Happy Monday, friends! Typically, on Mondays, I have a reading recap for you. But I didn’t read much this week! I’m basically reading the same books this week as I was last week so it wouldn’t have made for a very exciting update. Instead of that, I thought I’d take you along on a day in my life! Friday was a very busy day for me – much more than it normally is – so it seemed like a good day to document. Enjoy!
6:10AM: My body insists it’s time to wake up, but it’s not. I go to the bathroom and then go back to bed, but I don’t sleep very much since Lila jumps on me and demands pets.
6:45AM: My alarm goes off. I get up, turn it off, and then read a chapter in Anne of Windy Poplars.
7:10AM: I finally get out of bed and make myself a bowl of cereal and iced coffee. I eat breakfast while reading blogs.
7:35AM: I start getting ready, which basically entails pulling my hair back in a ponytail and throwing on yoga pants and a tee. I also pack a bag for this morning. I’m accompanying my mom to her endoscopy, so I pack my laptop and a book.
7:50AM: Drive to my mom’s apartment.
8:00AM: I pick my mom up and drive to the surgery center, which is only about 20 minutes away. It’s busy in there this morning but I find a chair tucked away in a corner next to an outlet. They have WiFi, thankfully, so I decide to spend the time I’m waiting doing work for a side project.
9:30AM: An entire hour after her procedure was scheduled, my mom is finally taken back for her endoscopy. I continue working on my project and finally wrap it up around 10:30, right around the time the nurse comes to get me.
10:35AM: Mom looks good and isn’t too groggy from the anesthesia! Funny story: she had so many people asking her if she was cold and/or wanted a blanket. She was wearing a tank top and shorts while everyone else was covered up. My mom just naturally runs hot (she keeps her AC at 70!) but it was funny how many people expected her to be freezing in what she was wearing. She’s given a soda and her doctor meets with her to discuss what he did (took some biopsies and widened her esophagus), and then we can leave! Yay!
11:00AM: We leave the surgery center and we’re both starving at this point so I drive us to IHOP. Another story that’s very indicative of our relationship and how much we both hate making decisions: I asked her where she wanted to eat and she immediately responded with, “Oh, no, I’m not allowed to make any decisions for the next 24 hours.” (Since she was under anesthesia, she was told not to make any crazy decisions until it’s worn off completely. FUNNY, MOM.)
11:15AM: We get to IHOP and it’s surprisingly packed. We get a seat quickly, though, and order. I’m nearing a hypoglycemia episode at this point, as it’s been four hours since I last ate and what I ate wasn’t very filling. Thankfully, our food comes quickly before I’m in a full-blown episode. (I’ve been doing pretty good at keeping these episodes at bay, and this was the first one I’ve had in a few months at least!) I get an omelet with a side of toast. Mmm! So good!
11:50AM: After eating, we stop by Publix because my mom wanted to pick up some supplies. She’ll be confined to her apartment for the rest of the day, until my stepdad arrives home late in the evening, so she needs to make sure she has food on hand.
12:20PM: We’re back at her apartment, yay! I decide to come in to help her with Chip for a bit. We take him on a walk and then I play with him.
1:00PM: I leave my mom’s place and drive back home. Right now, I’m regretting the fact that I didn’t cancel my therapy appointment because all I want to do is take a nap! Alas, no rest for the weary today.
1:15PM: I’m home and I get the mail. Is anyone else terrible at getting their mail regularly? I probably pick it up once a week when I need to be getting it every three days. Oops. Anyway, my Sephora PLAY! box has arrived, woohoo! I open my box when I get inside (after loving on the kitties for a bit, of course). It’s a decent box, although some stuff I’ve gotten before.
1:25PM: I have about 30 minutes before I need to leave for therapy and as much as I want to just lie on my couch and read, I know I’ll fall right to sleep if I do. So, instead, I put in some more time with my side project.
1:45PM: I close my laptop and put it away. Then, I get dressed in workout clothes, fill up a water bottle, and head out. I drive to my therapist’s office.
2:15PM: I have a great therapy appointment! It was surprising how much we had to talk about, but then again, not really. My therapist is just so good at figuring out exactly what I need to talk about, even when I show up with nothing on my mind. We discussed an issue I’m having at work (#impostersyndrome), dating, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It was a really great appointment and I’m glad I didn’t cancel it.
3:07PM: After therapy, I drive to my gym and get in a solid workout. I spent 20 minutes on the recumbent bike and then 15 minutes using some of the weight machines.
4:18PM: I’m home and I take a hot shower. So nice! So necessary! I’m trying not to wash my hair as much as I used to (I wash it every three days now) so I just wash my body and shampoo my bangs.
4:30PM: I use dry shampoo for my roots and then dry my bangs and quickly run the blow dryer through the rest of my hair.
4:41PM: I lie down on my bed to read but I only read one chapter before my eyelids feel heavy and I’m zonked out.
6:00PM: My alarm wakes me up. Oh yes, don’t you worry. I had a distinct feeling I would fall asleep if I lay in bed and read, so I set an alarm beforehand. It was a really perfect nap, though. And I made sure to sleep on my back so I didn’t disturb my bangs. I wake up in what I call my “cat sandwich,” where I have one cat lying next to me (although I guess it’d be more of a Stephany sandwich?!) It was so hard to get up with my girls snuggled next to me, and they definitely gave me an annoyed look when I did, but up I go. I do my hair and makeup for tonight.
6:45PM: I leave my apartment and head to a friend’s house for her birthday party!
7:10PM: I arrive and show up right as a friend and her husband do, so we give each other hugs and walk in together. I hand the birthday girl her gift, which she opens up right away (on my insistence).
It’s a really fun party, made even better because it’s a combination of my book club girls (my faves!) and former coworkers. It’s so much fun to catch up with some of them and chat about lives and jobs and travel. There is pizza and brownies and a really cute doggo that I can’t help loving on. He is the sweetest!
10:22PM: I leave the party and I am pooped. This was a really full day and I am looking forward to tomorrow, as I plan to do nothing but sleep, read, and play with my kitties.
10:48PM: I’m home. I say hi to my girls, put on my nightgown, take off my makeup, and then do a face mask.
11:15PM: I wash off the face mask, brush my teeth, and then start my nighttime routine of cleaning the litter boxes and tidying up the apartment.
11:33PM: I’m finally in bed! I plan to read a few more chapters of Anne, but mostly I scroll through Instagram and then watch 10 minutes of an ASMR video on YouTube.
12:04AM: Lights out! Here’s hoping I can sleep in tomorrow.
That was a full day! I am the opposite of your mom – I am always cold! I actually wish that I was more like your mom because I can never dress for the seasons. All summer I freeze at work so I can’t wear short sleeves and I freeze in dresses and skirts. I wear more dresses in the fall/winter because then I can wear tights!
Glad your mom’s procedure went ok!
What a full day (even though you didn’t go to work).. haha.
Tell me about Imposter Syndrome… sometimes I feel like I totally know what I am doing (and people don’t give me credit) and sometimes I feel like totally out of place. Is that normal?
I am so glad your mom’s procedure went well! LOL at her saying she can’t make any decisions for 24 hours. I hope she is feeling 100% recovered from it!
Your cat sandwich sounds lovely. I love when I wake up like that!
And I love hearing how awesome your therapist is! YAY!!!!