Loving… my fur-brother. Oh, you guys. He is so sweet and cute and funny and fun. He’s tiny – only 3 lbs – but he has so much sassiness in that little body of his. I’ve been trying to visit my mom as much as possible so that I can snuggle and play with him, and she brought him over on my last two work-from-home days so that I could puppy-sit him. Having a sleeping sausage curled next to me while I work is the best feeling ever. I missed it so much!
Loathing… sinus infections. I started feeling crummy over the weekend, waking up on Saturday to nasal congestion and lots of sneezing. I just got over being ill (I was sick the week after my cruise), so I was not too pleased with my body. This time around, though, it was obvious this wasn’t my typical cold because I was having a lot of sinus pressure and dealing with a low-grade fever. To the doctor I went, where she diagnosed me with a sinus infection and prescribed an antibiotic.
Watching… Scandal! I wasn’t able to keep up with the show after the winter finale, so I’ve been waiting for it to come available on Netflix. Scandal is seriously the perfect show to binge-watch, so I can’t help but watch multiple episodes a night (which is so unlike me – it took me three months to watch one season of Mad Men, ha). It’s amazing, though, to think about how ridiculous Scandal’s plotlines used to be… and now it feels like every new thing that happens in politics today is ripped from a Scandal script. Sigh.
Listening to… When in Romance. This is a new-ish podcast from Book Riot, featuring two of their contributors who are mega-fans of the romance genre. Every other week, they talk about news from romance-landia as well as make romance recommendations. It’s really fun but has made my romance TBR explode, ahh. Anyway, give it a listen if you love podcasts and the romance genre.
Anticipating… a three-day weekend. I’m not even planning on doing anything for Memorial Day, but I’m just excited to relax and enjoy a day off work. There’s something so indulgent about not working on a Monday, isn’t there?
Grateful for… helpful doctors. After feeling so crummy over the weekend, I scheduled an appointment at my primary care facility for Monday where I was given such amazing care. My regular doctor wasn’t able to see me, so I saw a different doctor and she was just so darn nice! She asked a ton of questions and really took her time with me – she didn’t just push an antibiotic on me immediately. When you’re feeling crummy, kindness from the medical staff feels extra nice, so I was happy to have such a positive experience with this facility.
Needing… to get back into my healthy living game. Man, it has been so hard to get back into it after my cruise because I’ve been sick for the majority of May and then the weeks when I haven’t been sick have been so busy that healthy living takes a backseat. It’s been very frustrating, but I’m also trying to not beat myself up about it too much. After all, my self-worth does not lie with the scale. And being kind to myself is always going to motivate me more than berating myself.
What are you currently loving, loathing, and grateful for?
I hope you are feeling better! Being sick is the worst. It seems like I often get sick after coming back from a vacation. I’m loving ‘The Crown’. We only have one episode left and then will have to wait for December for season 3. I’m loathing the humidity. It’s sooo hot here right now – in the 90s! And it’s really humid. It’s so early for this kind of weather. I usually like warm weather but this is a bit much and makes stroller rides so uncomfortable for Paul since he gets hot fast in the first place. I’m also grateful it’s a long weekend because having Phil around for 3 days will be wonderful!
Ugh, that’s crazy that you guys basically skipped spring and went right into summer after having such a long and hard winter. At the very least, Minnesota should have gotten a nice spring to counteract all of that craziness! Hot and humid is the WORST. We’ve been having a lot of rain lately and that has cooled things off tremendously, so I think Florida might be having nicer weather than Minnesota right now! Ack, what is that about?!
I hate sinus infections and being sick in general. I hope you’re on the mend.
I am sure your new little fur-brother is all the medicine you need 😉
Oh, that little fur-baby is the perfect remedy. He’s just so damn sweet. 🙂
It’s always so hard for me to get back to a routine after traveling. I try to remind myself to be nice to myself about it and that I’ll get back to the gym and back to all the other things I need to do, but man if I’m not mean to myself about it sometimes.
Glad you’re getting some super adorable puppy cuddle time in!
It’s really so hard to get back into a routine after a vacation, especially a long and relaxing one like a cruise! I was out of my normal routine for so long, and I’m just now starting to get back into my groove. Being kind to ourselves is always harder than it should be, ah!
Ugh, sinus infections are the worst. Hope you’re feeling better!