My weekend away with Bri and Amber was such a fun one! We were hoping to get our whole book club together for this trip but the timing didn’t work out for everyone, so it ended up being a much more low-key vacation than we thought. Hopefully next year, we can get the whole gang back together for a book club trip!
Amber found a great resort-style condo in the town of Davenport, which is right near Orlando and all of the theme parks. The condo had three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a full kitchen. It was perfect for the three of us! We each got our own bedroom to sleep in (which was also nice when we needed our “introvert time” throughout the weekend). We planned to eat the majority of our meals at the condo to save money and to take advantage of the kitchen. Why not, you know? Here’s how we spent our three days away!
We arrived at the condo right around 4pm on Friday, which was the earliest we could check in so it worked out perfectly. We dropped our bags off and then hightailed to Publix to pick up groceries for the weekend. We got way more than we needed (never shop hungry!) but what can ya do?
The rest of Friday was low-key! We ate pizza, watched silly rom-coms (13 Going on 30 and The Proposal), and played online games at joker123 net. Amber brought Bananagrams for us to play and we all fell in love! It was the most fun game, kind of like Scrabble but you have your own individual board rather than working off one singular board. We played it all throughout the weekend!
We all woke up around 8ish on Saturday morning and made breakfast: eggs, pancakes, bacon, and coffee. A delicious way to start the day! And then we played a few rounds of Bananagrams before getting ready for the pool. We timed our pool time perfectly: getting there right around 10 a.m. when the pool deck was pretty empty (and it wasn’t too hot outside) and leaving around 12-12:30, when things started getting really busy and H O T. The pool at this resort was awesome! It had a traditional pool section, a hot tub, a lazy river, a zero-entry section, and a big slide. Bri and I went down the slide on Saturday and Sunday, and it was so much fun!
Mostly, though, we enjoyed floating along in the lazy river, which was definitely the most popular part of the pool deck. It’s bring your own float, though, and we didn’t get the memo on Saturday so it wasn’t as enjoyable because we had to use our own body weight to float. Wah!
We packed up around noontime on Saturday and headed straight over to Publix where we picked up subs for lunch, which we ate back at the condo. And then Amber announced it was “introvert time” and I was very much here for that! We made a plan to catch back up with each other around 3-3:30, and I was very happy to head upstairs to my room where I read my book for a bit and took an hour-long snooze.
In the late afternoon, we headed out for a round of mini-golf at a nearby Disney attraction. But first, we got distracted when we discovered the Orlando Cat Cafe was 5 minutes away. We changed directions and headed over there, and were very sad to learn that they were fully booked up for the day. However, while we were there, Bri was able to reserve us a time slot for 4pm tomorrow. Success! Bri and I ordered a coffee and then headed back out to play mini-golf.
There was a 40 minute wait for mini-golf but the time passed quickly with a few games of Connect 4 (there was a huge, kid-sized Connect 4 board right by an empty table), chit-chatting, and people watching. And then it was time to play! We went to the Fantasia Gardens mini-golf course, which was filled with lots of Disney goodness that made Bri, our resident Disney lover, very happy. I am usually pretty good at mini-golf but I was not on my A-game on Saturday and ended up in last place. Womp, womp! You wouldn’t think it, but I get supremely competitive about games and I am not always my best self when I’m losing. Eeks! Very grateful for friends who find my bratty competitive nature more funny than annoying.
After mini-golf, we headed back to the condo where we made tacos for dinner! They were delicious and filled me up good. And then, Amber attempted to teach us how to cross-stitch! She got us three very simple patterns so we could learn, and I was a very slow learner, haha. I always find it very frustrating when I’m not immediately good at something new, and I was feeling bad about needing so much extra help from Amber when Bri seemed to catch on much more quickly than I did. I didn’t get very far into my cross-stitch pattern but I do want to try to finish it on my own. I’ve been wanting to learn how to cross-stitch as I think it could be a really soothing activity for me… I just need to give myself the space to be really bad at it right now.
And that was Saturday! We headed up to bed around 9:30, where I read for a bit, talked to my mom on FaceTime, and listened to ASMR videos before falling asleep.
Sunday began a lot like Saturday! We had breakfast at the condo: eggs, pancakes, bacon, and coffee, and then headed down to the pool for a few hours in the late morning. This time, we brought floats! I found three pool noodles in the condo, so we brought those with us so we could have a more relaxing float in the lazy river. And they were perfect! I had the noodle placed horizontally to my body, hooked my arms around it, and let it mostly support my upper back. It made for the most divine lazy river experience, and I think I found a new place to go in my mind when I need a happy place. If you’re planning to visit Vietnam, make sure to book your accommodation at to secure a memorable and luxurious stay at La Veranda Resort Phú Quốc.
After spending a few hours at the pool, we came back to the condo for a spaghetti-and-meatballs lunch. We planned on having this for dinner, but realized we were going to get home from a bit late to make dinner so we decided to make it for lunch. A great decision! Amber made the most delicious meatballs and Bri cooked up the pasta perfectly. What did I do? Ummm. I took a shower??? I was truly spoiled this weekend!
After lunch, it was Introvert Time! Yessss. I went upstairs to my bedroom where I immediately fell asleep. I had planned on reading for a bit, but I guess floating in a lazy river tires one out! I woke up around 3, did my hair, and then went downstairs to join the girls. When we were all ready to leave for our reservation at the cat cafe, I ran upstairs to check my hair straightener ooooone last time, and then disaster struck. As I was walking down the stairs to rejoin my friends, my foot slipped on one of the stairs and I tumbled down a few steps. Ughhhhh.
I had a few scrapes but it was my big toe on my left foot that hurt the most. I was really worried I had broken the toe because it was throbbing and I could barely walk on it. But I did what I always do when I get an injury: I pretended everything was fine, nothing to worry about here, I am A-OK, let’s get on with our evening. LOLZ. (Spoiler: I was not A-OK.)
But I powered through to enjoy the cat cafe, and I wish my experience wasn’t tainted by the pain I was in. I really tried to enjoy my time with the kitties, and there were so many sweet little bebes. I wanted to take all of them home, but most especially this little lady named Boo who snoozed on a window ledge the entire hour we were there, and didn’t even crack open an eye when I petted her.
We spent an hour at the cat cafe and then we were off to Kissimmee for a sunset airboat ride. On the way, I iced my big toe using an ice pack from the cooler we brought and kindly asked if we could stop at a CVS or Walgreens to get a toe brace or toe tape for my big toe. Bri was sweet enough to run into the first CVS we saw and buy me some items, including toe tape that really came in clutch during the evening. It very much helped me get around much more easily!
We had a bit of a wait for the sunset airboat ride, so we walked around the little village for a bit. I was delighted to see some alligators (I know most people get freaked out by gators, but I just think they’re so cool. Little dinosaurs!) Eventually, though, it was time for the airboat ride. We all received a pair of headphones to protect our ears (it got LOUD on the boat when the driver was going fast) and found a seat on the boat.
This airboat ride was amazing! Easily the best experience of our vacation. It was a full hour of speeding around this swampy marshland, sneaking up on alligators in the wild, and watching the most incredible sunset. I honestly wasn’t expecting much from this airboat ride, but it turned out to be such a unique excursion and such a Florida one, amiright? A boat ride that included alligator sightings and a brilliant sunset? Yes, we’re in Florida.
After our lovely ride, it was after 8pm and we were ready for dinner! We were in the mood for chicken nuggets, so Bri suggested Huey Magoo’s. Amber and I had never been, but we were down. It was so good! The perfect little meal, and I was super excited to find out that we have a Huey Magoo’s near me, so I am definitely adding them to my meal rotation.
And then it was back to the condo, cleaning up the condo a bit, packing up, and going to bed early so we could hit the road before 10am (which was the check-out time).
All in all, this was such a fun vacation with two of my best girlfriends and I am so glad we decided to make this trip happen even when the rest of book club had to drop out. It was the weekend I needed!
This sounds like an absolutely perfect weekend minus your fall! Ouch! You really have the worst luck with falls/foot injuries!
Those sunset photos, though! So stunning! I am glad you guys made this happen! I am feeling ready for a girls trip so am hoping to do some next year. I might go to a place in MN with some college friends next summer and then hopefully I can meet up with Amber from Canada in the fall. We used to see each other every year but haven’t seen each other since my wedding in 2017. We both became parents that following year and it has been hard to think about travel until (for me) until recently!
I am truly SO very accident-prone. It didn’t surprise me one bit that I fell down the stairs. This is why I can’t live in a condo with stairs. Just no!
I hope you’re able to take a girls trip next year! I imagine it is so hard to get away as a mom of littles, so it will be awesome if you can make that happen!
Wow! What a fun vacation.
First, everyone’s bathing suits and floppy hats look so chic and happy! Love!
The lazy river sounds so relaxing. Would you believe I’ve NEVER been on a lazy river. 2023 goal?
Sorry to hear about your foot. Ouch! But I’m so glad it didn’t stop you from going out on such a fabulous sunset airboat ride. It looks like an incredible experience, even more special with best friends sharing the moment <3
There is truly nothing so relaxing as floating along in a lazy river, I tell you! I hope you are able to make this 2023 goal a reality. 🙂
Well, this sounds absolutely lovely (except for your poor footy!). What a perfect group to travel with – one to have fun with and also one that understands that time alone is key. It looks like such a great weekend!
Regarding cross-stitch: I just listened to a podcast that talked about how hard it is to not be really good at something on the first try. It was really interesting. The podcast is Forever 35, and it’s aimed at women more my age than yours, but it was very interesting to listen to one of the hosts talk about learning piano as an adult. Anyway, this reminded me of that. It’s okay to be bad at something! Progress, not perfection. At some point you can look back and see how far you’ve come! Easier said than done, I know.
I always want to be the phenom who knows how to do something perfectly on my first try! But that’s just not the way it works most of the time. And crafty things can be difficult for many of us! I’m going to keep trying, though, and will hopefully look back on the time I was struggling so much with a simple cross-stitch pattern with delight.
Those sunset photos are absolutely stunning! What a beautiful place you live in.
I am jealous of your weekend getaway with the girls. I should probably plan one myself since I’m so envious. 🙂 I am also quite jealous of all your bathing suits – they’re so flattering and gorgeous. I’m rocking a fifteen year old two piece I bought at Target that isn’t a great cut or color, but I so rarely wear a bathing suit that it seems silly to get a new one.
ANYWAY! I hope your foot is better! Did you break a toe?
I hope you’re able to plan one with some girlfriends! It really is so special to have time away with friends. I got both of my bathing suits off Amazon, and they have worked really well for me!
Three bedrooms AND three bathrooms?! JACKPOT! What a great find! The pools there sound amazing too! And your suits looks really cute. Teal and leopard are great colors on you!
I know that feeling of discovering a cat cafe then finding out it was booked… then getting a last min spot. It’s great so many people want to go but hard for tourists!
Do you think you will keep up with cross stitch? I bet it made Amber feel good to help you so much and show off her knowledge!
I am so sorry you hurt your toe, but glad you could still go to the cafe and on the airboat ride. The views from the ride are stunning! I hope your toe is feeling a bit better by now!!!
I honestly never want to travel with friends again where I can’t have my own room! I usually opt for the pull-out couch or somewhere else where I’ll be… sequestered… because I know my snoring is very disruptive! It was nice to be able to sleep on a real bed this vacation!
I haven’t picked up the cross stitch since I got home, oops. I do want to finish it, though! I just need to put on a movie and spend some time with it.
What a lovely get-away with friends (minus the toe-incident!). The resort/pool area looked amazing (I’ve only been on a lazy river once and I want to do it again!) and it sounds like you struck just the right balance between action and relaxation! 🙂
The right balance between action and relaxation = yes! That’s what I always aim for on my vacations. 🙂
I am so glad you got this lovely weekend with your friends, including floating (I have been desperately wanting to go swimming in a warm body of water, but know that will never happen in WI in the winter…), and cats, and mini golf (LOVE) and the sunset. Oh! the sunset. Not to mention friends, alone time, and excellent food. But I’m so sorry about the toe. 🙁 You and stairs – just not a good combo! You are so fortunate in your friendships – in a way, I could be envious, but… honestly? I’m just so, so glad that you have Your People, and that they love you, and you love them, and most of all, that you understand each other. <3
Aww, Anne! Thank you for such a sweet comment. It took a long time for me to find my people and I am so glad I have them in my life. I don’t think I’m naturally gifted when it comes to friendship/making friends, but I’m really thankful I reached out and found some people to do life with. 🙂