Feeling… in a much more stable mental health space this month. And the funny thing is: I don’t know why! One of the changes I made over the past month was to start taking Lexapro at night, and maybe it’s a placebo effect, but it has made a real difference in my nighttime anxiety. But just like I can’t predict the days when I’ll feel bad, I also can’t predict the days I’ll feel good. For now, I’ve had many, many more good days than bad days this month and I am cherishing that.
Watching… new seasons of Survivor and The Amazing Race, as well as an older season of Masterchef (I’m in the middle of season 10 right now). Right now, reality TV is what my soul needs so that’s what I’m giving it.
Listening to… All-American: Venus and Serena. All American is a podcast series that spends every season focusing on a specific athlete and discussing the ups and downs of their sports career. Season 1 was all about Tiger Woods. I was super excited when they announced that the Williams sisters would be the focus of season 2. It’s been great to get an insight into their careers, as I don’t follow tennis very closely but I’ve always loosely followed what Venus and Serena were up to.
Grateful… that I didn’t break my toe! While it wasn’t fun getting injured on the last day of my vacation, I am grateful that it didn’t affect our plans too much and that the toe started feeling a lot better after a few days of ice and rest. I was in so much pain the first two days after the injury and I was convinced I had broken my toe (especially since it bruised up almost immediately), but I probably just strained a muscle or something during my tumble down the stairs.
Anticipating… recording the rest of season 2 of the podcast and launching it into the world! We still have three episodes of season 2 to record, and the plan is to record those in mid-October. However, everything is a little up in the air at this point as my poor podcast bestie broke her ankle and is having surgery on it this week. We’re taking things day by day, but I’m hoping she’ll be able to record a few weeks post-surgery! Our trailer for season 2 will likely launch on October 11th, so be on the lookout!
Loathing… Florida’s governor. He’s always been a despicable human (remember how he opened bowling alleys and movie theaters back up in May of 2020?). But he hit a new low when he promised a bunch of immigrants who are seeking asylum (a LEGAL process!) jobs and homes and shipped them off to Martha’s Vineyard… where there were no jobs and no homes. The amount of callous disregard for human life (ya know, from the party that believes in a “right to life”) Republicans have is staggering, and I just don’t know what I will do if DeSantis doesn’t lose his governorship this year. I am so sad for these people who were stranded in an unfamiliar place, pawns in a governor’s political scheme, and so grateful for the people in Massachusetts that stepped up. Once again, I’ll say it: You cannot be a Christian, you cannot believe in the teachings of Jesus, teachings of peace, hope, and love to EVERYONE, and be a Republican. There is just no way.
Thinking about… my next apartment. You guys, I am already so, so excited to move next year. I still have more than a year until that will happen! I need to temper myself. But I can’t help looking at apartment listings right now. Most apartments have virtual tours of some of their floor plans and it’s so fun to take a look and imagine myself in these beautiful apartments. My hope is to find a 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment within my price range. It’s a bit harder to find those floor plans because 2 bed/2 baths are much more popular, but I really don’t need a second bathroom (nor do I want to have to keep TWO bathrooms clean). I’m also excited to not have to contend with three flights of stairs every day! I’m hoping to find a first-floor apartment or, at worst, a second-floor apartment. Third-floor apartments are for the birds.
Needing… to decide on our cruise excursions! Okay, so we still have quite a while until the cruise (62 days!) but I’ve been starting to peruse the cruise excursion options at our ports of call (we’ll be stopping in Jamaica, Haiti, and Royal Caribbean’s private island in The Bahamas). So far, we’re thinking about river tubing in Jamaica, doing a “sip and paint” excursion in Haiti, and the Bahamas is a bit up in the air. We’ll be there on my birthday, so I have my eye on a hot air balloon ride, since I’ve never done one.
Buying… hurricane supplies. Ha! As I type up this post over the weekend, Florida is hunkering down for a hurricane. We’ve gotten real lucky this hurricane season, and from the latest hurricane trackers, it appears the Tampa Bay Area will be spared once again from a direct hit. But things were looking a little scary on Friday/early Saturday with the signs pointing to a potential Category 2 hurricane hitting us, so I got prepared! I bought a set of flashlights, bungee cords to tie my patio furniture to my balcony railing, an extra carrier for the cats, and lots and lots of snack foods. At this point, I’m expecting a lot of rain and wind, but nothing too serious. If things change, I’ll likely evacuate to my mom’s house with the cats. I don’t think it will come to that, but I’d always rather be over-prepared for emergencies like this.
Loving… football season (and the way my Dolphins have been playing!), the Fetch app, hurricane snacks, my apartment being decorated for fall, reorganization projects, Olive continuing to have clear scans 14 months post-treatment, breakfast for dinner, and when the cats show off on my Zoom work calls.
Hope you’re safe from the hurricane!
I would also be super excited to plan excursions, etc. It’s so nice to have something lovely to look forward to!
Having something to look forward to is always exciting! We booked this cruise so long ago that I haven’t let myself get excited about it. But it’s coming up so soon!
This post made me smile — it’s so nice when there are so many good things to look forward to! And hooray for a spate of good mental health!
Being in a good place with my mental health after so many months of struggling feels so, so good.
I’m glad you got those hurricane supplies- I don’t think Tampa is out of the danger zone quite yet! Hope you guys are all okay over there.
YES! The Dolphins look amazing this year! I’m loving this season so far.
What? You don’t like “Don’t Say Gay?” JUST KIDDING. He’s evil. I’m not sure if we have much hope of getting rid of him, although we can hope. There are some nice progressive areas in our state, but overall it’s pretty backward. Sigh.
I’m trying to have hope that we can kick DeSantis and Rubio out of office, but I know it’s going to be difficult. UGHHHHH.
Ugh. Desantis. I’m worried he might be the Republican candidate in 2024. He really is the worst. Using humans seeking asylum as pawns is so so so awful. I used to identify as Republican but haven’t since the lead-up to 2020 and honestly it’s impacted my views on faith/religion, too. What does it mean to be Christian if many/most support Trump? I listened to the NYT Daily podcast about the evangelical faith and how pastors are leaving during my run on Saturday. They interviewed a pastor about his experience when he spoke out about Trump. Gah. What has our world come to.
Poor Bri! I hope her surgery goes ok! I can’t wait to hear what the theme of season 2 is. maybe you’ve shared it on IG? I really enjoyed season 1!
It’s just wild to me that speaking out about Trump will get you run out of your church or even out of the Republican party. Like, what?! What has the Republican party come to?! It’s not good at all.
Bri had a successful surgery right before the hurricane and is on the mend! I’ve broken my ankle before but she broke hers way more spectacularly than I ever have, ha.
I hope you and the kitties and your family (and everyone!) are safe during the storm!
I feel so bad for Bri. I hope her surgery goes well.
And I am so glad you are feeling better! Yay!
My poor Briber. It’s been a hard few weeks for her! Hopefully she can get fitted for a hard cast soon and will be a bit more mobile than she is now!
So glad to know that you made it through Ian unscathed, but also so glad to know that you had a plan. Not that I expected anything else! 🙂
I also feel terrible for Bri – hope her surgery went well, that she is on the mend, and that you can resume work on ye olde podcast. I am so interested in knowing what your planned focus is for Season 2!!!
It was good to have a plan for Mr. Ian! It wasn’t fun but I am so, so glad our city was spared the devastation.
My lil Bri! She’s on the mend; she was able to get surgery right before the hurricane and is healing nicely!
I am so glad you’re feeling better mentally (although I can imagine you’d sure like to know WHAT exactly has been making the difference… as you know, Jon deals with anxiety too and one of the most frustrating things is that you can’t always predict when it’s going to be a good or a bad day).
I understand your excitement about moving, even if it’s a good while away… I always love looking at rental listings and imagining myself in a new space. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you find something nice in your price range!
It really is frustrating to deal with anxiety and how sometimes, there’s no reason behind having a good day or bad day. It’s just what the brain decides! Argh. But I’m glad things feel in a more stable place these days.