fun.
I am currently trying to relax on my couch after a super busy day at work before going back to work for 3 hours tonight. It’s that time of year again where work consumes my whole life so I don’t have much else going on right now.
I am right there with you on Gotham! I was always a Batman fan, so yeah…it’s perfect!
I’m not sure how I feel about “How to Get Away With Murder” quite yet. I’ve watched every episode, but it’s not quiiiite pulling me in the way I’d like for it to. I’ll keep watching it to see if my feelings change!
I had Bobbi of Ready to Blog Designs do my blog redesign. She also sells individualized templates, & she was lovely to work with. I can’t recommend her highly enough!
I went to bed at 10:30 last night – about three hours earlier than usual – & woke up feeling GREAT. Teach me your ways!
Also: Here’s my Halloween rec! 🙂 http://www.greatestescapist.com/2013/10/playing-dress-up-halloween-style.html
I’ve been wanting to try overnight oatmeal for awhile now and I think you’ve convinced me. It sounds so good! I think I should try the one you shared because I love anything having to do with chocolate. 😀
I also feel a lot better when I get to bed early but I have a tendency to make myself stay up later to try and get things done, even if it’s just reading. I need to break that habit!
Totally agree about Halloween. I love the decorations but dressing up? Meh. I go to an annual pumpkin carving party but no one dresses up so it’s more my cup of tea. I have never tried overnight oats but I just pinned a few recipes not too long ago so once we are settled in the house next week I want to make a big batch!
I am not reading anything at the moment! Boo! My books are all packed so I’ll have to wait until next week to pick up a new book. I just got A Thousand Splendid Suns & And the Mountains Echoed and I can’t wait to read both of them.
For Halloween I usually buy an accessory to add to something I already have. Like cat ears for a black dress. Witch hat for a black dress. Grass skirt to go with a bikini top. Last year I made a felt hat to go with a green dress to be Peter Pan. Lowkey and cheap. This year, I’m buying some sparkle to add to a sparkle dress to be the Milky Way.
I want to change up my blog layout, too! I’d love to get a custom layout done instead of just using a WordPress layout. I’ve been blogging for 6 years, I’d say it’s time. Hopefully I’ll start making more money over the holidays and be able to fit the cost into my budget!
I’ve gotten completely away from watching tv, which is sad because it means that my DVR is a little crazy too. I don’t know – would it be crazy just to delete everything? Yes.
I’ve been reading all the things.