Reading: The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin. I’m only about 100 pages in, but I love it so far!
Loving: That my brunch date on Saturday brought me a flower. It was so unexpected and so sweet! I highly approve and he earned a bajillion bonus points from me. Dating can be really disheartening at times, but not all the time. 🙂
Thinking: About the NFL championship games this weekend! Oh, I am the most nervous! If you must know something about me, it’s that I am the biggest fan ever of Peyton Manning. (Um, I cried when he won the Superbowl. Yes. Cried.) And, honestly, he needs a second ring so his critics can stop talking smack. And! San Francisco, of which my brother is a diehard fan, is also playing in the other game. So, basically, I’m going to be a nervous wreck for all of Sunday.
Feeling: Content, restful, happy, present. January always feels like such a calm month, after the busyness of the holiday season. I am really enjoying 2014 so far. Hoping it is a year of big changes, but also love and happiness.
Anticipating: Starting Best Body Bootcamp on Monday! This will be my third time doing Tina’s program and I am really looking forward to it. She really puts together the best workouts and I can’t wait for that “toilet sore” feeling! My workouts have been very lackluster lately, and I know I can count on BBB to shake things up.
Inspired by: A ton of personal finance bloggers. Gina was kind enough to forward links to some really great personal finance bloggers who are in the same boat as me – paying off debt – and it’s been really inspirational reading their stories. My favorites are Blonde On a Budget and Girl Meets Debt.
Watching: Scandal! I am so addicted, you guys. It’s not even funny. I love this series and these characters and I just want them all to be okay and in love and happy.
Sad: When I think about the pain and tragedy and heartache some of my faraway friends are dealing with. It tears me apart thinking about what these wonderful, amazing, incredible girls are going through. It’s SO not fair and I can’t stop thinking about them and wishing I could somehow take their pain away. It just sucks, you know? I feel so helpless. My heart is very heavy.
Working: On my budget, all the time! I’m using a spreadsheet I adapted from Blonde on a Budget and I’m basically obsessed with it.
Grateful: For awesome coworkers, half-day Fridays, and the knowledge that there is a long afternoon nap on my agenda for today. Have I mentioned how much I love my job?
Listening: To Lorde’s album on repeat. I bought it a few months ago and I still can’t pick a favorite song. So good!
Wishing: That I had a fancy cruise on the horizon. Originally, my mom and I were planning on taking a 7-day cruise in May, but we never got around to booking it and a part of me is glad because I know I can’t really afford it. I’m crossing my fingers, though, that my tax return is sweet enough to allow me to take a 4-day Bahamas cruise sometime in May. I want to use the majority of my tax return to pay off my credit cards but also may use some of it to put towards a short vacation in the summer. (And since Carnival is showing rates for Bahamas cruises for under $350, I think I can manage it!)
What are you currently reading? Anticipating? Inspired by? Wishing for?
Prompt inspired by Caroline
Well I did this post yesterday so you know what my currently’s are! I haven’t watched Scandal all week but I’m looking forward to having a marathon session this weekend. Maybe even tonight!
Hi Stephany! I’m so happy and honored to be one of your favorite PF bloggers! 🙂 Good luck on your debt repayment journey. I will be reading and cheering you on!
clearly i feel ya on Scandal, because COME ON. love that show oh so very much and cannot wait for it to come back next month.
& my husband is a die hard 49ers fan so i have a feeling sunday is going to be a very on-edge day for our household, ha.
I’m reading Sing Me Home by Jodi Picoult. I just finished The Storyteller and initially loved it but once it settled I found a lot of things I was disappointed in, so I guess I’m trying to redeem her with this book. Ehhh so far.
I am anticipating my first cruise! It’s not until June so I have a while to wait still, but I’m still excited and a little nervous!
I’m rereading 1984. It has been years and years since I last picked it up, so it’s almost like reading it for the first time. Classic!
Thanks for the shoutout! I’m glad you’re enjoying the PF blogs. I’ve been using Blonde on a Budget’s template too and I love it!
That is so sweet that your date brought you a flower! How thoughtful! Dating is so hard, so it’s nice to have little pleasant surprises like that!
I will have to check out those PF blogs. I always love reading about others approaches to managing their finances!
I’m currently reading The Theory of Opposites by Allison Winn Scotch, anticipating a stressful week at work (womp womp), inspired by the way others in my life are handling the horrible things that have happened with such grace, and wishing I had a guarantee that I’d find a job in Minneapolis soon.